Hi my name is Devin And I just sign up.
I'm not entirely sure what I have been experiencing is lucid dreaming but that seems like the best answer.
For the past year or so I have noticed that when I sleep for long enough to dream I tend to return to a world or "town" that as far as I can clearly remember is symbolic of where I have traveled and lived throughout my life.
It is really hard for me to clearly explain how it feels but it's almost like a TV show or something like that. For the most part as far as I can remember everything that happens when the dream starts and it seems to continue from where the last dream has left off.
Everyone in my dreams seem very familiar. The people of my dreams are my friends and family but not exactly them from real life. There are enough similarities for me to tell when I'm interaction with my brother or friends but they are still.. different.
When I tell friends of the events of these dreams they usually tell me I had a nightmare but that's not what they are.
Yes there are very violent scary moments within these dreams but it almost seems just natural.
Basically what I'm getting at here is that for the last year or so I have felt like I;ve been living 2 lives. The real world and this other life I have now come to call simply "Dream Town".
I am basically just looking for some insight here and trying to find out if anyone has experienced dreams like this,

If you managed to actually read through this thank you and I await some insight.