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    • 1 Post By TashaWolf

    Thread: Very committed newbie

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2014

      Very committed newbie

      I am very new to the training practice of lucid dreaming, but I am very committed and have high goals for what I can accomplish. I mean new as in just started some techniques a few days ago. I've already read about becoming lucid for a few hours each of these last few days because I really do want to know as much as I can to get into it. I've recently quit smoking weed because I noticed that it makes it impossible to remember any dreams, and since then I've remembered a couple each morning I wake up! This morning was my second day recording in my DJ, although the dreams are still a bit vague for me, I try to just lay there for a bit and see what comes back to my memory. I have even been RCing like 20 times a day so I can get in the habit of it haha
      I'd love to speak with you guys about all of this and more! Have any of you successfully been able to meet up with another LDer in the dream world? I'm very interested to hear what you have to say about it
      Thanks so much!
      -Tasha <3
      gab likes this.

    2. #2
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      Hi Tasha, welcome to Dreamviews!

      I'm glad you are DJing. It will help you with recall. Also, thinking about your dreams will tell your mind, that you like having and remembering them. Here is more about recall Dream Signs and Recall

      Dreamsharing, and other similar interesting topics can be found here Beyond Dreaming

      Induction Methods and Techniques

      Happy dreams and do ask if you have any questions

    3. #3
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      Hi Tasha!
      Dedication and consistency are probably the most important traits to successfully achieve your lucid dreaming goals (or any life goals really!), so you're already doing great! Combined with honest self-evaluation and a curious mind to learn all about the different ways to approach lucid dreaming, should result in great success! Make sure to give it the time it requires: it takes a while for the brain to adapt and get good at dream recall, extra awareness, RCs, etc. A common suggestion is to dedicate yourself to LD practice for at least a solid year. Many dedicated beginners get their first LD within a month or two, some faster than that, but that's a good guideline. Start out with a focus on dream recall, and while you're working on that explore the DV forums. An excellent thing to do is to create a workbook in a DV Academy class to write your progress and receive feedback from the instructors.

      Also a really fun thing is to participate in the competitions that run every other month or so, keep an eye out. Competition #17 has already started but you could follow along and watch the progress of the participants, and read their dream journal entries, it's a lot of fun!

      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

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