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    • 1 Post By noseplug
    • 1 Post By noseplug
    • 1 Post By NyxCC
    • 1 Post By Lang

    Thread: Hi All!

    1. #1
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      Thumbs up Hi All!

      I've been interested in LDs for 5 or so years, but after recent events, I've decided to take it more seriously.

      I've only every had DILDs, and my experiences were few and far between (sometimes I would get a few clustered together during the weekend, but usually they were just random). This Thanksgiving break, with the food and extended sleep schedule, I was having 1-3 LDs a night (some only lasting a few seconds, others closer to 20 seconds). In addtion, my dream recall and vividness of remembered non-lucid dreams spiked. This went on for 5 days, then as soon as work started up again, the effects dropped off completely again. Last weekend I had the longest and most vivid LD of my life (2scenes, total length about 30 seconds - 1 minute) where I was actually able to stabilize, which was really empowering.

      Since then, I've started keeping snippets of a dream journal again. I never really did reality checks before, but I'm trying to make that a bigger part of my dream routine. I'm also thinking of trying other methods such as WILD (which hasn't worked even once for me yet, although I've felt intense hypnagogia while trying). I'm also considering using supplements (3g Melatonin) on the weekends when I can get more sleep, so that I can delve a little deeper.

      Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself! I'll be starting a more formal dream journal tomorrow and try to post here every day. Thanks for reading my spiel, and happy dreaming!
      NyxCC likes this.

    2. #2
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      Welcome Noseplug! Glad to have you here!

      Sounds like one of the reality checks you are considering implementing is...noseplugs! Have you started incorporating these already and are you thinking about adding other ones as well?

      Isn't it also amazing what a few stress free days can do to both our recall as well as lucid dreaming ability? If only we could transfer that same attitude to the rest of our days our dreams would be golden!
      Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

    3. #3
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      Thanks for the warm welcome NyxCC!

      If only we could get more stress-free time. I just started implementing noseplugs yesterday actually. As far as other RCs, I'm trying to just slowly introduce new habits and make small adjustments to my schedule so I don't end up in that endless loop of over-hyping myself for a hobby, then burning out a couple of weeks later. I think diligent DJing, consistent RCs (I did one as I'm typing this), and recognizing dream signs will lead to better long-term results for me.

      Speaking of dream journaling, I went lucid for 20-30 seconds last night! Since my LD count is pretty low, it's still really exciting for me every time. I'll be entering it into my DJ in a few minutes so that I can start that habit as well. SSILD after 5 hours of sleep really did the trick this time. Now to make it consistent!
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    4. #4
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      I think diligent DJing, consistent RCs (I did one as I'm typing this), and recognizing dream signs will lead to better long-term results for me.
      That sounds like a good strategy! Fantastic to see results already! Regarding the excitement of lucid dreams, I think for a lot of people, myself including, this feeling never really wears off. Upon becoming lucid, there's always that joy which can even carry over the day .
      noseplug likes this.
      Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

    5. #5
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      noseplug likes this.
      With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
      I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!

      “It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”

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