Welcome to the conversation! By the sounds of things your input will be a great addition to the forum. |
Hi, all. I’m a long-time lurker here. I’ve never found forums a very natural form of communication—mostly because what’s natural for me is to immediately drag a conversation off-topic, and not being able to do so takes most of the fun out of it—but it seems to be going pretty well this time around, so I figure I’m overdue for an introduction. |
Welcome to the conversation! By the sounds of things your input will be a great addition to the forum. |
Welcome/Hi again! |
Last edited by slash112; 02-03-2018 at 11:42 AM.
-- My Videos --
DILD Tutorial| |WILD Tutorial| |DEILD Tutorial| |Lucid Dreaming is The DEVIL?!
Reality Check! (new)| |Why you're not getting LUCID| |Why NOT to be Scared of SP
Hey Slash, |
Good to see someone remotivated for lucidity. |
As the beginning of wisdom is to "to know that you know nothing," so too the beginning of awakening (for lucidity) is to know that you are not awake. - Stephen LaBerge
Hello and welcome |
For my own part, I’m philosophically committed to the impossibility of a general interpretive framework for dreams—or for anything, since I don’t think meaning works that way. In practice, that seems to put me close to Jung on most counts—at least, if I’ve understood him correctly. But I think frameworks can be very helpful if you’ve got a knack for when to apply them. |