Welcome to my guide to dream recall and lucid dreaming. First off being lucid is to be aware that you are currently dreaming. Some people believe they don't dream, but everybody has between three to five dreams a night, the problem is remembering them. Now i'd like to point out that all dreams don't have to have you in them. Some dreams are you being another person, or you just seeing the dream, but not being in it. Thats ok if you can remember them you can later become lucid.
To begin this guide buy or gather these materials.
- One or more notebooks (spiral are bigger)
- A couple of pens
- (Optional, but highly reccomended) A light that attaches to your bed.
Once you gatherd these items put them near your bed. Now your almost ready. You should first prepare by following these rules/steps.
- Try not to do anything in your bedroom but sleep
- Don't intake caffeine, this stays in your system for up to ten hours!
- Don't eat within a couple of hours between bed
- If naps prolong the time to fall alseep don't take naps
- Obtain atleast an hour of physical activity daily
- Quit smoking, or other chemical enhances (drugs, alcohol etc..)
- Stay on the same sleep pattern for atleast a week, this means go to bed at around the same time, and wake up at around the same time
After these rules have been adjusted to your scheudaule continue on. Leave the note books next to your bed, with the pens. If you bought a head light attach it to your bed and make sure it works. Now go to bed at your adjusted time. When you wake up dont move, open your eyes, or think about your day. Just think about you just drempt. This takes alot of practice and can take days to master. When you wake up, you'll be in the same position as you were when you were sleeping. Now when you got the story plot of your dream figured out write it down in your journal. Make sure you record the date, mabye the time, and mabye the position of your sleep.
Over the next couple of days you'll notice that it's easier to remember dreams. This is your dream recall. I did this and within a number of days i remember three dreams a night. I stopped doing this technique and affter three months of practiicing lucid dreaming, i can't not remember my dreams. This is good. Now once your dream recall is up to about three dreams a night research many lucid dream techniques, and practice one that sounds good. After some time you'll realise you can lucid dream. Good Luck! Any comments questions? please post them here.