Quote Originally Posted by frostblade View Post
i'm pretty new to all this stuff, so maybe i just need more practice. but i tried to WILD and stuff happened but it didn't really work. Here's how it happened:

i went to sleep for about 6 hours, woke up on my own (i wasn't actually planning to WILD but when i woke up i thought i'd give it a try.) i did the whole breathing/counting thing till my legs and part of my arms were numb/tingly. i felt the vibrations ur supposed to feel, but i felt like 5 of them and some of them felt more like a shiver than a vibration (i don't know if that makes any sense, but whatever). then my eyelids started to twitch rapidly for a while, and then everything stopped and i felt like i had failed the WILD.

i did a few reality checks to make sure i was awake, and i was. anyone have any ideas what i did wrong? thanks
From what I'v read in most places, only do a reality check as a last resort. Or when things go weird, because apparently they make it so you suddenly go "Oh ace, I'm dreaming".

But whatever you do, don't do what I do and just go "Oh I'm dreaming" then just try and do something impossible (like try and zap something like Dr. Doom from The Fantastic Four).