Hi there, DV forum people! I hope I've posted this in the right topic, it's the first time I've created one of these things before.

I'm Charlene, I'm a Pisces, I like reading, chocolate and long walks on the bea dreaming.
I've been lurking around these forums a while now. Since then, I've only had a few lucids - they were all fuzzy and didn't last for very long but it's a definite improvement over "one fuzzy, short lucid dream back in 2004".
Decided to join up on New Year's Day - a resolution of sorts - but haven't posted anything until now. New resolution: break old lurker habits!

Why is it the only reality check to ever work for me is "pinch me, I'm dreaming", no matter how many times I jab my finger into my hand? I don't think "breathing through a blocked nose" will work for me. Too many hayfevers and nose bleeds make me open my mouth to breathe on instinct.
That's it, I'm going to look for a topic on this when I stop typing.

Aims: a decent lucid. Hopefully through DILD. Maybe I'll try another method when I feel more confident with my LD abilities.