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    Thread: Hi everyone!

    1. #1
      Member DarkCoffe64's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2010

      Talking Hi everyone!

      Hi, I'm DarkCoffe64, and I'm a new menber of the forum!
      Nice to meet you all!!!
      First of all: I want to make you know that I'm italian, so, if you see
      any grammar error, sorry. I know english very well, since I started reading
      when I was, like, 4-5, because most of the videogames that I have are in
      english, so, to understand them, I studied english a lot.
      Now, you'll would like to know why I joined the forum, right?
      Well, I was reading a FAQ on GameFAQs about the videogame
      Nights Into Dreams, and I was reading the story. Then, I found the words
      "lucid dream" and, I don't know why, I had a flash in my mind, with something
      about my childhood. I had the urge to find a guide or something about how to
      have lucid dreams. And I found this forum. I did read some topics about lucid dreams,
      and now, I would like to have some too! It's seems so cool...

      Well, for someone that doesn't know what is Nights, is a game for the Sega Saturn
      (and Wii) that talks about... Dreams! I don't know why, but when I
      think about lucid dreams, I every time image Her (or him, since it's not explained what sex Nigths is)
      as a "guardian" or something about our dreams.
      Here's an image so you can see how Nights looks like:

      But now, this isn't a forum about videogames, so, I'll talk more about me.
      So, as you did just read, I like videogames. And I have a lot of them! And,
      I know a lot of things about videogames! If some of you guys have any question, just ask!
      Then, I like drawing, and I'm pretty good at it, I like
      listening to music, and I don't mind what genre is, if I like it, I listen to it!
      I like reading mangas too, and the most that i read are Funny ones or adventures,
      sometimes about love stories, but I prefer the other genre...
      I have a lot of imaginations, and I image a lot of things like, when listening
      to a particular music, I image a scene of a battle with two character that I
      have drawn, or sometimes I image myself in a scene of a comic/videogame
      and how I change completely the story in that moment...

      Now, let's talk about dreams! I don't have a lot of dreams, or maybe I have,
      but I don't remenber them, but there are three dreams that I remenber the

      In one dream, I was flying in space around the earth, and, after some time that
      i passed flying around it, I crashed in the desert on a piramid! Then, snakes, scorpions
      and other things that I don't like got out of the piramid and jumped on me... Then I woke up.

      Another one that I rember, Is that I was having COUGH"sex"COUGH with a girl...

      And the last, I remenber, It's pretty long, so, I'll post in a spoiler...
      All the characters in the next dream are from the Mario Bros series...
      Spoiler for Third dream:

      Another sort of dream that I remenber was falling. Falling until I hit the ground and then I woke up.
      And, I don't know why, but when I was going to school, every time the clock
      was about to ring, In my head there was a voice that was saying
      "3... 2... 1..." Then I wake up and the clock start ringing!

      Now, I hope that you aren't angry at me, because I have written a lot, but it's
      because I like talking about me (I don't have many friends), so, please
      don't be angry at me! Sorry!

    2. #2
      Back from Hiatus! BigFan's Avatar
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      Welcome to DreamViews. Enjoy your stay and look at the tutorials for more info on inducing LDs
      # of LDs so far: DILD-1, WILD-0, Awareness-5
      Max Dreams recalled in one night: 3
      Goals: Learn to fly [] - Find out more about myself [] - Explore the sea [] - Pray in an LD []
      Read my DJ: Whirlwind of Dreams
      Read my current research: CAT Research
      Read my meditation experiences: Meditation Experiences

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Mar 2010
      welcome to the forums!

    4. #4
      Member Achievements:
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      Welcome to Dreamviews! I too am a big time gamer and have had many video game themed lucid adventures. There is just something amazing about living out a video game. Nights into Dreams is a classic game and it got me first interested in dreaming years ago. I still own my Saturn and I still play Nights every so often. Well, good luck to you and again, Welcome!

    5. #5
      Member Achievements:
      Made lots of Friends on DV Created Dream Journal Referrer Gold Tagger First Class Populated Wall 10000 Hall Points Veteran First Class
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      Hey! Welcome to Dreamviews. I'm glad you are thinking it is cool! Lucid dream is so...amazing. I love it. If you haven't already, make sure you check out:
      The Staff List
      Lucid Dream Induction Techniques
      Those links will help you get started, and in no time have lucid dreams!
      Remember Confidence is VERY important in lucid dreaming
      Some abbreviations to remember:
      LD = Lucid Dream
      DG = Dream Guide (More info on that here. Dream Guide can also refer to part of the staff.
      DV = Dream Views.
      If you have any more questions, just reply, or post in another section of the forums!)
      Welcome to DV

    6. #6
      MY Achievements:
      Referrer Bronze Created Dream Journal Made lots of Friends on DV Tagger Second Class 1000 Hall Points Veteran First Class
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      Welcome DarkCoffe64!
      Its good to have many people interested in lucid dreaming.
      Mancon posted basically everything you really need to know as a newcomer.
      Thank him for it!

      Having Trouble With Dream Control and Clarity? Reflex Stabilization Technique


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