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    1. #26
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      Quote Originally Posted by kage View Post
      yeah, i think about the grossest things i've ever seen were on rotten.com... i haven't experienced too many really gross things in real life, thank god![/b]

      ummm... thanks for that link!

    2. #27
      Member petersonad's Avatar
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      I knew of someone who would keep a spit bucket in her room. And would allow the bucket to be filled with spit and all sorts of regurgitation until she felt like throwing it away. Not the best idea to sit near that if you have to eat in her room.

    3. #28
      the angel of deaf Achievements:
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      When I was a kid I was walking away from my house to the video place or something like that. And I began to feel that I need to do... 'something'... But I thought I could hold it, so I kept on walking... After a while I decided it's a better idea to get back. So I started to walk back, then graudally the walk turned into a trot, the trot into a run, the run into a world record breaking sprint, and guess what? I was one second too late.
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    4. #29
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      One of my childhood friends - who is retarded but a really nice guy - took a dump in the woods when I was 7 and him 8. He did it right infront of me, and then he started to wipe his ass with paper he had brought from home. But that wasn't the most disgusting part. After he had wiped his ass with the paper he put it into his pockets.

    5. #30
      Cheese Monger Achievements:
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      Once we were at the zoo and we witnessed a gorilla defecate into his hand and eat it.

      And in kindergarten, someone called Tess was standing in front of the whole class and she wii'd

    6. #31
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Tyrantt23... that may be the most disgusting thing I've ever read. And first thing in the morning... what a way to start off the day.

      Petersonad, your story reminded me of something my sister done once. She was really sick and contsantly hacking up jelloy chunks of pleghm. Instead of go to the bathroom to spit it out every couple of minutes she found an old chip bag and sat it beside the couch, simply spat into that for a couple of hours.

      My aunt and her kids came over, the youngest ran for the chipbag, snatched it and plunged his hand into it. It was great to see the transformation on his face, that greedy, smart ass smirk turn into jaw drop. He pulled his hand out and it was totally covered with thick strings of snot like spit and large gobs of quivering phlegm.

      As funny as it was I still could barely keep myself from gagging at the sight of his hand.

    7. #32
      Member Folqueraine's Avatar
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      tyrantt23, I did almost the same... I was 10 and caught gastro enteritis from my cousin... I went to throw up down the loo and... well, let's say the same thing happened. Luckily (if I may say) I still had my pyjamas on, so there was less mess, I just put it in the washing machine.
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    8. #33
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      Quote Originally Posted by Folqueraine View Post
      tyrantt23, I did almost the same... I was 10 and caught gastro enteritis from my cousin... I went to throw up down the loo and... well, let's say the same thing happened. Luckily (if I may say) I still had my pyjamas on, so there was less mess, I just put it in the washing machine.[/b]
      Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one. At the time I felt like I was dying, not to mention it was really "yuck" to say the least, but nowadays me and my sister get a good laugh out of it from time to time.
      By the way, this is the first time I told anyone else about it. Figures... I never told anyone, then I go and post it on the internet.

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    9. #34
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
      My aunt and her kids came over, the youngest ran for the chipbag, snatched it and plunged his hand into it. It was great to see the transformation on his face, that greedy, smart ass smirk turn into jaw drop. He pulled his hand out and it was totally covered with thick strings of snot like spit and large gobs of quivering phlegm.

      As funny as it was I still could barely keep myself from gagging at the sight of his hand.
      Haha, that's disgusting yet hilarious.

    10. #35
      56 QwinsepiaSquared's Avatar
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      Hahahaha, these stories are hilarious and nautious at the same time! What a great combination.

      Alright, so this happened to my cousin, not me. He shares a dorm with 4 other guys at college. Late one night one guy comes home drunk, when everyone's asleep. My cousin gets up around 3 in the morning to go to the bathroom. When he enters he hears a squish squish when he steps (apparantly he never turned the lights on), decides he doesn't want to know what it is, and leaves. Gets up later to find vomit, turds, and God knows what else all over the bathroom, hallway, and bedroom. Mixed in with the carpet and everything. But the best part - the janitor made them clean it up themselves!

      Let me tell you, it wasn't fun to hear that during Easter dinner. Completely ruined my dessert.
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    11. #36
      Mr. Inactive Beef Jerky's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by tyrantt23 View Post
      some nasty, smelly diarrhea shoots out of my ass and sprays the wall of the bathroom.
      I lol'd

      Nothing really gross has ever happened to me. Although I once fell off a small rocky ledge (3ish metres) face first onto rocks. My vision was wonky for a few hours
      need to actually start like trying to LD i've pretty much started that now kinda.

    12. #37
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      This was recently actually, very sickening, i was linked to a video which i was told to be a report done in iraq about the war, and as i was watching there was a dead guy in the sand with a bag over his head, then some soldier can with a big knife and began to cut off his head starting from his lips, the fact that it was real made it worse. Gives me chills

    13. #38
      Paranoid Chaos's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Eldritch_of_Fire View Post
      The first time my family got the internet.. i think around 7 or 8 years ago, we were ust typing random things into the browser...they JUST SO HAPPEN to type in ROTTEN.com...i think you all can imagine the images from that point on
      Yeah.. I've been there once b/c some friends of mine told me about it. Needless to say I haven't been back.

      Quote Originally Posted by tyrantt23 View Post
      Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one. At the time I felt like I was dying, not to mention it was really "yuck" to say the least, but nowadays me and my sister get a good laugh out of it from time to time.
      By the way, this is the first time I told anyone else about it. Figures... I never told anyone, then I go and post it on the internet.
      Well, I had a stomach virus once and was having the same problems, except, luckily for me, my sink is right next to my toilet, so I didn't have too much of a problem there.

      Most of the discusting things I see involve my dog. He likes to go outside and eat shit, then throw it up all over the floor. Lovely...

      Though, we used to raise chickens for food at our house, so I had to watch my step dad kill a bunch of them, and then my mom and I had to skin them. Yeah... That was just discusting...
      "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —George Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

    14. #39
      dream whacko MrGrEmLiN's Avatar
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      Well, not long ago me and a friend of mine got really drunk one night and she came to sleep over at my place. So when we got home I was really happy(drunk) but my friend was a little over the edge so I asked her if she was ok and she said yes. Then suddenly she started puking on my living room floor so I went to get a bag for her. After she puked some more into the bag, we realized it had a hole... And the puke was dripping to the floor... So I had to carry the bag to the garbage can while the puke ran through my hand and then I had to clean the rest of it in the living room... Glad I was drunk or I would have puked myself!!!
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    15. #40
      with a "gh" Oneironaught's Avatar
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      In marital bliss. Yup, I got married on Sept 26th, 2009!
      Back in 1990-91, I was driving my first car (had it for three months tops) and had some passengers. A drunk guy pulled out right in front of us, totalling both cars. After we spun around three full revolutions, one of the guys in my backseat got out and half of his scalp was hanging down over his ear and face. He had been partially scalped by my dome light.

      Seeing that dude's exposed skull as he walked around in circles laughing and lethargic from the shock was quite disturbing. I had just met him an hour before that

    16. #41
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      Oneironaught, OMG.. that is horrifying!! Is the guy ok?

      Seeing something like that (and the fact that it happened in my car) would bother me for a LONG time. Does the thought of it still get to you?

    17. #42
      with a "gh" Oneironaught's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Clairity View Post
      Oneironaught, OMG.. that is horrifying!! Is the guy ok?
      As far as I know, yes. I never saw him again, personally, but I heard that he was doing fine.

      Seeing something like that (and the fact that it happened in my car) would bother me for a LONG time. Does the thought of it still get to you?
      I stood there at the hospital watching the nurse stitch his head back together. I handled it alright but it did freak me out a bit. He, on the other hand, sat there laughing and giggling the whole time. The drugs they gave him had him feeling quite nice I imagine.

      The thought doesn't bother me. But it certainly isn't a pleasant thought, by any stretch of the imagination. Now, if it were my fault I would have felt very bad, worse than I did already.

      I was in sore shape myself. A bunch of my teeth were loose, my gums hurt and stung like hell and some other minor pains that lingered for a good while. A little lock of my hair was left hanging from the spider-webbed windshield. Good times

      The guy who was in the front passenger seat (who's now my Mom's Husband of 13 years) had his left hand broken up quite a bit. The only thing saving me from guilt on that one is that his hand was already "lame" due to a problem that occurred during open-heart surgery he had as a child.

      The final guy - in the rear passenger-side seat - was relatively unscathed. I think he may have fled the scene for some reason but I can't say for sure. I just know that I never saw him after the wreck.

      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      the only time i ever got talked into doing "red wings" I almost threw up.
      Oh God. Did it taste like rusty old coins? I don't think I could handle that at all.
      Last edited by Oneironaught; 06-08-2007 at 04:41 PM.

    18. #43
      Member joey11223's Avatar
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      Well when i was 9 my 16 year old cousin introduced my to rotten.com.... i was an innocent child until that day... I SAW A DAMN BABY HANGING OF A FUCKING FENCE POST WITH ITS ORGANS HANGING OUT!!! holy crap i mean are those pictures real or not?

      but real life situation, although this doesn't sound too digusting it made me feel really sick for some reason. Me and some friends were walking and talking in school, anyway these two yr 7s( so 11-12) were messing about and one of them trips and falls backwards onto the small slope of dirty and rocks and we here this horrible crack sound from his back. Ugh it sounded so loud and nasty, so anyway the kids laying there like laughing weirdly at he obviously cant move. Ambulance came, turned out he was ok, came back to school a few weeks later, small fracture i guess but it was nasty.
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    19. #44
      with a "gh" Oneironaught's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by joey11223 View Post
      Well when i was 9 my 16 year old cousin introduced my to rotten.com.... i was an innocent child until that day... I SAW A DAMN BABY HANGING OF A FUCKING FENCE POST WITH ITS ORGANS HANGING OUT!!! holy crap i mean are those pictures real or not?
      Yeah, there's some bad crap on Rotten.

    20. #45
      Haha. Hehe. Achievements:
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      The one I can think of off the top of my head is when I was about 7 or 8, I lived in this place that had a lot of frogs .. ? I dunno, uhhh... but there were a lot of frogs around my house. One of them was on our driveway, and I accidentally (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) ran over it with my bike and its pinkish insides squirted off to one side. Poor thing.

    21. #46
      with a "gh" Oneironaught's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mes Tarrant View Post
      The one I can think of off the top of my head is when I was about 7 or 8, I lived in this place that had a lot of frogs .. ? I dunno, uhhh... but there were a lot of frogs around my house. One of them was on our driveway, and I accidentally (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) ran over it with my bike and its pinkish insides squirted off to one side. Poor thing.
      If that's the worst you've experienced then you've lived a wonderful life thus far.

    22. #47
      Member CoLd BlooDed's Avatar
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      You know... I think I've repressed all my gross memories at the moment. Let me try and think and I'll be back...

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    23. #48
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      Quote Originally Posted by joey11223 View Post
      although this doesn't sound too digusting it made me feel really sick for some reason. Me and some friends were walking and talking in school, anyway these two yr 7s( so 11-12) were messing about and one of them trips and falls backwards onto the small slope of dirty and rocks and we here this horrible crack sound from his back. Ugh it sounded so loud and nasty, so anyway the kids laying there like laughing weirdly at he obviously cant move. Ambulance came, turned out he was ok, came back to school a few weeks later, small fracture i guess but it was nasty.
      I think you're right to feel sick about that. I don't like thinking about the sound of bones breaking and if it was in his back he could well have his body paralysed from that point down for the rest of his life. And if there's one thing more worrying than someone who's obviously in pain in that sort of situation, it's someone who doesn't seem to feel it. I'm sure weird laughter doesn't improve matters.

      Happily for me I can't think of anything to contribute to this thread.

    24. #49
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      I remember when my best mates brother broke his arm falling off a playground. I know it doesn't sound that bad, but there's something about when the bone pokes out, pushing into the skin that just makes me feel pretty queasy. I can put up with most things; face plants, those nasty beatings you see in fight vids all over the internet and most other stuff like that, but when it comes to broken bones there's just something more wrong and nasty about it. Like arm wrestlers breaking each others arms - if I did that to someone else I'd probably throw up.

    25. #50
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      I hate that bone poking up in the flesh look too. I don't mind looking at a bone already protruding out of the flesh but for some reason seeing it pushing up against the skin but not breaking through is hard for me to look at.

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