Just posting this change.gov website for everyone (you can sign up even if you're not American, if you feel like helping America out.)
It's now the second round of questions and I think it's going to close soon so get your votes in guys.
Basically people submit questions and others vote if they want Obama to answer it or not.

Mainly I put this here for the people who want marijuana legalised or decriminalised. "Does Barack Obama support legalisation of Marijuana... something something" was THE top question in the first round. They changed it to decriminalisation this time because the representatives said "Barack Obama does not support the legalisation of Marijuana".

At the end the top questions get non profit teams appointed to rally to get the thing in question in motion. So get your asses to the site!

Go down to Additional Issues and vote for those ones about legalising and then you can also submit or vote on ones that are in the health care section (since it has medical value) and education (education about drugs better then just saying DONT DO IT kinda thing)