Day 14(Post Kirkii): 400mg. Uneventful. Not much recall.
Day 15(Post Kirkii): 500mg. I had a dream that I was staying the night at this place. I don't remember what led up to it, but I was under the spell of some Egyptian goddess named "Basset" or "Bazzet"(not Bastet). She was snake themed. This dream is very fuzzy.. all I know is that she was going to teach me two lessons, the first being a punishment before I could learn the second. Woke up, went immediately back to bed.
I ended up in a huge wizard tower with lots of windows. My sister was there, and she summoned some blue human/scorpion monster to kill me. I ran to a window to open it and she started doing some chant to transform it into a blue griffin. As she gets into the room on her mount, I jump out the window and freefall, picking a random window to crash into. She follows soon after, but I quickly lose her on the new floor. I find myself in a classroom full of students and teachers.. guess this floor is for teaching the arcane arts. I flew around a classroom for some reason casting some kind of spell... this part is fuzzy, I don't remember what it was for. Then I spotted a cute girl who wore makeup and clothing that made her look a little like a snake( in a really good way). She looked great. Naturally I slithered to her (I have a human body still, it's hard to explain. It's like some Orochimaru shit) and wrapped around her, stopping when we were face to face, then I narrowed my eyes with a sly smirk. She gave me an approving look, saying "Oh? Another snake? ... you know what I like." I don't remember much after this point, only that we started slithering around until we found a nice little place high up to wrap around each other. Then I had a false awakening, but it wasn't realistic. I was living with my parents in some large, expensive New York style apartment. Mom said she was trying some new African herb for whatever reason. I felt like my lower jaw was swollen, so I walked up to dad saying "my mouth feels very swollen. Something is wrong. " "Oh yeah, that reminds me, we need to get your neck checked out." It felt worse. "Dad seriously, it's getting worse." It kept getting worse every other second. I was like "Worse! Worse! Worse!" trying to get him to understand I need help. He just stared at me with a dumb expression. It felt like my throat and mouth were closing up rapidly, then I started suffocating, went blind , and my upper neck popped. Woke up.