
Though this sounds like a great device for daytime work as, say, a reminder to do RC's, I'm not sure your Gymboss will be a lot of help with WILD, and seems to run completely counter to doing a successful DEILD. Not what you wanted to hear, I know, and I hope you prove me wrong, but here are my thoughts:

WILD: the WILD transition is, if nothing else, a delicate balance between maintaining your waking-life self-awareness and actually getting to sleep. As you wade through a swampful of noise and the physical insistence of sleep on your way to the dream, adding yet another distraction in that vibration and, worse, the unavoidable anticipation of the next time your Gymboss goes off, you might run the risk being thrown off balance -- probably in the direction of wakefulness, sort of like a snooze alarm, but also possibly in the direction of being lulled to NLD sleep by that steady anticipation of the next vibration.

DEILD: Using this for DEILD seems completely counter-intuitive to me. Not only are you forcing yourself out of a possible LD, but you are forcing yourself awake, and I have a feeling you might have some trouble finding a weak enough signal that can still wake you up without triggering your reticular system and trashing the DEILD. DEILD is very much a "Here & Now" event, which works best when you are in a LD and feel your body waking up "in the distance." In a sense, your goal is to never really wake up at all, never really leave the dream you were in, or at least the spirit of it, and to transition peacefully back to the dream -- and sleep -- without giving much thought to the waking world at all. To throw a rock into that placid pool with your Gymboss alarm (no matter how gentle) seems like the last thing you want to do. Plus, this is all assuming that you managed to time the alarm correctly, which seems a bit of a trick in itself.

All that said, I'm tempted to purchase a Gymboss myself, because it reminds me of the P.E.S.T. (Personal Electronic State Tester) that LaBerge was selling years ago. The P.E.S.T. was possibly LaBerge's best toy, but it was used during the day as a reminder to do dreamwork, and, though it could be connected to the Dreamlight, it wasn't much help during dreams.

There is, of course, an excellent chance that I could be completely wrong about this, so I wish you the best of luck with your new device, and hope to hear that it provides you with consistent WILD's!