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    Thread: B6 Testing

    1. #1
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      teh center of the earth, with the rest of my fellow illuminati jews

      the other day, i bought a bottl eof b6 pills for 3.50 at my local CVS. The concentration was 50 mg per pill. I gave each of my friends one, after they became intersted as to why I bought them. the next day, we talked about what happened. Two out of my 5 friends both siad that they had almost exactly the same dream. They commented about the only dream they remember being a period of what seemed like hours of flashing lights, colors, and music. Tow more of my friends experienced nothing, the remaining one i have yet to hear from. My drem however, was a testament to b6. I ahve had trouble remembering my dreams for about a year. I do not keep a dream journal because i am very lazy. I remembered tow different drams, wihtout waking up in between. I, unlike my friends, took two pills, (100mg) and two zinc tablets, (60mg). I heard that zinc performs a similar process in creating amino acid, which boosts protein synthesis, which i sdirectly related to REM cycles.
      I had tow especially vivid dreams. one lasted a short amount of time but seemed very life like, it was in the third person. the second one was my friend, who has appeared in many of my dreams beofre, chocking to death on cereal. weird, yes i know. This dream was especially vivid. I did not become lucid in these BUT...i only remembered my dream about two hours after i wok eup.

      tonight, i am going to take 200 mg of b6 and no zinc, to experiment.

      comments about recomended quantites of b6 and any tips would be appreciated. also commetns about the similarity of two of my friends dreams.

      i also have taken several dairy products

      the friend who was choking has appeared in many of my dreams and i believe in the possibility that he is my dream sign.

      forgive me for the typos.
      *note*^ the above comment was not meant to be hurtful, nor insulting. It is just another of my cynnical observations of fact. If you happened to be offended by my logic, too bad.

      one pill makes you larger
      one pill makes you small
      and the pill that your mother gave you
      doesn't do anything at all
      go ask alice,
      when shes ten feet tall

      When they come for me i'll be sitting at my desk with a gun in my hand wearin a bullet proof vest
      singin my my my how the time does fly when yo know your gonna die by the end of the night

    2. #2
      Member Gwendolyn's Avatar
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      B6 didn't really do that much for me. However, B12 really gave me a better memory and dream recall.
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    3. #3
      SKA is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Gwendolyn View Post
      B6 didn't really do that much for me. However, B12 really gave me a better memory and dream recall.
      I guess the Zinc helped. And Just Vitamin B6 didn't help me either.
      I think I'm gunna go buy Vitamin B-Complex supplements today. They contain all B vitamins and will probably have B6 and B12 work optimally too. There's some more interresting Vitamin&Nuetrician Supplements for sale in drugstores here so I might go and check out some more of those.

      In the meanwhile, Snce you said Zinc is involved in Natural REM-sleep, do any of you know any other substances, Brain-produced hormones or Neutricians that are involved in the Natural REM-sleep process?
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    4. #4
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      i just got some b12. gonna test it out tonight.
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      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    5. #5
      SKA is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      i just got some b12. gonna test it out tonight.
      I&#39;m gunna try to find it too tomorrow. And if I see Vitamin B-complex supplements I&#39;ll take them too.
      Im curious for the results, also yours.
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    6. #6
      proximity infatuation
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      I take 200 mg of b-6 around 3:00 AM (when I&#39;m working on lucids) and it works wonders, although I dont take it all the time due to it can loose its affects when your body gets used to it. It usually makes my dreams very vivid and detail.

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    7. #7
      Member Pyrox's Avatar
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      B6 only helped me once. I took it 4 hours before I&#39;d wake up, and had 3 vivid dreams.
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    8. #8
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      teh center of the earth, with the rest of my fellow illuminati jews
      so, the report:

      nothing happened, no lds, not even any recall. i did however, sleep for quite long and felt well rested, if that has anything to do with it(12 hours)

      as i said, i tried 200 mg of b6 and som edairy products.

      tonght, im goign to try 200 mg of b6 and 60 mg of zinc. THe chemical process of what zin cdoes is it hals convert triptophan into serotonin. Also, what i had for dinner was brisket. for all those not celebrating Rosh Hashanna, its basically beef(tryptophan) onions and mushrooms. I do not know i that had anythign to do with it. i will keep you posted. Tell me if the b6 complex works, SKA, because i heard b12 works wondors.
      *note*^ the above comment was not meant to be hurtful, nor insulting. It is just another of my cynnical observations of fact. If you happened to be offended by my logic, too bad.

      one pill makes you larger
      one pill makes you small
      and the pill that your mother gave you
      doesn&#39;t do anything at all
      go ask alice,
      when shes ten feet tall

      When they come for me i&#39;ll be sitting at my desk with a gun in my hand wearin a bullet proof vest
      singin my my my how the time does fly when yo know your gonna die by the end of the night

    9. #9
      SKA is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by sargentpepper882 View Post
      so, the report:
      nothing happened, no lds, not even any recall. i did however, sleep for quite long and felt well rested, if that has anything to do with it(12 hours)

      as i said, i tried 200 mg of b6 and som edairy products.

      tonght, im goign to try 200 mg of b6 and 60 mg of zinc. THe chemical process of what zin cdoes is it hals convert triptophan into serotonin. Also, what i had for dinner was brisket. for all those not celebrating Rosh Hashanna, its basically beef(tryptophan) onions and mushrooms. I do not know i that had anythign to do with it. i will keep you posted. Tell me if the b6 complex works, SKA, because i heard b12 works wondors.
      Shana Tova Actually that was 2 days ago but anywhoo.
      I believe tehre&#39;s Supplements for sale in drugstores that contain all B vitamins (B-complex) AND Zinc. And more of such combinations. I&#39;ll have a look tomorrow when I&#39;m downtown anyways.
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    10. #10
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      teh center of the earth, with the rest of my fellow illuminati jews
      so, lsat night, i took 250 mg of b6, and 60 mg of zinc.

      i had an outrageoulsy long vivid dream, 1 1/2 + hours ( it seemed). It was not lucid, but ever since b6, i have had much better dream recall. it may jsut be placaebo as well, but who&#39;s complaining
      *note*^ the above comment was not meant to be hurtful, nor insulting. It is just another of my cynnical observations of fact. If you happened to be offended by my logic, too bad.

      one pill makes you larger
      one pill makes you small
      and the pill that your mother gave you
      doesn&#39;t do anything at all
      go ask alice,
      when shes ten feet tall

      When they come for me i&#39;ll be sitting at my desk with a gun in my hand wearin a bullet proof vest
      singin my my my how the time does fly when yo know your gonna die by the end of the night

    11. #11
      Member antiflag0392's Avatar
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      Yea I just picked up some b12 today, b6 wasnt doing that much for me (enhanced my recall a bit but not much), but I&#39;ve heard that a combonation of b6 and b12 will work wonders. We&#39;ll see what happens.
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    12. #12
      Member antiflag0392's Avatar
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      yea, so i tried both B6 and B12 last night. NOT a good idea, i was up all night and couldnt sleep for hardly any time at all. I&#39;m going to keep experimenting with just b12 and b6 alone from now on
      <div align="center">"I&#39;ll be Adam, you be Eve, we&#39;ll fuck and so create"
      -Novelty Crosses, The Black Dahlia Murder

      I wanna see if you wanna see, what it means
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    13. #13
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      I have tried b6 three times now. The first time took 200mg and had a fairly vivid dream, only a little better than normal. The second time I took 50 mg of b6, and remebered 5 dreams, 4 of which were among the longest and vividest I have ever had. Last night, I took 50mg again and had very little recall. I&#39;m thinking of getting xome zinc, have many other people had good results with it?

    14. #14
      Member Luci's Avatar
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      Are you guys sure this is safe? Because a lot of vitamins are toxic when you take high amounts often (and who knows what is often? Is often every day, every week or every month?).
      I just bought regular vitamin pills and it has 6,0 mg of vitamin B6 and 3,0 mcg of B12. However, this is already 300% of your RDA. 200mg of B6 would then be 10000% of your RDA, which seems like a LOT&#33;
      - Luci

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      Quote Originally Posted by Luci View Post
      Are you guys sure this is safe? Because a lot of vitamins are toxic when you take high amounts often (and who knows what is often? Is often every day, every week or every month?).
      I just bought regular vitamin pills and it has 6,0 mg of vitamin B6 and 3,0 mcg of B12. However, this is already 300% of your RDA. 200mg of B6 would then be 10000% of your RDA, which seems like a LOT&#33;
      If I were you I wouldnt worry about it, I took a b75 complex 3 times a day including a multi for periods of a couple months at a time, Yes I drink a lot of water so a lot of it would wash through me at 1 and the same time, but i sure wasnt deficient in any of them , anyways the point is that I was taking about 250 mg of b6 (as well as other b&#39;s) a day for extended periods of time and there was no harm to me then or now.

      Most people should worry about getting enough, not too much. Remember drink lots of water and you will be ok.

    16. #16
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      so far b12 hasn&#39;e worked at all for me. still go crazy with the b6. I&#39;m even remembering long and meaningful diologues as the result of the vividness i&#39;ve been getting from b6.
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    17. #17
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      Quote Originally Posted by Luci View Post
      Are you guys sure this is safe? Because a lot of vitamins are toxic when you take high amounts often (and who knows what is often? Is often every day, every week or every month?).
      I just bought regular vitamin pills and it has 6,0 mg of vitamin B6 and 3,0 mcg of B12. However, this is already 300% of your RDA. 200mg of B6 would then be 10000% of your RDA, which seems like a LOT&#33;
      500mg is the upper limit before you start damaging your nerves. The Institute of Medicine has set an upper tolerable level of Vitamin B6 to 100mg. I dont think 200mg will do much damage, but having that intake for some weeks cant be good.

    18. #18
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      Here in a couple weeks when im staying with my mom instead of my dad ill get some

      if i asked my dad hes prob think i was a druggie or something like that.

    19. #19
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      Hed think you were a druggie for asking for Memory boosting vitamins? O.o

    20. #20
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      I bought 200mg of B6 today. Im going to try it tonight and see what happens.

    21. #21
      Member Ænema's Avatar
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      ...And after trying it last night, nothing really happened...I remember more of my dreams, but thats about it...

    22. #22
      zxc is offline
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      So if I wanted to get something, would B-Complex be the best? Also, somebody in this thread said something about effects after taking it for a while, what are those? Also, can you form a dependency on B6 in order to have a good recall and go lucid?

    23. #23
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      Tried 250mg B6, if anything i had WORSE recall
      Tried B complex next night, same result

    24. #24
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      Few years ago a research team at the Institude of Medicine established an upper tolerable limit of 100 mg B6 per day for adults. Taking doses of less than 500 mg already caused nerve damage. So you guys should really be carefull here in taking such huge dosages. I recommend against doing so. First of all because it has been proved to be dangerous and second, because way lower dosages are already effective. I tried a vitamine B complex which has 8 mg (400% of daily needed dose) of B6 and it worked like a charm for me the first few times I used it. Dream recall went as high as remembering like 10+ dreams a night if i put effort in it, and also dreams became more vivid. However after a time the effects became less and less, maybe because my body build up a tolerance (I&#39;m not sure why). I tried a vitamine B complex (it contains all the different B vitamines at approximately 400% daily dose) because it is known that using B-complex has way more effect on assimilating all the vitamines into your body. So all in all its a very good way to increase your dream recall (at least for a while) but be carefull not to take dosages above 100 mg for prolonged periods of time (and stay clear of using dosages around 500 mg because you dont want nerve damage&#33.
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    25. #25
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      I take 200mg every Wednesday and Saturday. It works pretty well for me.

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