Quote Originally Posted by Rockjet View Post
I have been reading up and attempting LC for about a year now with very small success so trying the Galantamind tonight, one question I have is when using this do you need to take another one the following night (if needed) or will it stay in your system for a few days?
Good thing you asked here first, Galantamind is a drug, although an over-the-counter drug it can still have negative effects if used wrong. In this case using it too much and it will start having the opposite effect in that you won't become lucid and just sleep through it and have less dream recall too from what I understand.

So I'm told it's best to take it for one night and take at least four days off before trying again. I tried doing it like this myself, but only became lucid the first time, four days later I would still have vivid dreams but no lucidity. So now I take G+C once every two weeks with a better then 80% chance at becoming lucid and the 20% that I miss I have wild vivid dreams.

Just take it in moderation (times taken a week/month {quantity may very, depends on the person; 4mg vs 8mg vs 10mg .. etc..}) because your body needs to flush what's in your system before you can expect the wanted results again.

I should add, I'm no expert on this stuff by any means, I'm just speaking on my own experience and how I understand this to work.