Oh yeah!!! good night from me I had my first definite undeniable lucid and I fought the demons of my past and won!!

Before I've come close, Like I'd doubt the dreamscape and even become lucid for a second or so then I'd just forget again seconds later.

I also had this other problem as I'd mentioned in this topic.

When I lucid dream or attempt to lucid dream, my DC's become hostile and attempt to kill/torture me. Previous lucid dreaming attempts have resulted in me begin.

Skull smashed open with metal rebar.
Buried alive
Set on fire
Acid thrown in my face
Urinated on and Spat on before begin beaten to death.
Stoned to death.

It's a reoccurring thing my subconscious hates me and often have traumatic nightmares my main reason for wanting to lucid dream is to defend myself against these nightmares.

and I did!!! woot!

I was in a car with a co-worker he was driving me to work, I asked my Co-worker Alistair whether I'd actually been invited to be lifted because I couldn't remember, He couldn't remember either but he guessed it was okay.

This was odd because I sometimes get driven HOME from work but never TOO work, Curious I checked the time, 3:82am I smirked doing it again 3:98am, I became lucid

I point this out to Alistair along with other inconsistencies and he stammers confused, as he dose, I Smile and pull back on the gear stick causing the car to take off like a jet. Alistair is terrified.

unfortunately I made a rookie mistake (well I am a rookie) I de-stabilized the dream with my excitement, I tried to stabilize it by touching the dashboard but I allowed myself to be distracted by the act of flying and fluffed it.

I "woke up" in my bed abit disappointed at screwing it up but did and RC (nose trick) just to be sure, revealing that I was still asleep!

My bed is in a walk in closet, I have a curtain hanging over the door that connects to my "room" One my fears is someone sneaking around in my room, I hear a noise and look over I see a figure standing against the curtain I get scared it's a DC here to punish me for lucid dreaming. I see a bony male arm reach through the curtain and under my bedsheets touching my leg, I try to move but find I can't move at all,
I almost forget I'm lucid in my panic. I see the curtain move abit and see his face, (While I've never been raped IRL I have been sexually assaulted once by a nasty old man at a bus stop, It was the same man)

I feel his hand up my thigh squeezing it and pee myself alittle in fear but I still can't move, Then I realize it's sleep paralysis and I'm encountering it because I'm trying to move too urgently, I gain the ability to move again, I then use Telekinesis to slam the man away from me, and levitate myself to my feet, I open the curtain and see that the man is gone and it's my little sister lying there. Pleading with me for mercy saying it was just a joke... I don't buy it for obvious inconsistencies I charge up a ball of telekinetic energy in my hand and splatter her brains out.

I'm really excited I overcame my demons and stopped one of my nightmares thanks to these skills I learned here!! yay! unfortunately making the same mistake I did before and waking up from over-excitement.

but yay anyway!!