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    1. #201
      Member javan287's Avatar
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      My first lucid dream came to me many years ago... Must be going on 4 or 5 now, I really can't remember at all.

      I don't remember much of the dream, but I was walking through my father's house -- kind of a throwback to when my parents were separated -- and i was trying to avoid my parents who were arguing. I suddenly found myself walking up a staircase into the attic, which turned out to be the room I was just standing in a minute ago, as if I had two living rooms, one on top of the other. I then noticed my mother on one side of the room, ironing or folding clothes or something, looking at me. It was then that I noticed all the walls were a different shade of pink, and it suddenly struck me that I was probably dreaming. So what did I do? I tried to fly, of course, in the little apartment room, but only succeeded in jumping up and floating gently to the ground. This excited and frustrated me to the point of me waking after a minute or two of being lucid.

      Weird? Yes, but it was amazing! I tried many times afterwards to recreate this experience, but with no luck. Eventually, I forgot about it. More recently though, I had several LDs in a row, where I've been trying to teach myself how to fly. One dream simply consisted of me beginning the dream lucid and flying towards a building which I was then unconsciously repelled from, one was me inside a familiar convenience store after-hours, floating around above all the shelves, and the third was me jumping off some floating islands for some reason. These all happened within the span of a few weeks, if I remember correctly.

    2. #202
      Debaser piprichie's Avatar
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      It started as a normal dream, with my friend Alex and I fighting off some aliens. I kept seeing these things which I can only describe as Pearlite walls. Amorphous glowing swirlying surfaces. I asked my friend and he said that if I walked through one I would become lucid. I did and it was like walking into a cold waterfall. Then I became lucid.
      I've been trying to become lucid for awhile, so I was really excited, but scared as well. I ended up waking myself up. THat same night I had another LD, but it only lasted a few (dream) seconds longer.

      At least it's progress. Hopefully I can recreate situation tonight. Any suggestions for dealing with the fear/ clarity would be appreciated.

    3. #203
      Member ViSions's Avatar
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      My first lucid dream occured when I was 4 or 5 I believe. I had had a scary dream that night so I went into my dads room and slept in his bed. I remember sitting on my old plastic tricycle on my deck and somehow knew I was dreaming. I wanted to swear since I obviously wasn't allowed to swear in real life, but I remembered I was sleeping in my dads bed and I thought I might sleep talk. So as quietly as I could I whispered a few swear words, and that's all I can remember.
      Total LD's: 6

    4. #204
      No Fate Lunalight's Avatar
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      My first LD must have happened when I was about seven. I had been in jail and was being chased through corridors by some sort of killer. I realized I was dreaming, got into a fetal position, and yelled at myself to wake up. When I awoke in my bed, I was still yelling at myself. SInce then, I haven't had any real nightmares.
      <img src=http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o242/Yukimor/banner-1.png border=0 alt= />

      Lucid Tasks: 14

    5. #205
      Member screamation's Avatar
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      I remember that I was in a weird pinkish room, like a kitchen, and I was eating some kind of frosted wafer. O.O
      I looked around the room and realized that I didn&#39;t know anybody and then became lucid. I was really excited and began to point at people and shout "You&#39;re a dream character&#33; Haha&#33; I&#39;m real&#33; You&#39;re my dream&#33;" to everyone and they just ignored me. I saw Bender from Futurama and I made the rock on sign with my hand and started just spazing out. Getting all hyper I ran outside into the dark and tried running. It was incredibly hard. It felt like I was wading through water. I think I lost lucidity then. >.> Still a long dream though.

      And if you want to get technical, my first lucid dream was when I did my reality check (Breathing through nose) and I could breath. But I was like- Drat&#33; I must be doing it wrong. I&#39;m awake. *goes to talk to purple kitty*

    6. #206
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      Ewing, MO
      I have been practicing lucid dreaming for almost five years. My first lucid dream happened years ago, though, around age 8. It was a recurring dream I had been having, a very involved recurring dream that played itself out like a television show alternating between scenes and characters. It was a dream I had on a fairly regular basis, once every two or three weeks. I had the dream so often it got to the point where I could wake up , go to the bathroom, fall back asleep and continue with the dream as if I had pushed play. It wasn&#39;t a frightening dream, and it didn&#39;t seem to carry a major life lesson in it. Goofy burgulars, and leprachans. I don&#39;t know, lol, but I finally became so comfortable with the dream that I would become lucid while having it. I never tried to change anything in the dream. In my youth and inexperience, I wasn&#39;t aware of what lucid dreaming was nor the fact that I might be able to exercise some kind of control over the dream. I wasn&#39;t even a character in it. I would simply lucidly watch the dream just as I would watch a movie.

    7. #207
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      My first lucid dream was dumb, I was just walking down a road, I got scared, and woke up.

    8. #208
      Callapygian Superstar Goldney's Avatar
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      Had my first lucid dream this morning. Tried WBTB then MILD and it worked&#33; It wasn&#39;t very interesting but I&#39;m pleased with myself because I&#39;ve passed the first milestone after a bit more than a month.

    9. #209
      Member waving on oceans's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Lucid83 View Post
      Post your first lucid dreaming experience&#33;&#33;&#33;
      I guess my first were when I was very young although I didn&#39;t know what I was really doing. Later when I was older I guess my first lucid was: OH MY GOD IM NAKED AT SCHOOL&#33;&#33;&#33; Haha, that was fun I was in high school at the time and it jsut clicked: no, im sure im just dreaming. I didn&#39;t have anything super cool happen on this one. I just woke up remembering most of what happened. The dream was very vivid.

    10. #210
      Member Super_Kal's Avatar
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      my first LD experience?...

      The light was on and I was still in bed. I asked myself if I was dreaming. I hit myself on the arm and then slapped myself in the face. It didn&#39;t hurt. I smiled because I was so happy. I could barely move though... So I tried calling out "attain Lucidity&#33;"... which came out as me just saying it in a normal voice. Of course nothing happened... I then at least wanted something positive out of my first LD, so I wanted my first crush to give me a BJ. I closed my eyes and opened back up again... The action was there, but it was barely happening... and there was no person in front of me. I say to myself "this sucks". Then I lost lucidity...
      FILD: 3
      WILD: 7
      DILD: 4

    11. #211
      USA bro is offline
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      My first LD that I can remember was when I was runnig through venice and i was in a restaraunt and proceeded to fly over the crowd, It lasted all of 5 seconds but soon faded.
      Brothers & Sisters in Dreams

    12. #212
      Member Phalangees's Avatar
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      My first lucid dream happened when I was a child. I don&#39;t remember how but I realized I was dreaming so I ripped a library book in half and then peed on everyone I saw. When I woke up, I wet my bed. I was 5 or 6 years old.

      I&#39;m still working on getting my first lucid dream now that I&#39;m older.
      CURRENT LUCID GOALS (LD's: 34) (Raised by Moonbeam)
      ->Listen to a song I've got memorized in waking life.
      ->Find my dream guide.
      ->Fly around with and idol of mine, Thom Yorke (Lead singer of Radiohead) [TOTM]
      ->Find a pegasus, tame, and fly it. [TOTM]
      ->Brownie camera [TOTY]

    13. #213
      Mew Hunter Achievements:
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      Lucid Warrior's Avatar
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      LD Count
      Jan. 30th 2007
      My mom and sister got home, ruining the attempt. I went downstairs and greeted them, then came back upstairs and turned on the TV. I laid down, and soon fell asleep. ( I don&#39;t really know how... I don&#39;t really remember that either).
      Here&#39;s the dream.
      It started at a movie theatre, and I had my blue blanket with me (I was sleeping under it, and no, it&#39;s not my "bankie"). I walked into the theatre with my dad and sister and realized that the rest of the theatre was empty and I was walking on a red carpet. I saw a sign, and It was for the premiere of shrek 3. some bells went off in my head, but nothing special. This dream faded, and I was at school during passing time. I walked into a room on the second floor, and my old english teacher was there. It was way off from her room. we talked about something I can&#39;t remember, then I exited the room on the bottom floor. >_> It was still passing time. Then it hit me. I already had school today, and I went home. I looked at the clocks but they were weird and I couldn&#39;t get an exact time. I was very suspicious. I pulled my finger to see if it would stretch. First try it didn&#39;t, but then the second time, it almost doubled in length.

      I went lucid. I looked up at the ceiling and jumped up and flew all the way up to the balcony, then I flew down the hall (i think into a new building) and came down from a balcony into this very brown room, and saw some asian guy kinda looking at me, his eyes following me, but he never said anything. I may have hopped around and above him a bit, but I don&#39;t remember. Then I found myself back in my house (I don&#39;t know how) and went into the living room and remembered that I had read on Gnosticweb that TVs try to suck you in. I noticed a TV in the corner, so I floated over to it. I have no idea where the TV came from, and it was very small, only about the size of a small radio. When I approached it with my hand, it flared up electrically and the screen turned electric white. I saw a whole bunch of light patterns on the floor, and I felt a very strong tingle in my hand. The light show was excellent smile.gif. I then floated back onto the stairs and saw my mom and sister in the other room. like the asian man, their eyes seemed to be following me but they didn&#39;t notice me. I called out for my "divine mother" and after a few seconds, she appeared by my mom and sister. we had a short (and private tongue.gif) conversation, and she gave me some gold ring or plate with some raised text on it. one of the words I think was her name, which I&#39;m keeping to myself.

      I tried to read what else was written, but everything started to go black and blurry. I tried to restore everything, but it didn&#39;t work and I woke up in my room with my physical heart pounding. as soon as I could I pulled out my dream journal and wrote as much as I could with "First Lucid Experience" underlined. The whole ordeal, according to memory, only took a few minutes, which may be my physical internal clock, because I was asleep for a very short amount of time.

    14. #214
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      I was running around my grandparent&#39;s yard (magnified a couple thousand times bigger) with a bunch of small girl scouts, playing tag. I decided to cheat and stay in while being tagged a few times. In the distance I saw a Porygon (the pokemon...), which was supposedly a powerup in this game. I pushed the other guy out of the way and took the Porygon; then turned into it.

      That&#39;s when I realized it was a dream. I shouted "HOLY **** OMG **** I&#39;M DREAMING&#33;" (literally the &#39;OMG&#39;. I spend a LOT of time online.) I started to wonder what I should do first; fly, go somewhere, anything. I decided to start small and move my arm, assuming dream movement is different than normal movement. My arm didn&#39;t move, and I woke up.
      LD Count: 7
      Longest time in a lucid dreamstate: ~6 seconds

      Still, the most epic six seconds I have ever experienced...

    15. #215
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      My first lucid dream was probably one of the scariest events in my life. (followed closely by my first hypnogogic/sleep paralysis experiences). It happened by “accident” as I never thought anything of the sort was possible. I was in my early teens/pre-teens and was taking a midday nap in my bedroom after having changed around the orientation of the furniture and bed (making it a very different atmosphere than I was used to). I started off by having a very unpleasant, very weird dream about my room flooding and having to climb atop my stacked bunk beds so as not to drown. I then recall seeing my mother’s head talking to me while floating by on the pages of an opened book. She seemed fine, despite having no body… I remember thinking, “this can’t be real… I know it.” Then I awoke… or so I thought, lying there, right where I had fallen asleep. But the house was empty (I knew my mother and sister were home) and things looked different, colors were off, very odd… So I reached down and pinched myself on the arm… and felt nothing&#33; Several more pinches and a couple of slaps later I was fully aware of the fact that I was dreaming and had no idea of how to get out of it. So I started yelling for help to my mother, “Mom&#33; Mom&#33; Wake me up I’m dreaming and can’t wake up&#33;&#33;” Of course, she was not hearing me and had no idea what I was going through… And I thought for sure I was stuck and was going to be in this dream world forever. Then I stopped and said a prayer that I would wake up, and was instantly awake. I remember being breathless and sweaty upon awakening and immediately running to find my mother and asking her why she didn’t help me when I was screaming. My experiences since have been much less traumatic, and at some times, have actually been empowering.

    16. #216
      I am become fish pear Abra's Avatar
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      My first good lucid was when I was 8. In my lucid dream, some monster called the Shapeshifter took the form of all of my friends. First I was in wal-mart, and found a twenty dollar bill, picked it up and fell through a floor tile into a lobby with all of my friends. The shapeshifter brought me and this one guy into a dark room, and I had to guess which was the shapeshifter, and which was my friend. In the end, there was a swimming pool in the gym, the shapeshifter became fed up with me and pushed me in, sitting on me and trying to make me drown. I realized that I was still breathing, and became lucid. I then flew out of the water and encouraged my friends to rise and kick monster butt. Which we did. <3

      I had a few false awakenings, three I think. The shapeshifter became my cat, my mom, my sister... I really woke up, and it took me a few minutes before I believed it was real life.

      The dream had a sequel, too. Where the shapeshifter came back, and summoned the &#39;double-dreamers&#39; (people who&#39;ve had false awakenings) to a duel. We won. <3

      Quote Originally Posted by OldSparta
      I murdered someone, there was bloody everywhere. On the walls, on my hands. The air smelled metallic, like iron. My mouth... tasted metallic, like iron. The floor was metallic, probably iron

    17. #217
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      Between two worlds
      The first one I remember happened when I was about 7 or 8.

      I just started dreaming and immediately I was lucid. I was in my room, and some mad guy who wanted to kill me was coming to my house. I was frightened, and after a few minutes I saw him coming towards the house. The bed had a wooden bedstead and I tried smashing my head against it in an attempt to wake myself up, however, the wood was sort of rubbery, and my head slowed down as it approached the bed so I just gently touched it. Now I was certain that I was dreaming, and I willed myself to wake up. The man entered the house, and I found myself wishing my mum would come and wake me up exactly at that moment in the real world. Nothing happened. I was trapped in my dream, and I could hear him running up the stairs. He came to the door and just stopped. I could hear him, just on the other side of the door, and I was lying on the bed, terrified of moving in case he was looking through the keyhole. I eventually escaped from the dream by going back to sleep in the dream. Then I had a single false awakening, I got up and went to the kitchen and I didn&#39;t notice anything until I saw that the clock on the wall had all the numbers written backwards. It was creepy and I got scared again because I remembered the last dream at that moment, but I woke myself up easily this time.

      I was scared of repeating the experience after that, and though I had loads of lucid dreams afterwards, I always woke myself up and even came up with a mental list of ways to wake myself in case some failed.

    18. #218
      Member gguru1's Avatar
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      I was in 5th grade, and my strategy was just to affirm countless times as I fell asleep.

      Once I became lucid I screwed around transforming myself into various creatures, which was pretty much all I ever done in doing in LD i&#39;ve had since then until this year.

      And still, in the 4 to 6 LDs i&#39;ve had this year, that is still I have done so far.

    19. #219
      Member Folqueraine's Avatar
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      I was in a street at night. The street lamps gave a somewhat purple light and all around I was surrounded by darkness. I could only see bushes under the street lamps. I was so excited that I needed all my will not to wake up. I managed to cross the street, but then I&#39;ve forgotten everything. Either the dream ended here, I lost lucidity or I have just forgotten it.
      Killing threads since 2002

    20. #220
      TPV ThePhobiaViewed's Avatar
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      Somewhere Out There
      My first LD I was walking down the band hallway at school and looked at the one wall and realized that it was blinking and changing colors. I realized I must be dreaming so I yelled out "I&#39;m dreaming" and went over to talk to some people but I must have been too excited and it faded and I woke up. I think I had some before this but I never knew of all you can do with lucid dreaming so I never really told myself I was dreaming. This was a couple of months ago and I&#39;ve had 2 more LDs since. All have been DILDs.

    21. #221
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      My first ever lucid dream came about two years ago...to the best of what I can remember, I was at some construction site and I put my finger through my hand and realized I was dreaming, but I told myself "don&#39;t get too excited" and I woke up.

      My first REAL lucid dream was about a month after that. I tried telling myself before "I want to remember to realize i&#39;m dreaming" and then I was at some baseball game when I realized it. There were two bike reflectors on a table nearby and I changed their color.

      After that, I had a few more then went through some real long dry spell...now I&#39;m interested in LDing again and recently began to try again. I came close to a LD this morning.

    22. #222
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      This was my first Lucid since I have been here at DV. I had tried mutliple times to have a lucid dream and failed. Last night I just decided to rest, and found myself driving in the car with my brother. I thought, &#39;This seems like a Dream, but it&#39;s too real.&#39; Then I noticed half the dashboard was missing, and my heart jumped. I checked my watch once, then again and it had different times by about an hour. This LD was definantly one of the most exciting things I&#39;ve experianced in a long time. And sure enough, spinning in your dreams does work. =D

    23. #223
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      Well I had my first LD a few nights ago, i wrote about it in the lucid experiences section.

      You can find it here
      A Sphere In The Heart Of Silence.

    24. #224
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      Had what was "technically" my third lucid dream the other night, but it was the first one where lucidity didn&#39;t wake me up right away. It was also the first that I was able to have any degree of control over. Enjoy&#33;


      (Finally, a controlled lucid dream&#33; Not as amazing as it could be, but it was still impressive and a wonderful experience.)

      I was in a Wal-Mart-type building with my mom. We were shopping for groceries and stuff, when I suddenly became aware that there were zombies around. As usual in zombie dreams, I reacted fairly calmly, taking my mom and a few other customers back to the gun section. The employee working there asked what we wanted, and I told him that zombies were trying to get into the store and he had to open up the display cases for us. At first, the employee acted dumb, so I got in his face and told him that we needed guns to kill the zombies, otherwise they would get us. Finally, he seemed to understand, and said “Oh, you should have said so earlier, I’ve already opened up a case over there,” he said, indicating an open display case filled with racks of handguns.

      I walked over to the case, and began looking for a certain type of gun. At first, I couldn’t find any, and I was pretty mad. Finally, I decided just to use whatever, and started to pull pistols off the shelf. Then I noticed something strange: no matter how many guns I took, the display case always looked full. It reminded me of certain video games, where the player can take an unlimited supply of something from a supply box, etc. It occurred to me that I was dreaming.

      Immediately, I was sure that I was in a dream. Despite the fact that we were trying to avoid detection by the zombies, I turned away from the gun case and yelled out as loud as I could “Increase Lucidity&#33;” I remembered to do this from my reading. Instantly, the world around me brightened, and I was no longer in the store. The zombies, my mom and the other customers were gone, too.

      It was night, and I was outside what appeared to be my old middle school. As I tried to figure out where I was, I felt the dream beginning to fade a bit, so I yelled out “Increase Lucidity&#33;” again, and the world brightened. This brightening was accompanied by a rush of happiness and elation, as I realized that I was aware in my dreamstate.

      I began to run, feeling the wind in my face. Before I knew it, gravity seemed to stop applying, and I took off flying. It was amazing. The wind, the cold, the sound of the wind was just so real. I flew over my middle school, and saw that the land dropped behind it into the most beautiful snow-covered valley, surrounded by mountains. I rolled over to the side as I was flying, and looked up at the night sky. The stars were amazing, so clear and beautiful; it was one of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever “seen”. I continued to fly over this valley, and eventually over a mountain.
      It was now light, and behind the mountain was an even more incredible mountain/valley vista, with the sun shining and reflecting off the snow below. The scenery was amazing. I decided to land and try and find a dream character to talk to. I landed awkwardly, kind of dropping with all my momentum, so I ended up running and stumbling through the snow. The snow felt incredibly realistic; I could feel the powdery texture of the deep snow, and hear the crunch of the crust on top. It wasn’t cold, however.

      I finally managed to stop near two young ladies walking along. The land was more flat now, and I may have no longer been in the valley. As I approached these two girls, who had stopped walking and had turned to look at me, I began to feel my lucidity waver, and I apologized to them, and told them that what I was about to do might seem weird, but I’d explain.
      “Increase lucidity now&#33;” I yelled out as the two girls looked on in a confused way. Unfortunately, it didn’t have the same effect as before. The girls looked at me strangely, and the lucidity began to waver. I tried talking to them, but I was losing the dream. Then, I began to worry about my appellate brief (which I had completed and turned in the night before). I worried that, while I was spending all of this time lucid dreaming, my brief was not yet done, and that if I didn’t wake up soon, I wouldn’t have time to finish it before it was due.

      Suddenly, instead of dreaming, I began to think that I was at my computer typing, and I was writing this dream down instead of finishing my brief. I began to panic, and looked at the line-count of the document, and saw that I was way over the limit. I kept thinking that my brief was due at 9:30, and I had spent all of my time dreaming instead of working on it. I looked at the clock, and saw that it was 3:00 AM. I panicked and woke up.

    25. #225
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      My first lucid dream I found myself in my bed and attempted to hover in the air, but fell back to the bed. It was pretty boring, but I know I was dreaming and didn&#39;t simply wake up in the middle of the night because it was light outside when it should have been dark.

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