
Well, after several weeks of trying I had my first lucid dream about a week ago. It may sound kind of boring to the reader, but to me it was amazing. What made it especially amazing was that I hadn’t had any dream recall for several days because of a mild cold. So here is my first lucid dream.

I was wondering thru a deserted train station. I looked around and noted how everything was very clean and modern, with a lot of white walls and polished steel. I stood in an empty line waiting for my train to arrive. Soon I was joined by a group of people waiting for the same train, as the train rolled up a woman turned to me and said
“Isn’t it amazing? The train always arrives traveling at three miles per hour.” I found this remark kind of odd, but didn’t think anything of it.
The train stopped and we boarded, even though I was completely unaware I was in a dream, everything did seem strange. I was also aware that the destination of the train had something to do with dreams. We rocketed out of the station at a terrifying pace, this is when I finally noticed that the train car was not enclosed, it was in fact completely open. I hung on with all my might as the train soared thru turns, over ponds and rivers, and along dikes. I soon realized that there was some sort of force that was keeping me from falling out of the train car; I began to relax a bit.
An old man turned to me and said something regarding some rare birds; I did not understand him due to the very loud freight train that was now behind us. I replied “what?” he turned to another old man and said “see? That lad knows something about bird watching.” I didn’t think much of this because I had now fallen off the train.
I fell onto the aft deck of a boat that was cluttered with all sorts of furniture and potted plants. I wandered around for a bit before realizing that I had lost my pants. I began to criticize my self for being so careless. After wandering around a bit more I found my pants and put them back on. I also found a packet of papers that I began to read, I then realize that it was a biography of my own life, except that whoever wrote it got it all wrong. These were things that had never even experienced. I came to three possible conclusions.

1- They are lying.
2- I have amnesia.
3- I am dreaming.

Then I became lucid. It was a very weak sensation, so I closed my eyes. Everything went black except I could see my hands perfectly, the sensation was intense. I opened my eyes again and it began fading so I closed them again and again the sensation of being aware I was dreaming was amazing, I was overjoyed. I thought about what I should do, then because I was happy the way I was, I decided to just stay like that. I slowly opened my eyes and the sensation left me, I was now in the dream with no lucidity. I looked over and saw some women talking about breast implants. I then woke up.
I was lying in my bed; I could remember nothing, not even that I had achieved lucidity. I was about to give up recalling my dream and go back to sleep, at that moment my mind released the experience to me and I was able to record it in my journal. I couldn’t get back to sleep for an hour because I was so excited about achieving lucidity.
