For the past several weeks, I have frequently been experiencing some fairly heavy sleep paralysis with a mix of hallucinations upon awakening when practicing MILD/WILD. Usually, I will have my eyes closed, and ill just ride it out. Sometimes it does scare me, but usually I can get it under control. I'll feel people touching me, pinching me, ill hear screaming in my ear...People talking to me. As well as some very strong body sensations such as shrinking and expanding very rapidly, an increase in gravitational pull, and swaying. You might be wondering what I am getting at with all this, I have experienced all of this on occasion throughout my life, but now it is getting stronger and more frequent. Is there anyway I could induce LD's with this? The sleep paralysis usually dies down in about 10-20 seconds, so I am unable to experiment much.

Oh yah... Sorry I posted this in Lucid Experiences, feel free to move it to the Attaining Lucidity Section.
