I did a WILD when i took a nap at about 3 pm today and after some struggle with sleep paralysis and false awakening i attained Lucidity.

I jumped out of my body and into my kitchen and quickly rubbed my hands, i was way too excited. I went to open my bathroom door but that wouldn't open so i walked back to the living room where i jumped out of my body and saw my brother sitting on a chair. I asked him "whats for dinner?" and he replied "how originally originative" in a sarcastic voice he always does.

After that i immediately bounced out of my dream.

Can dream characters kick you out of your dream? I believe my brother said that to me because i wasn't being creative enough, why would i ask him whats for dinner while in a dream when its not waking life? I believe my excitement woke me up too since i haven't had many lucid dream and this one was the longest even though it only lasted a minute.

Why is it easier to become lucid during the day while taking a nap?