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    1. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked post by bluremi On thread : Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.
      Yeah missing them and only realizing it later was pretty standard for me, for a long time (about a month I think). Progress is slow and seems to come out of nowhere. Actually the "foreground"...
      Liked On: 12-30-2018, 08:31 AM
    2. DRMD
      DRMD liked post by bluremi On thread : REMDreamer review - Ongoing
      I sleep on my back. I am comfortable sleeping that way and will usually wake up in the same position I feel asleep in. Occasionally it has shifted up to my forehead or to the side. This is a...
      Liked On: 01-02-2016, 09:15 PM
    3. DRMD
      DRMD liked post by bluremi On thread : REMDreamer review - Ongoing
      Some very interesting results to report. I may have finally stumbled upon the perfect combination of timing and settings to make this device work as intended. Here's a summary of my latest dream, see...
      Liked On: 01-02-2016, 09:15 PM
    4. DRMD
      DRMD liked post by bluremi On thread : REMDreamer review - Ongoing
      I have found what might be a software bug, but it's hard to say for sure. I set the REM sensitivity to level 8 (out of 9) and noticed that it does not seem to trigger alerts at that level. That is...
      Liked On: 01-02-2016, 09:13 PM
    5. xintenseities
      xintenseities liked post by bluremi On thread : REMDreamer review - Ongoing
      I couldn't find the right balance for an auto-snooze alarm. It would either not wake me up at all or it would be so loud or prolonged that it would completely shatter my chances of falling back...
      Liked On: 12-12-2015, 03:22 AM
    6. xintenseities
      xintenseities liked post by bluremi On thread : REMDreamer review - Ongoing
      When the device is on, you can cycle through the menu to an option that displays how many notifications it has generated since it was turned on. Last night I raised the brightness a little and...
      Liked On: 12-12-2015, 03:22 AM
    7. xintenseities
      xintenseities liked post by bluremi On thread : REMDreamer review - Ongoing
      I just purchased a REMDreamer and thought I'd post my experiences with it so far. I will continue to update this thread as I play around with it. Initial Thoughts I got it off their official...
      Liked On: 12-12-2015, 03:22 AM
    8. Kaan
      Kaan liked post by bluremi On thread : MOLDAVITE, Cosmic Stone.
      Most solid materials can vibrate and will have a specific resonant frequency. The resonant frequency depends on size, shape, elasticity, and the speed of sound in the material (density). That...
      Liked On: 08-12-2015, 05:42 PM
    9. Sharpshoey
      Sharpshoey liked post by bluremi On thread : Trying Gravity RC for several weeks
      I will add that I am using this method with a different RC and, unlike previous attempts, I am not getting discouraged because I can look at a graph of how often I'm doing the RC and it's slowly...
      Liked On: 10-28-2014, 03:59 AM
    10. Sharpshoey
      Sharpshoey liked post by bluremi On thread : Trying Gravity RC for several weeks
      I think you are going to have difficulty achieving results with such a vague goal, especially with a task like this. When you have a difficult and long-term goal project, it helps to take advantage...
      Liked On: 10-28-2014, 03:59 AM
    11. dreambh
      dreambh liked post by bluremi On thread : Trying Gravity RC for several weeks
      I will add that I am using this method with a different RC and, unlike previous attempts, I am not getting discouraged because I can look at a graph of how often I'm doing the RC and it's slowly...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 11:56 PM
    12. dreambh
      dreambh liked post by bluremi On thread : Trying Gravity RC for several weeks
      I think you are going to have difficulty achieving results with such a vague goal, especially with a task like this. When you have a difficult and long-term goal project, it helps to take advantage...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 11:56 PM
    13. mimihigurashi
      mimihigurashi liked post by bluremi On thread : If You Want To Start Having Lucid Dreams ASAP and More Frequently, START MEDITATING
      In general it's a bad idea to meditate while lying down. Your body becomes very relaxed and it causes your mind to go into "sleep" mode. It will start wandering and you will get more and more...
      Liked On: 04-21-2014, 07:00 PM
    14. Nailler
      Nailler liked post by bluremi On thread : What happened? Post Your WILD Attempts, Good or Bad, Here
      I've had that happen before. It's a weird one because you aren't actually lucid, you are just running through a routine in which the actor in the dream believes he/she is lucid. In dreams we often...
      Liked On: 03-03-2014, 10:35 PM
    15. Joram
      Joram liked post by bluremi On thread : My 3 week all day awareness experiment results!
      I'm glad this is working for you. I previously tried a 1-week "literal" ADA experiment and found it was not of much use. You can read about it here: ...
      Liked On: 02-08-2014, 10:52 AM
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    View bluremi's Dream Journal

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    Successful WILD #2

    by bluremi on 03-18-2013 at 04:56 PM
    I may be zeroing in on an approach to WILD that works for me. I had my second successful WILD due to this approach. It uses a combination of a few established techniques that work synergistically to maximize chances of success:

    1) DEILD: before falling asleep at night, repeat mantra to wake up and not move, while visualizing the same.
    2) WBTB: Wake up after 6 hrs of sleep to use the restroom and have a drink.
    3) Anchor: Rapid cycles timed to the breath keep me awake.
    4) FFA: Forced falling asleep to sink deeper towards sleep

    Last night I went to bed earlier than usual and as a result I woke up several times throughout the night. Every time I woke up I would perform a reality check and once I was certain it wasn't a false-awakening I would lie on my back and start cycles. The cycles are the same as the SSILD cycles (vision, then hearing, then physical body sensations) but each sense is only focused on for the duration of one breath. This gets you into a rhythm which eventually becomes automatic. At this point I would normally fall asleep since the automatic nature of the action would make me lose interest, until I discovered the adjustment outlined below:

    1) Start cycles with strong intent and focused attention. Every few cycles throw in FFA for two or three breaths, just to create a faster but controlled descent towards sleep.
    2) After a little while the cycles become easy to do and feel largely automatic.
    3) At this point switch your attention from the cycles to observing yourself doing the cycles. You are passively watching yourself doing the cycles and watching for the moment when your mind wanders. This is a subtle transition, if you don't understand this subtle difference in mental action this might not be for you.
    4) As you continue to do cycles you will feel your mind grow muddier and more confused, as you flirt with unconsciousness. This is a delicate balance. The only way to proceed here is to learn from failure. You need to get familiar with the very specific sensation of losing consciousness but retaining a tiny thread of awareness.

    Getting back to last night, I noticed that as my mind drifted away visuals started to appear. If I "noticed" these visuals they would disappear again, because paying attention to them caused my mind to "wake up" slightly, setting back the process. When that happened I would just calmly resume drifting deeper, each time getting slightly deeper. Eventually I had a complete lapse in consciousness and when I came to I was walking down a green-carpeted hallway in an old apartment building. I immediately knew I was dreaming and started crawling around, feeling the floor and staring at the details to deepen the dream.

    It turned into a nightmare after that, but because I was lucid I just observed the disturbing events without losing self-control or getting scared. It was unpleasant but definitely exciting and I do not regret having the experience.

    I will continue to work with this method and if successful I will create a thread in the forum. I think my approach has some details that are missing from the other techniques posted there.
    lucid , nightmare

    1st LD (CAN-FILD)

    by bluremi on 10-29-2012 at 03:52 PM
    This worked for me last night, combination of CAN-WILD and FILD, let's call it CAN-FILD (Custom Alarm Noise - Finger Induced Lucid Dream). This is my fourth lucid dream, ever, even though I have been trying for years. I think the trick is to get the timing and the details correct. I had quite a long lucid dream, had no trouble with waking up right away. Below are details of how I got it to work so that it may benefit others who are struggling.

    Alarm Clock
    I have a droid phone, and it use it as my alarm to wake me up in the morning. I use a distinctive piercing alarm to get out of bed. The exact ring tone is not important, it's the math problems i have to solve to turn it off. I have been conditioned to wake the f!ck up when I hear this alarm because it doesn't go away until I do a few math problems on my phone. I do this because otherwise I have the problem others have evinced on this thread, where you sleepily shut off the alarm and fall unconscious again without noticing, or sleep through it.
    I got the app Alarm Clock Xtreme Free, and programmed the alarm to slowly rise to full volume over 10 seconds, then stay there for 5 seconds before auto-snoozing for 11 minutes. That means the alarm slowly gains volume and rings for 15 seconds, not jarring me awake and causing me to move. If it doesn't wake me up it goes off again after 11 minutes, then just loops that way forever.

    Went to sleep at 11:30 and set the alarm for 4 hours later, 3:30AM. I was actually woken by the auto-snooze alarm at around 4:30, so that's 5 hours of sleep. I imagine this will be different for most people so this setup takes the guesswork out of it. Eventually you WILL wake up with this great app.

    Upon hearing the alarm I lay still and did not get excited. Imagine if the alarm just meant it was time for you to do your homework, about that level of arousal. I did not start thinking of all the stuff I would do in my dream, I didn't even think about dreaming. Empty mind, concentrate on your fingers. I woke up on my back with my dominant hand on my stomach. This is the hand I practiced twitching my fingers with, so I used it even though it wasn't where I'd prefer (on my side or under my pillow). I twitched the fingers very gently, almost too little to move. I did not count the seconds, just focused on getting the motion right for moment to moment. I did this until I heard a faint buzzing in my ears and a mild sense of dislocation. In retrospect this may have taken 10-20 secnods, max. Again, I did not track the time or count anything.
    I lifted my other hand to my nose and tried to breathe, success. I opened my eyes and was in my room, but everything was very gray and indistinct.

    I imagine this is where most people wake up. A great thing to do is to deepen the reality of the dream by palpating your surroundings. I looked down at my bedspread and started looking at it up close and feeling it with my hands, moving constantly and not focusing on a single spot for more than a split second. Basically crawling over it like looking for fleas. Within a few seconds my vision became crystal clear and my surroundings solidified. From there I had a very fun lucid dream, it lasted around 10 minutes I think since when I came out of it my alarm clock was about to ring again.

    Great technique, can't wait to try it again. If you sleep with someone and can't bother them with your bloody alarm ringing every ten minutes throughout the night, get a comfortable pair of in-ear headphones and wear those to sleep. They sell stuff out there that you can wear without end and not hurt your ears.
    lucid , memorable