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      Thanks for thinking of me, Dream-Cerberus!
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      Oooh, I do love the name!
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      Your name is.. ooooo, bad ass
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      Good luck, let me know if you need any help!
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    Page 2 of 5 FirstFirst 1 2 3 4 ... LastLast
    1. Alysendra
      Alysendra liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I could hear a voice calling me from a distance but I couldn't pinpoint it's source so I just walked and walked until I found the spot where it was originating only to find nobody there and the voice...
      Liked On: 08-08-2014, 10:34 PM
    2. Iokheira
      Iokheira liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I watched on as, one at a time, all of my friends and family disintegrated into nothingness and blew away on the breeze. I didn't try to stop it because I knew that I couldn't.
      Liked On: 08-06-2014, 04:47 PM
    3. Alysendra
      Alysendra liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I watched on as, one at a time, all of my friends and family disintegrated into nothingness and blew away on the breeze. I didn't try to stop it because I knew that I couldn't.
      Liked On: 08-06-2014, 03:49 AM
    4. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was feeling scared and anxious of what was happening around me although I couldn't figure out what was actually going on, I felt on the edge of an anxiety attack but I could hear the voice of a...
      Liked On: 08-05-2014, 04:34 PM
    5. Alysendra
      Alysendra liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was feeling scared and anxious of what was happening around me although I couldn't figure out what was actually going on, I felt on the edge of an anxiety attack but I could hear the voice of a...
      Liked On: 08-05-2014, 03:03 PM
    6. Iokheira
      Iokheira liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was feeling scared and anxious of what was happening around me although I couldn't figure out what was actually going on, I felt on the edge of an anxiety attack but I could hear the voice of a...
      Liked On: 08-05-2014, 01:21 PM
    7. Alysendra
      Alysendra liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and then suddenly I wasn't actually talking to them but instead they were on the phone and I was sitting there talking to someone else entirely, this...
      Liked On: 08-04-2014, 03:05 AM
    8. ~Dreamer~
      ~Dreamer~ liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was going outside to smoke a cigarette and I lay on a bench, I looked at a bin near me and I saw a large spider, I then watched on as a bigger spider ran up and attacked it, then a third even...
      Liked On: 08-03-2014, 01:14 PM
    9. Alysendra
      Alysendra liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was going outside to smoke a cigarette and I lay on a bench, I looked at a bin near me and I saw a large spider, I then watched on as a bigger spider ran up and attacked it, then a third even...
      Liked On: 08-03-2014, 06:22 AM
    10. Alysendra
      Alysendra liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was walking through a petrol station and a lot of people just stopped moving and started staring blankly into space and became non-responsive, it was at that point that I recognised that this was...
      Liked On: 08-02-2014, 02:34 PM
    11. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was walking through a petrol station and a lot of people just stopped moving and started staring blankly into space and became non-responsive, it was at that point that I recognised that this was...
      Liked On: 08-02-2014, 01:30 PM
    12. Alysendra
      Alysendra liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      Walked with a group of people, protecting them from passers-by through a shopping centre and then a massive courtyard. We reached a big open warehouse and the guy leading the group wanted us to run...
      Liked On: 08-01-2014, 02:33 PM
    13. ~Dreamer~
      ~Dreamer~ liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I drove around with a friend for hours and hours before realising that the place we were trying to get to was next door to the place were we started!
      Liked On: 07-28-2014, 05:11 PM
    14. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I drove around with a friend for hours and hours before realising that the place we were trying to get to was next door to the place were we started!
      Liked On: 07-28-2014, 04:47 PM
    15. Xanous
      Xanous liked post by Cerberus On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I had a strange toilet experience, the toilet wouldn't flush and then when it did flush, it didn't flush properly, the water came out of the bottom and into the tank instead of the other way around.
      Liked On: 07-25-2014, 06:11 PM
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    View Cerberus's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    10-6-14 - Taking care of Business

    by Cerberus on 06-10-2014 at 02:42 AM
    1 - I was in prison. There was a lot of wheeling and dealing happening, I was involved in a lucrative operation and I was watching things happen all around me as competitors also did their deals. There was a lot of goods being smuggled in and being moved throughout the system. I had my business happening but so did many others and as you could probably guess there were some crews that worked together to increase profit margins and sales but there was always going to be undercutting and inter-operational competition.
    One afternoon I was walking through the main unit, I was chatting to another inmate about an old friends house and we walked through the halls into a common area. I saw a guy ahead of me name Dwayne, He was about 5 foot 8, Short brown hair and he was young only 24, he was using his lighter to light something he held in his hand, it took quickly and then he threw it over me and I watched as it flew past and realised it was a Molotov cocktail. It went past me and it sailed over the officers station hitting the floor on the other side and exploding into a mass of flame. I was quickly approached by officers and they all threatened me and yelled at me, I knew I was going down to solitary. I reached out and I dropped all of the good I had into a bin because I knew they would search me when I got down to the poky.
    They surrounded me, putting handcuffs on me as they grabbed me by my arms, and began walking me to the solitary unit. We got outside the main unit and the officers noticed it was raining heavily and decided that they should wait until the rain had eased a little bit. I stood there in the cold and saw a guy Ray sitting nearby at a table smoking a cigarette. I called him over and asked if I could have the last half of it as I was about to go to the slot and probably wouldn't get another chance for a while. He acquiesced to my request and shared his cigarette with me.
    I woke up in my cell and I found a note on my bench that I was being Shanghai'd (transferred to another prison), I knew that I had to try and move most of my goods to make as much money as I could before leaving So I could go into business at the new prison, I also had to organise for somebody to take over what would be left of my business upon my departure.
    I walked the halls past all the cells and made my way to the dining area where I found Dwayne, Kazz and Vee. Dwayne and Vee were eating breakfast and percolating coffee while Kazz was getting a shave with a straight edge razor.

    2 - I was standing in my kitchen, I had a whole lot of reams of paperwork and just boxes and boxes of random things that I retrospectively recognised as things related to my old life, I had a little container full of clear white liquid that I knew was some kind of fuel that I could use when lighting this stuff on fire. I just couldn't figure out exactly the best way to set everything out so that it would burn the quickest and at its maximum temperature. No matter what I tried I kept finding things that I just couldn't bring myself to set on fire. The more I readied this pile, the smaller it got. it was just little things that I was saving from the conflagration but they seemed to make the pile exponentially smaller. I eventually got everything ready and I threw the lighter onto the oil and watched it as the flames took everything with them in a sudden explosion of flame and a plume of smoke. My last thought was: 'this smoke probably isn't good for the environment.'

    7-6-14 - High School Musical (Gone Wrong)

    by Cerberus on 06-07-2014 at 02:42 AM
    I was in high school but it was built like a prison.
    I attended some lessons and stuff, going to class but we had cells in one wing of the school. I was running to get to my cell so that I could grab some PS3 games to give to this younger kid who had a way of sneaking into the solitary confinement wing, so he could smuggle them to my mate, who was in there at the moment.
    I had to quickly run into this basement where there was all these old doors and spiderwebs because for some reason the game disc I thought was in the cover I gave to the smuggler was actually down here. I ran to find it and when I did I ran to bring it to the smuggler before it was too late. He wasn't very pleased that I could get him busted by behaving so recklessly.
    I then went to the gymnasium, and I met some people there who were doing a dance class and realised that I was actually a part of it and I knew the moves. We had to line up in some order, I couldn't actually divine how the order was chosen but somehow I just knew where to stand. I then turned around and saw that there was a whole crowd of people sitting there watching us and this was actually a performance! The music started and we had to start dancing, I absolutely sucked. I knew the dance moves because I could remember learning them, what I couldn't remember was the actual routine itself, I had to try and imitate the girl next to me, who it seemed was in the same boat as me.
    we had a quick break for some kind of intermission and we sat down cross legged on the ground facing each other and
    she looked at me and stated, "I don't know the moves properly."
    I said "It's okay, I know the moves, I don't know the order they go in though. You're doing better than I am."
    Her beautiful eyes that were previously on the cusp of tears brightened a bit at that and she gave me a little smile, I gave her a small smile in return, before looking away.
    Suddenly there was a big commotion and there was car crashes and explosions all around and police were running through the place.
    I grabbed the girl by the arm and I ushered her over to this wall and we sat against it out of the way of the drama, our backs against the red bricks.
    She turned to me then and asked a question, "Is it true that you got 15 and 4?"
    "Yeah," I responded, "it isn't what you know, it's who you know and how good a deal you can get." (please note, I don't know what this actually is)
    I then spotted a person that I knew in the dream, but not in RL, get hit by a car. I looked again and there he was standing in the middle of the road, he was alright. Until a car hit him, the same exact car I had already seen hit him. I saw a lady run around some cars and run into four police officers who then proceeded to bash her. Then I saw it actually happen and I realised that I was seeing a little bit into the future. I could probably change it, I thought. I then had a vision of the girl I was sitting with getting killed by the largest man I have ever seen in my life, he would have been at least 7 foot tall and he was so muscly.
    I turned to the girl beside me, who I had by now realised was an old partner, even though she didn't resemble her at all, I knew that it was her because I knew her eyes, and said "I want you to go and stand over there at the end of the wall and whatever happens don't come back this way and don't look back.
    I knew that the man was going to come this way and then look for her. I knew that it wasn't going to end well for her, if he found her. I saw him coming and I told her very forcefully to go. She looked a bit upset and scared that I had spoken to her in such a way and it tore me apart inside to do so.
    I turned to face the direction the giant was coming from and there he was right in front of me. He tried to shuffle me aside but I refused to move and then he tried to push me but I turned with it and swung a leaping right hook at him connecting with his jaw. He then turned to look at me, he had a murderous look in his eyes. I knew then that I was going to die, I knew that I had saved the girl though.
    The man mountain toyed with me, he threw me around like a rag doll and I was broken and lying on the floor when I saw her again she had decided to peek around the corner and see what was happening. I gave her a smile with what was left of my wrecked visage and she cried. I looked a the big man who had picked me up and was readying himself for the coup de grace, he had a vicious sneer and I poked him right in the eye and he dropped me and stumbled away a little bit, screaming in pain.
    My broken body hit the floor and a jolt of pain almost drew me into unconsciousness, I fought to stay awake. I saw my old partner run over and she asked me why I didn't run with her.
    "Because he was going to kill us both, I saw that there was no other way of keeping you safe, if we ran together he would have caught us, so I thought it safer to distract him while you ran away." She cried, the tears flowing unchecked down her cheeks. I then whispered, my strength failing, "You had better go, I am going to die tonight. Please, don't let it be for nothing, run away."
    She didn't want to believe it but I am sure that she knew it was true because the next time I told her to run she gave me one last kiss and turned to flee. I watched her back as it got smaller and smaller as it got further away from me.
    I was suddenly grabbed and hoisted into the air. The giant had returned and he was irate. His eye, where I had recently decided to place my finger, was bloodshot. He then said "You're going to be famous, all over the news tonight, little man."
    He then placed one of his giant hands on the side of my head, it was turned in the direction of my receding ex partner, so I saw her one last time as she glanced back. I then felt a rush of momentum as the brick wall quickly approached my head with the intention of dashing my brains against it's hard stone and mortar. I smiled as I saw her round the corner at the end of the wall because I knew now that she would be safe, that was when my head met the wall and I woke up.

    4-6-14 - Thank You for Smoking.

    by Cerberus on 06-04-2014 at 02:47 AM
    I was walking through a shopping centre with a friend of mine Dee and I was beginning to feel rather hungry. He and I walked around looking for a store so that I could buy something to eat. We finally came across a place where I could buy something to eat and I decided to order but they had nothing left and they were out of stock. The lady who worked the counter told me that I could come back in a few hours and they would restock so I could eat my lunch.
    I tried to explain that I didn’t have that kind of time to wait for lunch and asked if she knew anywhere else that I could buy something to eat, she just kept telling me to come back later.
    “I don’t think you understand” I told her, raising my voice a little. She just wouldn’t listen and I was getting frustrated. I decided to walk away before things escalated and I turned my back on her and I walked away and stopped listening to her, calling out as I walked away, “Thanks for not helping.”
    Dee and I wandered around for a little while more and then I came across another place where I could buy some food, ordering as soon as I got to the counter.
    I then turned to Dee, saying “Hey man, I just got to go to the brasco.”
    “That’s cool, I’ll pick up your food for you and I’ll go and sit over there.” He replied gesturing to a table nearby.
    I wandered off following signs that were leading me to the toilets. After what felt like an age of walking I finally reached them and I entered and I walked over and started to urinate in the trough.
    A little kid walked in that looked a lot like me as a child and he stood next to me and started urinating as well. Unfortunately he wasn’t very practiced at this and he caused heaps of splashback and sprayed me. I finished up and went to wash my hands as I washed my hands I saw the little kid turn to leave and I called him back to wash his hands and I showed him how to wash them properly. I exited the toilets and walked down the hall to reach the main shopping mall area I felt a tug on the back of my shirt and I turned to see the kid standing there.
    “Thank you” He said softly with such softness that I barely heard him.
    “You’re welcome,” I replied. “And you have excellent manners, too, young man.”
    I walked away from him and approached Dee and I saw him sitting at the table but there was no food. I had forgotten about it and I wasn’t hungry anymore.
    (Sudden change of scene)
    I was at a party and there were a few friends there that I knew and they were all looking over the back fence, calling out things and I couldn’t quite understand what they were doing. I went to the fence and I looked over and there was a really big dog on the other side. They were trying to entice it to come closer and slowly but surely it was making its way over to them. And then it finally got close enough to the fence that they could reach it and they began playing with it and scratching it behind the ears. I could see it was lavishing in all of the attention it was getting and I walked away back into the house where the party was.
    Everyone inside was looking for something although I couldn’t figure out what it was but I decided to help anyway. I looked around I noticed that there were some teddy bears underneath a table and they were moving as if someone was hiding underneath them as they seemed to rise and fall like they were breathing. I started lifting teddies throwing them aside and looking for the cause of the undulation and I finally found a tiny mouse underneath them. People had entered while I was digging through the pile and began watching wondering what I was doing and then they saw the mouse and exclaimed that that was what they were looking for.
    I picked up the mouse and I went outside and released him over the fence at the side of the house but then I saw that the mouse ran straight back inside. I laughed a bit because I remembered then that Dreamer had told me that you have to release it far enough away that it doesn’t come back.
    I saw a few friends having cigarettes and they offered me one, I declined because I knew that Dreamer, who was at the party, would most definitely have something to say about it and I didn’t want to disappoint her because we were supposed to be quitting together.
    I began to walk around to the back of the yard and I spotted her having a smoke and she saw me and I suddenly felt that it was okay for me to have a cigarette too. I walked inside and I saw my mate Bee and asked him if I could have a cigarette, he gave me one and we went outside to indulge. We sat down on the back step and he lit his cigarette up and passed me the lighter so I could do likewise but as I pulled the cigarette out of my pocket I snapped the filter off and I was about ready to throw it away and then I remembered that because Dreamer had had one, I was going to have one too. I lit it up anyway, getting a mouthful of tobacco as I inhaled.
    About halfway through my cigarette I saw her come out and she didn’t look happy with me for smoking. I felt terrible but I dug my heels in and got stubborn and put on a display of loving the cigarette I was having even though I actually hated smoking it because it tasted like crap and it was leaving tobacco in my mouth. She approached and asked if she could have some of it and I replied in the negative and said that I need all of it. She was not happy with me.
    With every word I said and every draw of the cigarette, I saw her face sink a little and it killed me inside that I could upset her so much and I had to look away because it upset me while I finished the cigarette. I walked away after putting it in the ashtray. I didn’t look back.

    Updated 06-04-2014 at 11:51 AM by Cerberus


    2-6-14 - Fear and Loathing in the Lunch Room

    by AydanLBastion on 06-02-2014 at 01:28 AM
    I was being lead somewhere, along with a group of people, some that I knew and some that I didn't. We were walking through a labyrinthine group of builldings and we got to a parking garage with a set of doors on the left and I noticed that there was a television monitor on the wall just above it, encased in a metal and thick glass frame, which displayed us for the purpose of showing us that we were being filmed.
    I said to somebody that I knew this place although it didn’t actually look familiar. I knew I hadn’t been here before but I remember thinking that if you’ve seen one prison you’ve seen them all.
    We, the group I was with, entered through the doorway and travelled through a hall until we reached a little waiting room. There were guards in there and it looked like your average prison visitor centre. The group I entered with all broke off into different parts of the room and then came together again, as they started getting themselves something to eat or drink out of a nearby kitchen and people were making themselves coffee or tea and grabbing food out of the fridge. I didn’t own any of the food so I just grabbed a tray of ice out of the fridge and started chewing on ice cubes.
    There were both males and females in my group and I started making my way around offering people ice cubes a few partook, some even putting them in their coffee or tea.
    Two girls I saw had started eating sandwiches and had decided that they needed to hide the fact that they were doing so by erasing all evidence that they had been there. This was done by cleaning chalk off of a blackboard. I can’t remember what was written on there but they were desperately trying to erase the writing and a big yellow star that was on there as well.
    I suddenly said “I need to do a reality check” and everyone looked at me like I was insane. Suddenly, there was a psych standing there and he was telling people that obviously I was suffering from some severe mental health problems because I had started losing my mind and understanding of what was real and what was not if I had to constantly check if I was living in reality. There were many stifled laughs and barely suppressed giggles at my expense as he said it with a voice full of scorn and derision.
    That actually made me feel very self-conscious of my reality check itself and instead of looking at my hands and counting my fingers, like I prefer to do, I held my nose shut and closed my mouth and attempted to breathe in.
    I tried to do it as discreet as possible. It worked, I could still breathe, everyone was staring at me giving me disapproving glares as I did it again just to double check, not so discreet this time.
    I could still breathe, again. I continued to do RC's a few more times because I was still in disbelief.
    I didn’t know what to do and suddenly felt under pressure as I felt them all staring at me as I realised that I was the centre of attention and that is something that makes me anxious in RL. I tried to make them stop looking at me but I wasn’t really still certain that it was actually happening and they didn’t stop glowering, I tried to get away by any means necessary, which was flying, in this case, I just kind of floated there not really floating for very long, just hovering for a few seconds as I tried again and again growing ever more desperate and irrational.
    I distinctly remember thinking ‘It’s just no good, I just don’t believe enough, maybe this is all still part of my dream and I’m not really lucid at all. Maybe I am only dreaming that I am lucid’ At that point I stopped trying to do anything, there was a lot of self-loathing creeping in and I knew it wasn’t a good path to go down but I couldn’t stop it from spiralling out of control.
    My alarm went off and up I got.

    31-5-14 (Big)Cat-dog and A Trip to the Cinema

    by AydanLBastion on 05-31-2014 at 03:00 AM
    I am just going to go on record and state that most of my dreams of late have been in a post-apocalyptic dystopian setting.
    I was walking down the street accompanied by someone, I am not actually sure that I knew who they were, and we were looking to buy some food (although I knew that I already had a brown paper bag in my backpack with something to eat in it). We then boarded a bus, I looked around and I noticed that it was very dirty, run down and most of it was destroyed. I saw that most of the windows were broken but it still functioned so I sat down in the back row. I opened my backpack, pulled out the brown paper bag and looked inside. I pulled out a sausage roll and a vegetarian pastie and I will admit that I felt a bit disappointed because I didn't want to eat either of those things. I looked through the windowless window and realised that I had to get off of the bus at the next stop and as it slowed to a halt, I got up and moved toward the door, unfortunately the door was stuck fast and wouldn't open so the guy I was hanging with and I had to make an improvised exit through one of the broken windows.
    After climbing out through the window, I started walking towards the rear of the bus to cross the road when I saw a man and woman arguing. She was a tall woman with brown hair and she was holding a dog lead. He was a shorter fellow, shorter than her and rotund in appearance. He wore a button up shirt that was unbuttoned over a brown T-shirt that had some writing on it. Not much unlike the guy at the end of the Fatboy Slim 'Right here, Right now' film clip.
    I didn't know why they were arguing but I realised as I got closer that she was unhappy about the writing on his shirt. It was then that I saw it, the writing said something along the lines of "food is scarce, pets aren't" and there was an outline of a little dog betwixt a knife and a fork, as I drew up next to them, at the point where I needed to cross the road, I saw the woman's dog for the first time. It was a little ankle biter of a dog, it's front half was brown and it's back half was like a leopard skin print. I thought it was the strangest thing I had ever seen.
    I crossed the road and got to the building where I was headed. I opened my backpack and up until this point I had no idea why I was going there but I suddenly 'remembered' that I was there to see a movie in the cinema but I couldn't seem to understand why there was a cinema underneath a football stadium. There was a game on at that very minute, it was a night match between the Essendon Bombers and the Collingwood Magpies. Neither are teams that I like very much, so I am not certain about that either. I remember thinking: "How am I going to hear the movie over all of the cheering of the football fans?"
    I walked into the cinema and sat down in a seat in the row against the back wall, which for some reason only had three seats in it and all of the rest of the rows had different amounts of seats that were haphazardly placed at seemingly random intervals. I pulled out the food out of my backpack and settled in to watch a movie.