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    Conversation Between dakotahnok and Puffin

    69 Visitor Messages

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    1. Yeahh! For a little while anyways.
    2. Your online!!!
    3. Interesting. Speaking of drawing I have had very little time to do art

      I can't believe you can't pass it! I hope your next try is successful! I should be driving in early may! Woo!

      I bought some watercolor pencils and pastels. And let me tell you, they are amazing! They can create some pretty cool visual effects. I have been taking a photoshop class to get me started, and it's coming along good.
    4. Aw, I hope she gets better soon.

      No luck with the driver's test... Not like I've taken another one since then, though! I actually stopped driving until a few days ago, where I started driving myself to school with my dad in the passenger seat. It seems that if I take a hiatus from, well, anything and then come back to it, I'm much better. Lots of people say that if you stop drawing for a few months you might lose some of your ability to draw, but for me I just come back stronger than before.
    5. I read about your project issues! It happens to me all the time. At least you got revenge.

      I have been having problems as well. Mothers in hospital. I have to take care of my sister. I can't wait to Get a job either. How is the driving test? Have you passed yet?
    6. Pretty good. I've had... issues... with people not doing their share of projects with me at school, but everything's over for now! I can't wait until I graduate and get a full time job, haha.

      What about you?
    7. Haha I like it. How are things going with you?
    8. It sort of does, doesn't it. =/
      I've been experimenting with different ways to word it but that's the best one I can think of.
    9. Your signature sounds a lot like an infomercial.
    10. No problem!
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