• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Dark_Merlin and MadMonkey

    10 Visitor Messages

    1. ya Ive been wanting to change my avatar and sig forever but had to wait till now to start working on it.
    2. Thank you! I figured it was time for a change aha
    3. somehow i didn't notice till now but love the new signature
    4. Aha, was a bit of a joke we had in IRC last night and I seem to be the last one to put it back to normal
    5. lol at your avatar.

    6. I could stair at your avatar for hours.
    7. Want.
    8. it is paper craft. Its like a 3d model made out of printed, folded and glued paper. You can make some really cool stuff with it.
    9. That sword is awesome! Is it like a folded 3D model or just flat?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10