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    About DayDreamer315

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    About DayDreamer315
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    I am new to the lucid dreaming world and very anxious to continue lucid dreaming and master it. Im currently working on dream recall.
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    Anything and everything outdoors
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    [] Meet my dream guide [X] fly [ ] fly to the moon[X] fly to outer space [] Have an epic battle between me and a DC using magic [] Meet a friend in my dreams (dream share) [] Air bend [] Fire bend


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    12-03-2013 07:07 PM
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    1. Different
      Different liked post by DayDreamer315 On thread : Waking up in the middle of the night more
      i don't think anyone really answered your question about DEILDing and if you should reality check when you wake up. Ok first off definitley do reality checks every time you wake up. Usually when i...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. Different
      Different liked post by DayDreamer315 On thread : Waking up in the middle of the night more
      only don't move right after you exit a dream unless your not trying a DEILD. every other time i would get up and reality check
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. astraalipaska
      astraalipaska liked post by DayDreamer315 On thread : Question about calming down when getting lucid.
      you can also try to just focus on something other than remaining calm. When in my few lucids when i realize im dreaming i get excited tell myself real quick i have to be calm and immediatley just...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. Armagedoom
      Armagedoom liked post by DayDreamer315 On thread : Free lucid dreaming machine ("like" novadreamer) if you have Android phone!
      Everyone is different. The time at which you start your REM cycles (which is when you start dreaming) varies on each person. Its usually around 4-6 hours after you go to sleep. Just try it 3 hours...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View DayDreamer315's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    3rd lucid

    by DayDreamer315 on 01-09-2011 at 02:58 AM
    I was in a house. the kitchen looked like my old friends kitchen in his house. I walked into the kitchen and saw all my friends sitting down around the room. I thought this was odd since im in japan and they are all at college. I did a reality check and looked at the time on my phone. i looked away and looked at the time again, it changed. I now knew this was a dream. I said aloud to everyone "I am dreaming!" i remember getting really excited and then telling myself to calm down so i wouldn't lose lucidity. I looked at my hands and counted y fingers, they were all there. all 5 of them. i don't remember much of this dream but i do remember trying to teleport to my moms house. The dream was fading so i starting spinning and closing my eyes. at the same time thinking about my moms house and what it looked like. I stopped and opened my eyes and i was there at my ex-step fathers house. The dream became more vivid because of the spin. I walked downstairs into the basement and there was a couch with a tv infront of it. my cousin was sitting there. I walked up to him and told him we were in a dream, my dream. He believed me and thought it was sweet. I remember one part of the dream walking down the halway trying to fly....inside for some reason. obviously didn't work haha.

    Mystery man and the white bird

    by DayDreamer315 on 01-02-2011 at 12:48 AM
    I was sitting in my backyard with my brother. I saw behind him a fat oval shaped chicken glide down from a tree. It started to flap its wings and run to the front. I chased after it to kill it. When i got to the front it was gone. I went back to the backyard and went inside the house with my brother. Something was telling me this was a dream. I just had a feeling it was. So i did a reality check. i plugged my nose and i could still breathe. I had to do this a couple times because everything felt so real that i thought i was just doing it wrong. I decided to believe it really was a dream. I went to my brother who was on the stairs and told him "Justin, im dreaming!" he said "what? Really!?" I walked back into the kithen and my friend was there, i followed him into the bathroom and said "hey dude, this is a dream. im dreaming!" He replied "i don't believe you!" so i said ill prove it watch this. i plugged my nose and breathed. i said im gonna go outside and try to do some tricks. I walked outside to the front. I looked at my hands. Everything was so vivid and real like. I tried to light a flame with my hand like the guy from fantastic four. I snapped my fingers repeatedly but nothing happened. i then started to act as if i was creating a ball of fire in both my hands and i tried throwing it to see if fire would actually appear. still nothing. As i kept throwing my hands around trying this my friend walked out and saw me looking like a fool. I realized this and laughed. I stopped and walked towards the driveway. A man appeared. He had an athletic build, middle eastern looking with short black curly hair. He was in athletic gear. A yellow soccer shirt, and shorts. His eyes were bright white with bright brown. He just stood their looking at me (possibly my dream guide?). i ignored him and continued walking to the end of my driveway. At the end of the driveway was this short fat indian man with long grey hair and a big pointy nose. He was saying something but i can't remember what. He had some white bird or owl wrapped in a cloth like a ball. He set it down and i grabbed it and started runnning down the street. I stopped in my neighbors yard and looked back. the indian had chased me but he stopped infront of me and yelled "the white bird!" i set it down and continued running. there was a car in my neighbrs yard so i climbed over it and on the other side was a long bottomless pit. i tried jumpnig across but i fell. I woke up.

    Plane crash

    by DayDreamer315 on 12-24-2010 at 12:11 AM
    I was in a small plane. We were preparing to land. It was dark out and there was snow on the ground. As the plane got closer to touching ground, i looked out the window and noticed the wing was getting really close to a big rock wall next to the LA. The wing hit the wall and made the plane land sideways. The plane flipped upside down. I fell out of my seat and hit into the window and then the roof but it didn't hurt. I looked towards the back of the plane and everyone was still sitting in their seats upside down.
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    A Visit from my grandma

    by DayDreamer315 on 12-24-2010 at 12:06 AM
    I was standing in a long line with other people. We were all dressed up. The people were a mix of friends and family of my step-father who recently passed away. We were inside a big open room. The room was all white. one wall consisted of all big windows. Infront of the windows were square island type stands lined up in a row that had palm trees in them. I was standing next to my step-grandmothers sister in the line, she eventually turned into my step-grandmother. From the other side of the line walked out my Grandmother whom passed away about 3-4 years ago. My mom was walking behind her crying with her hand placed on my grandmas back. I ran up to my grandma in total shock and gave her a big hug. I tried to say i love you but i was so choked up and short of breathe that i couldn't get the words out. I stepped back and saw my grandma crying looking at me. I started to cry and put my face in my hands. the dream started to fade away and i realized this and try to hold onto it but i woke up.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Action figure!

    by DayDreamer315 on 12-24-2010 at 12:03 AM
    I was an action figure running from another action figure trying to kill me.
    dream fragment