• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between djpatch999 and FelicityPotter

    5 Visitor Messages

    1. Well I couldn't remember the name that it's really called and that's the first thing that came to mind lol Ahh well since it's the holidays I might be on in the mornings too. Maybe we could chat in IRC sometime to get a better idea of each other so a shared dream will become more likely I also look forward to getting lucid tonight, I really can't wait. Unfortunately my recall hasn't been favourable towards me recently as you can probably see from the last entry in my workbook. Oh well tonight I will get lucid!
    2. 'Air bending'... You watched avatar? I pop on between 7am and 9am when I wake up, and then I come on in the evenings too. Are you also from England? And memorizing what you look like will be another great task! I will be looking forward to (hopefully) getting lucid tonight I hope you do too!
    3. Oh so a good start that we're of similar levels then ...oh you read that... haha well maybe I'll surprise you with my breezy air-bending hand shake You seem very keen as well which is brilliant! Yeah let's stabilize and then.... maybe try and memorize what each other's wearing? Then we can start building up points I'm usually on here from 7.00pm - 10.00pm Daily (GMT +0) What times are you on?
    4. Yeah I can't wait to get started! I read through your workbook, looks like we are kinda equal in ability I also read through the chat log (I'm more likely to freeze you solid with a handshake, and you seem very motivating!!!) I don't mind which task to do first really maybe we should do stabilize because if you get lucid but haven't read this then you are probably going to do that anyway what time (GMT) do you check the site? It might help communication... :3 woah I sound like a stalker
    5. Hey Felicity looks like we've been paired for the DVA LD'ing competition, hope your looking forward to it cause I am So what shared task do you want to do first?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5