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    1. paigeyemps
      paigeyemps liked post by element5 On thread : It just doesn't click
      If you're a beginner the WILD method might be a little hard for you (like myself), but I've had good results with wbtb. I went lucid on my second attempt! But I also combine it with MILD as I'm...
      Liked On: 02-12-2013, 11:28 AM
    2. oneiroer
      oneiroer liked post by element5 On thread : LD'ing in naps
      So next week I'll be waking up early (8AM) for work, as I'll be doing more morning shifts. Since I typically take afternoon naps on these days, once I'm off work, I'd like to make use of them and...
      Liked On: 02-10-2013, 04:01 AM
    3. Lucidpotential
      Lucidpotential liked post by element5 On thread : LD'ing in naps
      So next week I'll be waking up early (8AM) for work, as I'll be doing more morning shifts. Since I typically take afternoon naps on these days, once I'm off work, I'd like to make use of them and...
      Liked On: 02-09-2013, 07:53 PM
    4. djmarkspence
      djmarkspence liked post by element5 On thread : Mild with Wbtb
      I combine wbtb with mild. I only repeat the mantras once Im feeling relaxed but only for a minute or two, off and on. I practice that with ssild. Don't forget to add some visualization in there too....
      Liked On: 02-08-2013, 08:44 AM
    5. gab
      gab liked post by element5 On thread : first lucid dream ever!!! sort of?
      Couldn't say it any better gab
      Liked On: 02-05-2013, 09:02 PM
    View element5's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    5th Lucid

    by element5 on 03-04-2013 at 07:48 PM
    I fell asleep last night at around 1am and had a regular dream or two. Woke up at 5am and stayed up for about 10-15 minutes and went back to bed. My final waking time was 8:30am. Basically last night I had kind of an unintentional wbtb. In the time during my second sleep I had a couple, long non-lucid dreams. Just a side note: I have not been doing any rc's lately or anything besides having a thought or two of LD'ing in the back of my head daily. The night before last I was having a dream when I just randomly said to myself, "I am dreaming" and that triggered quick lucidity but as soon as I realized it, the dream had faded to black. I am not counting that as an official lucid although I am impressed with myself for getting to that point. That night I also had an unintentional wbtb, as I had fallen asleep on the couch and went to my bed later in the night.

    So here I am, in my non-lucid dream. I am standing on some bedrock looking at all the waterfalls that stretch down the horizon. It is dusk outside. The dream is vivid and clear. I see a billboard at the top of one waterfall closest to me, thinking "why the hell would someone put an ad here?"

    Anyway, I looked around for a few more seconds and randomly just say to myself "I am dreaming". I get that awesome rush you get when you find out that you're dreaming and run and jump off the bedrock into the water below. Below the surface it gets darker and darker the deeper I go until I'm falling into black space. All of a sudden I'm completely still. I open my eyes and I'm back in my bed. The room is completely dark and for a moment I'm thinking I really did just wake up. I lean up and see an industrial white light on the wall by my bed, which is not there in WL. Without question, or doing any rc's, I know this is still a dream. I get up slowly, pulling the cover off. I sit on the edge of my bed for a few seconds thinking about how my goal in this dream is to anchor myself in and engage all five senses as much as possible. Idk why but I put it off and got up and dug through my drawer for something but I dont recall what it was that I was looking for. After that I pace around my black room for a minute or two. For some reason I felt very tired and my eyelids were heavy. I was fighting the urge to close my dream eyes for the fear I'd lose the dream and wake up. I decided to do a rc just to see what my hands looked like in the dream. They looked normal, but my focus was zooming in and out, clarifying then blurring, like a camera trying to focus. Through the dream I never let myself forget I was dreaming, and that seemed to keep me in longer. I then Looked at my phone to see what funky characteristics it had. I turned on the screen and a red samsung came up with weird quotation marks, like "SAMSUNG" and then something appeared below it. I figured, fair enough. I walked around my room a bit more feeling sluggish and half asleep. I finally had closed my eyes.

    A couple seconds passed and I opened them slowly, hoping to be in the dream still. But what I see is daylight instead of solid darkness, and I can see everything in my room. I lean up to do a rc. My hands look normal, none of that zoomy shit. I plug my nose and can't breath. Great, I'm awake! I decided to get up and write everything down in my dream journal. This LD lasted about 5 minutes. My record before this was 20 seconds. Talk about improvement!! This time though I didn't just take off and fly and wake myself up out of the excitement, keeping my cool worked.

    I'm kinda impressed with myself for have lucid instances in the last two nights. I'm sure they had to do with my wbtb's. It seems all I gotta do is say "I'm dreaming" and voila. I will do wbtb's the next couple nights and see how it works out.

    Lucid! 1/30/13

    by element5 on 01-31-2013 at 01:49 AM
    Sleep Time: 5:30AM-2:30PM
    Methods used: WBTB (11:30AM-12:05PM), MILD

    So I've been into LD'ing for years now. Every now and then I pick up the urge and motivation to have a lucid dream but have never really carried out with it past a week. Anyway, today was my second attempt at having a LD since I've picked back up with it a few days ago. I utilized the WBTB method as I've done this before with luck. Well it took me at least an hour to fall back asleep after being up for 35 minutes. I had this long drawn-out dream (non-lucid) and it was fairly interesting and vivid. I remember all of it like I had just woken up still. Towards the end of this dream I realized it was only a dream, w/o doing any rc's. Right after realizing, everything went black and I felt myself in bed, eyes closed. I felt the rush of sleep paralysis briefly and heard myself breathing heavy. I knew what was going on so I just lay there still as ever and try to visualize a new dream scene to fall into but was having some troubles. I decided I'd just go back into my previous dream instead and go from there (I now know this was a DEILD, and it happened completely unintentionally, but I'm not complaining!). Almost instantly I am back in the dream I was having before. I was lucid but everything around me was a little blurry at first. I'm surprised I didn't wake up out of excitement like I've always done in previous LD's. This time I was in a building two stories up. It was about sunset on a summer-like evening. I saw an open window and decide to start sprinting toward it then dive out. I swooped down just above the ground with good speed and flew around the side of the building. I thought to myself, "It'd be nice to see a dream character" and two seconds later I see one in the corner of my eye leaning against the building but decide not to pay too much attention. I continue flying just above the ground and up along a hill, so close if I reached down I could feel the green blades of grass between my fingers. I shoot up to about tree line and get a little higher but for some reason I got disoriented as I tried to go any higher (lol) and fell a few feet out of the sky, butterfly in stomach effect and everything! I kinda laughed at this sensation and continued to fly a few more feet until I just woke up. Longest LD yet, lasted probably 10-15 seconds (as opposed to 5..). The dream itself wasn't my most vivid LD, however, but it's definitely a start, esp. after being only my second try with it. Very satisfied with the outcome and can't seem to get it off my mind today. In my next one I definitely want to at least try and improve the clarity. I know how to do it and everything, and it did cross my mind when I went lucid earlier, but all I seemed to care about was getting some air.
    lucid , memorable