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    About geekgirl101
    I suffer from 2 chronic conditions - IBS and Fibromyalgia. I also have autism and sometimes I display autisic or OCD behaviour in my dreams. When I'm ill or in lots of pain I often dream of teeth falling out or being pulled out since my mother once told me that dreams of loose teeth represented the body telling me I'm unwell. The Fibromyalgia is a new thing I've started to experience so sometimes I have very scary dreams that reflect loss of control and inability to escape it as I have strong fears of not being able to control what happens to me. My husband and I just get along, although there's times I get frustrated with his lack of empathy or unfairness when we frolic with each other like playful slapping or tickling as he goes over the top, and this sometimes comes out in my dreams with me being frustrated with him for ignoring me or playing unfairly at a game.
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    Recent Entries

    Long time no lucid

    by geekgirl101 on 01-22-2015 at 09:14 AM
    I'm struggling to get myself in a lucid dream. That one time I was lucky, but since then the dreams have been pretty much controlling me with the occassional attempt at the end of me telling myself this isn't how I want it to end and able to change the ending slightly, but that's about it. Instead I've been having disturbing dreams.

    Dream 1

    Several nights ago I dreamt I had found a small snake in the house. It was red and white and I wasn't sure if it was poisonous or not. It kept striking at me as I tried to find a way to get it out the house. I then found a long stick with a hook that looked like a massive key ring on it and I found a way to hook the snake on it and then threw it outside. But the metal was strained like it had been prised open and was quite sharp, and it cut the snake into 3. I looked outside to see the tail and head still moving, the head was severely damaged and exposing muscle. Seeing it was still alive but in pain I quickly picked up a small tupperware box and put all 3 parts into it carefully, then called out to Tony saying "Tony, we're going to need to take it to a vet." We got to a vet and when I opened the box I saw 2 heads. The vet said the second head was just a ghost head and nothing to worry about. The tail had somehow reattached itself to the body but it wasn't on properly and I could see into the tail and it was hollow, the head was still moving and I could sense that the snake knew we were trying to help it so it had calmed down to let us help but it was in a lot of pain. I was starting to take control of the dream as it was coming to a close in wanting to separate the tail from the body and reattach it properly, and seconds from waking I managed to see the part where the vet had severed the tail and was now pressing it against the body to reattach it and another vet went to get some bandages to hold it in place.

    Dream 2

    I was playing a prank on my cousins who were back as children except for the eldest one. We were walking down a street and I was creeping up behind them as if to scare them and then hide my hands again as if I wasn't up to anything. We neared a building and my eldest cousin was in a room that was his. His sister came in knowing I needed money and said she would sell her guitar to get me some money. I told her not to do that. We went outside and saw down the street a massive alien pod that had opened up. My cousin told us all to get into a giant spaceship that sort of looked like the one in Battlestar Galactica. My mother was there too and a few other people who were related or meant something to us. When we got inside he was able to control 2 other smaller ships that were hovering around the alien pod. One looked like a giant christmas bauble and the other was a very small ship. "Let's see what this does" he said, and the huge bauble began to flash rapidly and shot multiple thick beams of white light into the middle of the pod making a very loud noise. The smaller ship began to swing around the pod and was shooting blue lazers at it. The pod began to flicker rapidly and made a loud noise as if it was charging up and the world began to shake. "Let's get out of here!" he said, and sent the ship to go upwards into space. We sailed past the moon and my cousin said "We should be safe here." I heard a loud high pitched sound coming from Earth, outside the Earth was glowing bright and then it exploded with a loud echoing bang, sending out a massive shockwave through space. I suddenly realised we would be in space for a very long time as we hadn't yet found of a hospitable planet that wouldn't take several generations to get there and we didn't have any resources like food, water or oxygen to live that long. As the dream was coming to a close I began to take control and was thinking to myself won't the shockwave shatter through the moon and still kill us or the chunks of Earth pulverise us? We're not going to avoid it, and trying to rewrite the dream as us getting as far as Jupiter and hiding behind it, but we weren't gonna get there that fast as it took a long time for man to get to the moon and Jupiter was a lot lot further away. I woke up before I could rewrite the ending to make sense.

    Updated 01-22-2015 at 09:30 AM by geekgirl101

    non-lucid , memorable

    False Awakenings

    by geekgirl101 on 06-04-2014 at 04:34 PM
    Man these false awakenings are annoying, and they're seemingly happening when I'm staying awake too late and waking too early. Saturday morning was a collection of one false awakening after another when I stayed up late to watch a poorly bird, and then 4 hours later woke up to check on him when he died in my hands. The dreams then went as so...

    Dream 1

    Me and my husband were in hospital. I was waiting for an operation for something and he was being operated on because his ding-dong was making a rapping sound like a door knocker when he jiggled it around. I was then woken up hearing the birds in the bedroom making a lot of noise and I sleepily said to my husband about the birds going ape in the room.

    False Awakening 1

    I had gone back to sleep at that point but in my waking dream I was having more difficult talking and sounded very drowsy as I uttered the words "pen*ses knocking like a door knocker" (according to my husband when I finally was awake I never said anything like that to him but I did mention about the birds.)

    Dream 2

    We had moved house again, this time to Hazel Grove, and I entered a house through its side entrance. I walked into a beautiful kitchen decorated with old-style mahogany furnishings. There was a spread of christmas food on a table, candles, and a small christmas tree beautifully decorated with victorian decorations and brightly coloured lights. I decided to redecorate the tree with my own decorations, but it didn't look nearly as good. I walked into the hallway which had green/white wallpaper and dark brown dado railings, the stairs and railings were made of dark wood. I opened the front door to a sight of christmas lights everywhere, and across the road was a house with a fantastic light display of a giant star which took my breath away. I then went into the front room, it was cosy and antique looking with dark wooden furnishings and a coal fire, decorations everywhere, and the biggest christmas tree I had ever seen with loads of lights. Then I saw the pile of wrapped presents on the floor and realised to my horror they were for the previous owners. I suddenly realised they hadn't moved out and decided I'd best leave before they thought they were being burgled. I began to leave the house when I heard the stairs creek. I knocked on the kitchen door carefully pulling it open and peeking through to a young man in a dark red and black tartan dressing gown carefully tip-toeing down the stairs and a scared look on his face. I began apologizing and he told me I wasn't supposed to move in just yet.

    False Awakening 2

    I dreamt I had woken up again and once more uttered the words about the ding-dong knocking like a door knocker to my husband lying next to me.

    At this point it was now hard to tell what was reality and what was false awakening as I continued to have dreams of me trying to say something to my husband or taking my asthma spray, but when I eventually did wake up for real he wasn't even in bed. He was already dressed and had been awake for at least an hour and was popping back into the bedroom looking for something.

    This morning I was awake until 2am before I went to bed. I was utterly exhausted.

    Dream 1

    I decided I wanted to play A Tale In The Desert again, but I wasn't too fond of paying the overpriced subscription. I noticed people were tearing down buildings and began to move their guild house. I asked in a channel where there was any European players. One guy said his guild was European mostly based in the UK, it was the guild that was tearing itself down and moving to a better location, so I began to follow them and asked to join with them.

    Dream 2

    I was in some kind of hospital or nursing home. I was supposed to just be visiting, but after I found my room I started to get a very painful headache. I left the room and was asking for help. Some nurses saw I was in distress and were trying to help me.

    False Awakening 1

    I had woken up and discovered a disaster had occurred in the night. A water pipe was leaking water like a tap in the bedroom by the window and my husband jerry-rigged some jugs to collect the water, but they were now full and were out of position and he had gone to work so there was water all over the place. I managed to hook the pipe so that the water would flow outside, but it was spraying water to the next door garden. I tried to bend the pipe so that the water would run into our garden and straight into a drain grid. A female neighbour from next door was on her way out and she was getting water all over her. She thought I was playing a game so she pulled out a water hose and was about to aim it at me. I told her it was accidental and that I couldn't stop the pipe from leaking.

    Jesus Army

    by geekgirl101 on 05-19-2014 at 12:27 PM
    I haven't made any entries in a while, mostly because the dreams are on and off and haven't been lucid since I had my first one where I was flying. I made attempts this morning to go into lucid dreaming and I just can't time it right. I pinch my nose and I know it's me doing it and I'm more awake than before. But then I finally went to sleep and didn't get to go into lucid dreaming, but I did end up having 2 dreams about a place I thought I had put at the back of my mind and would never be plagued by in my dreams.

    Dream 1

    I was seeking out the Jesus Army. I found one of their members and called out to him. "If you guys think I'm still demon possessed then deliver me!" I shouted to him, but he started walking away into a building with the rest of the people wearing their army-clad jackets. "Please, if I am demon possessed then don't leave me like this! I'm begging you!" I pleaded. He suddenly turned around and slammed his palm onto my head, shouting all kinds of things. I just stood there eyes closed tight with tears flooding down my face. His hand was forceful as if he was trying to push me down, but I stood my ground. Eventually he stopped and stared at me, not knowing why I wasn't responding to his prayers. He looked at the rest of his friends who had stopped in their tracks and were watching him confused to why I wasn't writhing on the ground or screaming out. I opened my eyes half expecting to be a new person or just myself. They started talking to themselves and I knew they were trying to come up with an excuse to why I wasn't responding and would say that the demons were ejected through crying. I knew I was right all along, it was just me and nothing else, they could no longer spread lies that I was demon possessed anymore because they had nothing to cast out.

    Dream 2

    I was in Radcliffe trying to get on a bus back to Bury. I realised I was on a bus going in the wrong direction so I jumped off and ran across the road to the other side. It was seriously busy so the traffic was almost at a standstill. I couldn't find the stop for the 256 bus though (just to note, 256 bus route is nowhere near Bury.) I guessed it either had been removed and was somewhere further up the road or they had replaced the service with a different number. I kept on searching until I decided to go back and get the bus I jumped off earlier and wait for it to to a U-turn at the end of the line and come back. I raced after the bus and boarded it as it was halfway up the road.

    We went out of Radcliffe towards a dual carriageway, and I was standing at the front of the bus near the doorway. The bus pulled off onto a large roundabout joining on to the dual carriageway and across the road I saw a massive brick building, newly built, with a huge red cross on it and a green logo with the words "The Jesus Fellowship" on it. "Oh god no, not the fucking Jesus Army!" I gasped. I wanted to get off the bus fast or have the bus speed up and go past it. We went round the roundabout and on one of the exits there was lines of terrace houses, the first one had a sign hanging out of it with the Jesus Army logo on it. Suddenly I was grabbed by my neck or had a knife to my neck and a familiar voice was talking to me in a low tone. I looked up into a rear view mirror and saw 2 men wearing Jesus Army jackets (note that the Jesus Army would never carry knives nor would they physically assault someone in public.) They dragged me off the bus to the large congregation hall where hundreds of people were listening to a sermon. I was forced to sit down at the back of the congregation which had now expanded out onto the tarmac outside where all their cars and minibuses were parked. I tried to get away but they were guarding me until they got more people to team with them. They gathered around me and began praying, pressing on my head and holding my arms so I wouldn't get away and aggressively praying and trying to cast out demons. I managed to break free and ran through the rows of parked cars. I turned around and shouted at them "You are all full of shit!" I realised that my shouting out would've made them even more convinced there were demons inside me and more determined to cast them out. I turned back to continue running for my freedom but one of the men had been ducking behind the last row of cars and he mowed me down like a rugby player and I was planted to the ground. Again they surrounded me praying and I screamed out wanting to break free as they shouted their prayers out even more louder. I stopped struggling as I realised it was futile, and I just lay there panting for air with tears running down the sides of my face.

    The next thing I was calm and docile and doing everything they were telling me to do. It was as if several days had passed and I had become submissive like a drone. I asked politely if I could call my husband to let him know I was ok so he wouldn't be calling the police to report a missing person. I was on the phone talking to him like I was high on a drug. "I was wrong about them, they are fine" I said on the phone. "You've been brainwashed!" he shouted angrily down the phone. "No no" I begged him, but he hung up the phone on me.

    Updated 05-19-2014 at 12:39 PM by geekgirl101

    nightmare , non-lucid


    by geekgirl101 on 03-14-2014 at 03:18 PM
    Dream 1

    I was in hospital due for an operation. I was in the canteen area and my friend Eyan just had his operation and was sat in a gigantic electric wheelchair. Scenes were quickly going by, next thing I was in the same wheelchair driving myself to the canteen. I felt I was being lazy letting this thing move me around, so I dropped it off at a mobility centre and started to walk. Then I realised why I needed the chair as I got severe stabbing pains in my tummy area and I was gripping my tummy and limping towards an elevator.

    The dream suddenly switched to a very odd man-made rabbit hutch which was almost vertical. Tony was with me. The rabbit hutch looked more like a pinball game than a hutch. There was a steep slope leading to a wide platform where Kick and a bunch of small angora bunnies were nibbling on hay, and below them were compartments and I didn't understand what their purpose was. I noticed Archie was missing and I asked Tony where Archie was. He said he had to give him up because he wouldn't have gotten along with the other bunnies. I'm then screaming at him for getting rid of Archie. "Where is he? Why did you do this? He was my favourite! Where is he?" I'm shouting at him, but he's not answering. I then see an image of Archie looking unhappy in a caged area of a dark room with a dim spotlight shining over him and my voice is echoing out "Archie!!!!" Everything begins to darken and I'm feeling the pains in my tummy. I then wake up with my tummy actually hurting for 5 minutes after waking.

    Updated 05-19-2014 at 12:42 PM by geekgirl101


    Car Accident

    by geekgirl101 on 03-12-2014 at 09:32 PM
    Last night was a pretty horrible night. I had 2 dreams, one of them was more like a nightmare.

    Dream 1

    I was on holiday with my mother and was floating on a limo near some mediterranian islands. I decided to swim to one of them which had a town similar to a Chinese town. I was trying to find some clothes to wear and my mother was helping me. Every time she brought back someone they'd have an item of clothing with some special kind of history, like shorts that were worn by an empress. I was given a pale pink blouse and some very short elasticated denim shorts, but the shorts weren't going to fit around my thighs. "If you're a 26 then you need a 47" said my mother. The shorts had a label on them that said 27. She kept looking around until she found a pair of khaki coloured shorts and gave them to me to go put on. As she pushed me towards the public toilets she said "If anyone gets insulted that you're not wearing any pants just tell them you're about to put them on." I went to a unisex toilet which was decorated with deep blue tiles. I had a towel wrapped around my waist and was holding the shorts close to me. Some Japanese tourists looked at me with a scowl so I tried to hide my legs by pulling the towel over them. Then I suddenly noticed that the shorts were already on. I was confused to how they managed to get on and just as I was leaving the room the dream ended.

    Nightmare 1

    I had managed to switch off Tony's auto-cancel on the indicator, so he was driving with the car constantly indicating to go right. It was dark and raining so heavily that there was no visibility and we were on a motorway, but that didn't stop him from going at max speed. I told him to cancel the indicator several times and he was frustrated that I was nagging him every few seconds because he couldn't do more than 2 things at once and could barely see the road. I somehow managed to activate it again so that it cancelled when turning the wheel.

    We began to drive up onto a long and high bridge. I noticed he was driving way too close to the edge of the 3rd lane and was going to hit the divider for the opposite direction. Before I could tell him to stop the car banged into the dividers and was tossed into the air. We were hit by a car behind us catapulting us to the opposite side of the motorway. Tony managed to swerve the car to a stop and we both got outside to assess the damage, when a truck began to head right for us. We both dived into the car fast and buckled our seatbelts, just a split second after I buckled mine in I felt the impact and everything went black.

    I opened my eyes and we had been catapulted off the motorway into a small town. The rain had stopped now and although the car was broken it only looked like it had been scratched and dented a little at the front and back. Tony was looking around for a phone booth to call for help and to report and accident, but when he lifted the receiver a panel at the front showed in large number £1.40 and it kept going up by 10p. Then we saw a sign at the top say "Out of Order" so Tony hung up and went to grab his mobile instead to call for emergency services. I was more concerned about the other drivers and what may have become of them.

    We then ended up in some luxury hotel and I had just gotten out of the shower and was wrapped up in a pink fleecy bath robe. A butler came to my room with a glass of what looked like whiskey and some herbal tablets to sleep. Tony had already taken his in a separate room. "Thank you, I'm going to really need this" I said groggily and downed the tablets with a mouthful of the liqcor. There was some more tablets so I popped those into my mouth and let them dissolve so if I got far too sleepy I could spit them out. Tony had already settled into a lovely plush bed on the side I usually sleep on, so I curled up with him feeling the silky satin sheets and lightly padded duvet, and I could smell the freshness of the sheets. My eyes became heavy and I started to fall asleep. Then it all went black and the dream ended.

    Updated 03-12-2014 at 09:57 PM by geekgirl101

    non-lucid , nightmare