• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between hprib012 and Puffin

    5 Visitor Messages

    1. Just wanted to let you know that the nose plug thing worked...at first I was convinced that my dream was reality so I tried the nose plug thing and i was able to breath while plugging my nose. But then my mind did a double take and I did it again because I wouldn't believe I was dreaming. Lol to make a long story short I did achieve lucidity using this technique....and just in time too, a week without lucid dreaming was driving me up a wall. haha
    2. No problem, happy dreaming! ^^
    3. Sweet thanks.
    4. Hi, the "nose-plug" RC is probably the most reliable one there is! It basically involves plugging your nose and trying to breathe through it. If you're dreaming, you'll be able to breathe like your nose isn't plugged at all! In waking life, of course, you'd feel pressure and be unable to breathe.

      I highly recommend knowing this RC and using it along with any others you may already be doing.
    5. Hey what is the "nose plug" technique you reference to do a reality check?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5