• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Hukif and KingYoshi

    4 Visitor Messages

    1. hehehe, ah those stars. And yay getting back in shape is good! Now to get to that yoshis island game, and you are all set.
    2. Ah, that explains why I couldn't see your message, it was posted here first lol
      And damn, how is LDing going again? And you got the green stars, uh? Thats how all it starts! The stress, that is.
    3. Walms! What's up buddy! Ah, the name change fooled me, though it shouldn't have. I saw your name in the "calling all pros" thread and noticed the 3,266 LD count. I was thinking..."Damn! Who is that?" lol. I should've known ! I just got back a couple weeks ago. Just now getting back into LD shape. Had been slacking there for a while...
    4. OMG king yoshi is that you!? When did you come back? Its walms, btw.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4