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    1. Gejoh
      Gejoh liked blog post by Ineedabetername On : My first dream journal: Robbing a old man with sage advice.
      This is my first time posting my dream journal to any website so I am trying first by writing a lucid dream I had yesterday. The dream itself came in two parts a weird headset thing and me...
      Liked On: 03-29-2024, 08:48 PM
    2. Harlequin
      Harlequin liked blog post by Ineedabetername On : My first dream journal: Robbing a old man with sage advice.
      This is my first time posting my dream journal to any website so I am trying first by writing a lucid dream I had yesterday. The dream itself came in two parts a weird headset thing and me...
      Liked On: 03-29-2024, 05:39 PM
    3. Lucid-Wannabe
      Lucid-Wannabe liked blog post by Ineedabetername On : My first dream journal: Robbing a old man with sage advice.
      This is my first time posting my dream journal to any website so I am trying first by writing a lucid dream I had yesterday. The dream itself came in two parts a weird headset thing and me...
      Liked On: 03-28-2024, 05:36 PM
    View Ineedabetername's Dream Journal

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    My first dream journal: Robbing a old man with sage advice.

    by Ineedabetername on 03-28-2024 at 05:49 AM
    This is my first time posting my dream journal to any website so I am trying first by writing a lucid dream I had yesterday.

    The dream itself came in two parts a weird headset thing and me robbing an old man.

    The first part:

    In my dream, I was with some of my friends from school. I had a weird headset on that was mostly white but with too white strings attached to it that had a bulb thing that glows blue. For some reason, we were being quarantined because of an infection. We weren't alone though and there were lots of tiny groups around us with similar headsets. All of us were on a huge flat yellow circular platform and a yellow locked door across the platform from us. Somehow the platform had collapsed and the quartine had failed.

    That dream was very blurry and hard to remember and I think something else was happening before this like a showcase of the headsets but I could just be grasping air.

    This next dream is a bit less foggy and vague but the feeling of incompleteness is still there. But there are some really vivid bits in it.

    I was trying to rob a man for some rare beans. The "beans" themselves looked more like hairy bulbs. And I have a feeling that another old man had given me a few of these beans but I needed more, also this old man will be called Jeff. I think the dream lore is that Jeff died for some reason (that I can't remember) and that's why I had arrived at his house instead of asking him for more beans. I woke up with a tool kit at his place and I pulled out a giant heavy metal multitool for stealing things and some nail clippers. I went up some yellow stairs and I found a man. Without hesitation, I lug them in the head with my giant tool thing. The room he was in had a carpet on the floor and had lots of shelves full of boxes. There was also a lady in the corner of the room. There are also two more staircases. One going upstairs and one to the basement. I head down to the basement and find some white panels after banging on them a bit I decide to go upstairs. Same concept as the room before except there is an old man in the corner instead. The shelves were full of beans I looked through them and eventually found a box that looked similar to the packaging Jeff gave me mostly white with pictures of regular beans. I grab it and check inside. They were the wrong beans. I found another similar box and this time it was correct. I grab the entire box full of beans and I take them away.

    I hide the box (somewhere kind of fuzzy for a sec)and I come back inside and I go upstairs This time he notices me and he asks me if I would like a sample of what he was making. I agree and he gives me a weird diamond-shaped scoop to taste some of the golden goop he was making. It was really sweet and tasted great. He then explains to me that he is trying to recreate a family recipe, this goop should have actually tasted better. I then get a very vivid shot. I can even explain it's like going from 360 p to 4k in quality. I get a different angle from my body of the guy using a weird vertical metal Daimond grated tube thing bubbling as a cover of Daimond carrying the goop away and him pouring oil onto the bubbling goop. I then renter my body and we started chatting.

    We are at a table and the lady downstairs has come up. I told the old guy I knew his father by accident and his brown skin physically turned pale. I am very confused and realize I had misspoken and said I'm sorry I meant I know your brother Jeff.
    His skin was still pale he said, "You mean my little brother".
    I say "No your older one".
    He responds "I am the eldest son in my family"
    The dream implies that Jeff was lying to everyone that he is the oldest brother to be more important (but I am not sure because I don't feel too betrayed in the dream). Then I get a vivid image of two cards being swapped in a deck top card and the bottom card. and another of two cities being swapped on a map. He gives me some advice about not stealing not directed at me but I still feel guilty for robbing him and he gives some more sage advice. Something along the lines of "the little are eaten by the big and the big are eaten by the bigger." My vision fills up with a black void and a couple small white creatures being eaten up by pink big creatures that are then eaten by giant blue creatures.

    The End.

    The environment was very yellow and reminded me of the middle east.

    I am sorry if this was hard to read or if there were many errors in my writing.

    Also I have a question is it more important to have detail? Or is it better to remember sumaries because my journal has gotten more dreams per night about 1 to 3 but they are becoming less descriptive

    Updated 03-28-2024 at 05:57 AM by Ineedabetername
