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    by jakkarth on 04-20-2015 at 12:32 PM
    I can control gravity with my hands. There's a giant evil menace terrorizing the city, and the avengers are there trying to deal with it. The avengers are huge like skyscrapers and I'm just normal sized. I know that I need to help them, so I'm trying to demonstrate my powers to someone "important" and work my way up the food chain, but the guy doesn't believe me/it's taking too long. The city is like the city from transistor sort of. My friend is telling me it's too dangerous, but I have to try to help. Until now I've only used my powers to try to change the trajectory of projectiles and dodge a giant crane that was trying to kill me, but now I need to think bigger. I start using it to run up the side of a building until I see all the avengers running towards the badguy. They're giants, so they're moving really slowly. I decide that it's time to see once and for all if I can fly. I try stretching out my hands and running/jumping, and it comes close enough to working (kind of like spiderman). I'm flinging myself through the air jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Every time I land it plays a note from the at&t poweron sound from my phone. My last landing hits the power button on a dell and I can hear the hdd spin up as it posts. Finally I'm close enough and I fling myself towards the badguy on the giant stage, and I manage to hit him! He's about the same size as I am and I'm going pretty fast. Then I look up and see that a giant flying gun thing has been headed towards me the whole time, and *thats* what the avengers are trying to stop, regardless of who put it in the air. It fires a weird biological projectile that has two parts side-by-side with nerve endings connecting them back to the gun so it can steer them, like torpedoes do. I know that I can use my gravity as a shield to keep everyone safe but it will probably kill me. I can't get to the projectiles in time but the gravity shield makes everything feel like it's in slow motion. Iron Man flies up and picks me up in his giant hand and flies me towards the projectiles, trusting I'll figure out a way to make it work. Giant explosion, no idea if it worked or not, the end. Possibly my most epic dream ever.

    Cherry Hospital Bed and the Ford Threat Incident

    by jakkarth on 05-26-2014 at 11:29 AM
    I've gone to visit my mother. She's working as a nurse at a hospital, and I can't go back to see her where the patients are, so I'm in the waiting room. I look over and see a large four-post bed in a corner next to some double doors. It's made of some very nice cherry. I hear a man explaining to passers-by that it's what hospital beds used to look like, and he demonstrates how the surface can tilt, and the built-in traction assembly for broken legs. He seems to be a meausium tour guide type person. I walk over to take a closer look, and realize that the man is Norm Abram. We shake hands, he explains how he built the bed and I explain how he got me interested in woodworking over 20 years ago with his TV show. When my mother finally gets a chance to take a break and come out to the waiting area to see me, I'm beaming with excitement as I relate my experience.

    I'm driving home through a small town. I see someone important like a senator a little ways ahead, and see his secret service detail fanned out around him as they move. Somehow now we're all walking on foot. We seem to be headed in the same direction, so I take the opportunity to watch them. Our path leads us away from the main street of the town until I realize that there's almost no one else around. I notice that one of the agents has his pistol in his hand. I shout "gun!" since I don't see any other threat and the agent is looking at his principle. The other agents rush the senator away, and I'm left facing a very angry Harrison Ford, gun still in hand, demanding an explanation. As I try to explain that he's the one that looked like a threat to me, he doesn't get less angry.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Climbing Wedding

    by jakkarth on 04-10-2014 at 11:51 AM
    It's the big day. I'm marrying friend B's sister H today. A bunch of people stayed over at my parent's house last night, including most of her and my families. This morning I'm putting on my tux in the downstairs half bathroom. I'm trying to straighten my tie and attach some kind of self-tightening battery thing around my neck at the same time, but I end up loosening one as I tighten the other. Around my waist I've got a sash thing that has carrots and tomatoes in it. Finally I decide I look presentable enough and walk out to the kitchen. I wave to all of the family people sitting in the living room and thank them for coming. My mother and several others are cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and I decide to give them the carrots but not the tomatoes.

    Now I'm at the climbing gym where the wedding is going to be. It's the climbing gym I always go to IRL, but the layout is completely wrong. I avoid the seating area where all the final preparations are occurring and instead walk around near the wall. A mother is teaching her son how to use an autobelay. I decide to go around them and go into the bathroom. The urinal is 5 feet wide and has an opening that goes through the wall into the loading dock area. When I come out, B is standing nearby holding a clipboard. He asks me if I want to help save the arcade cabinet games section, and I can't tell if he's joking or not. I reply that no, I'm going to go marry his sister instead. He just stares blankly at me.


    by jakkarth on 03-27-2014 at 12:37 PM
    I'm in a large open space in an office building, trying to find the elevator to get down to the ground floor. I find some open stairs in a lobby area and decide it's only a few floors so I could just walk it. I realize as I reach the stairs that there are holographic interfaces over the railings. The interface on the landing should have a map I can look at, but I can't quite seem to line myself up with it; I keep seeing the one for the stair portion, which only has the time.

    Finally I make it to the bottom of the stairs. Through the earpiece of my radio, I hear that the operation is almost complete. Men in suits looking serious are walking around. CJ Craig, the President's chief of staff, is confirming things to people over the radio. I hear her say that yes, she really is Amanda Tapping. She's in charge of the operation and wraps it up.

    Now I'm in a large room full of people who look like reporters. The staff room is crowded around because we've just finished the operation that was really long and hard. We're finally done, and a guy gets down on one knee and proposes to his girlfriend, who says yes. We get some news that the income tax in our state has indeed finally been repealed, which is related to the big project we've all been working on. Someone tosses the happy couple a present that they were holding back until the news went through because they didn't want the couple to have to pay the taxes.

    The mood is quite cheery. I'm making my way around the perimeter of the group towards the back wall, climbing up on some desks in the cramped room to get around people. Mackenzie McKay, feeling like the general who has just won the war, shouts out to no one in particular that she will receive the finest of the deli meats from the conquered, as well as some nice cheeses. I'm climbing out the window to get on with my next assignment, and I say I will bring you the flesh of their beasts! I also somehow say aye aye, and a coworker tells me quietly that they've "tried that talk before, it didn't help" meaning that implying she's a captain only made her more pompous.

    I try to think of better phrasing for my beastflesh comment when I'm rudely interrupted. I'm now most of the way out of the window onto a stack of crates on the tarmac, and there's a llama here that has bitten and pulled away the navy blue jacket I was holding in my hand. It's unsatisfied with my jacket and proceeds to bite at my arm insistently, which is quite alarming. I try to think back how a horse would react and find it strange that it's not skittish.

    Trapezoid Bacon

    by jakkarth on 03-26-2014 at 12:40 PM
    I'm in a grocery store, looking around for the bacon. I see blister packs hanging on metal pegs in a non-refrigerated area, containing bacon that is cut into trapezoid shapes of various sizes. I want bacon that is cut into circles but I cannot find any.
    non-lucid , dream fragment