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      HiToday in my town we've got a first snow too And my dreaming today wasn't succesfull. I think first snow influence on the dreaming.
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      hey friend welcome to dreamviews and to the world of lucid dreaming
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    May 11, 2014 Captain Trips

    by Jenos on 05-11-2014 at 04:28 PM
    God forbid I use the roads
    My recollection of this dream was a lot better when I woke up, but since I woke up at 2 am I was too tired to write it all down in detail. What I remember is:

    I'm walking/wading/swimming on the banks of a pond, holding on to trees a bit thicker than my arm to keep balance. This is all in an attempt to reach the other side of the pond, and I don't know why that's my goal. All I know is that I am in Stephen King's "The Stand" universe, or at the very least the plague is gripping wherever I happen to be. I come upon a kid with brown hair, a bowl cut, wearing glasses, and he's pale. The typical protagonist of an 80's family comedy. He's going the opposite direction as me, and falls into the water (which is brownish, muddy, whatever you like best, dear reader). At this point I realize the water is very warm, lukewarm almost. Very pleasant, actually. As he's trying to pass me he falls into the water, and me, being the optimist that I am, comfort him with the fact that the water is warm, at least. What happens next is lost to me, although I have a fuzzy memory of being on a concrete dock, and seeing some living thing falling over, probably succumbing to the plague.

    What I remember next is a famous African American woman, a singer, being forced to sing for somebody, I believe on tv. This singer, I believe, was ella Fitzgerald or Billie Holiday, but I'm not entirely sure. At the end of her song, the camera zooms onto her nose and neck, bot of which are blackening (a symptom of "Captain Trips").

    That's all, there was another dream between when I fell back to sleep and woke up again, but I didn't bother to write it down and have forgotten it.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Back on the (metaphysical) horse

    by Jenos on 05-10-2014 at 02:55 PM
    Goal: At the very least, better dream recall

    Last night's dream: I only remember one tiny snippet, which was a friend of mine saying "you should shave" while waving to her upper lip.

    Personally, I don't think I need to shave

    August 4, 2012

    by Jenos on 08-04-2012 at 03:57 PM
    I can't think of a title for this one
    Non-Lucid: We (meaning my whole family, no cousins though) are in some kind of futurisic building. Earlier in the dream something really odd and creepy was happening in the building, something out of a horror movie. Though that part of the dream still wasn't a nightmare, and there was also some game/puzzle related things that I remember only vaguely.

    The room we're now is the size of a typical fast food joint. The walls are a blueish metal, some parts have a blue/purple light running up it in a tube. In the center of the room is a pit about 7-10 feet deep with a white mist on the bottom and a pink light illuminating the walls of the pit. Standing in the pit are three platforms at the same level of the floor we are standing on, supporting them were thin poles a foot in diameter at most. The floor is the same metal as the walls but instead of a blueish tint it is gray. At the far end of the room are two large windows that take up most of the far wall. There is also a door that leads out to a metal balcony or more likely a deck.

    We, that is me, my mother, my grandfather, grandmother, my and on of my aunts, hop over the platforms to my dog who has fallen ill. While The "trying to fix my dog" part of the dream goes on for awhile and isn't worth writing about.

    After the dog business is done we observe a severe storm outside. Thunder, cloud to ground lightning, the whole deal. A perfect replica of severe storm. I find myself thinking about what I would take my room if a fire started. I concluded that I would take my Iphone, kindle, my Grado Headphones, and a few other things that I can't seem to recall.

    August 1, 2012 - Zombies again?

    by Jenos on 08-01-2012 at 04:56 PM
    After waking up after a more normal dream which strangely enough was in the same setting with the same people (minus a few) I fell back asleep and into anotherzombie dream I went.

    A Swim to the Hospital
    Non-lucid: I am on an island off the mainland of wherever. My friend, Ian, has just moved here four some reason or other. The island has some tree coverage but it's mostly grass at the shores, with little sand. In the sands place are rocks and shells (this is a trend for Rhode Island) The water is wavy but flat, similar to how it would look had someone put a giant tv screen playing water on a loop. The water is gray-clear, allowing a clear and unnatural view of the see floor (only the shore part though) It's about midday and as usual instead of a warm light the sun would give off, it's a cold slightly blueish-white as if a colossal fluorescent light hung in the sky.

    I am talking to three of my friends. Mike, Ian, and Robert. We desperately want something to do, Mike and Ian in particular are complaining. Somewhere in the conversation we decide that we are going to swim to the hospital. There must be no boats or something.

    When we arrive it's early in the night. I'm now rocking a shotgun and my friends have similar weapons. We crawl into the hospital, a narrow hall that quickly turns left with only a few doors and windows on the right. The floor is white tile and walls are painted gray. My friends whisper about how not to shoot on sight because zombies will swarm us. I just have to be and asshole though, and shoot the first one I see (which was immediately after we crawled around the first left turn). We get up and book it, my friends start swimming back to the other island but I stay here.

    Strangely the scenery here is less realistic. Instead of grass it's just as if someone put a picture of grass over the ground. The hospital is in the middle of nowhere and it's tiny. But theres no more time to take it in because they are rushing out of the building now. I run into the water hoping they can't swim. But it's not a problem, because behind me are the livid, living hospital staff, zombies that aren't attacking them, and Dr. Cox.

    Dream end.

    July 31, 2012 - I Am Legend's Friend

    by Jenos on 07-31-2012 at 05:56 PM
    This one is really bugging me. I can't figure out for the life of me whether this is an old dream that has reoccurred or just my brains re-enactment of a movie I saw a long time ago, but it seems so familiar. (and no, it's not I Am Legend)

    Zombies and Vampires And Mutants, Oh My!
    Non-Lucid: I had remembered more of this dream when I woke up, but I procrastinated and now only remember some scenes. The earliest I can remember is being in a run down house. It was mid-day, with me were 4 or 5 other people, at least two of them were women. At my side stood Roland Deschain (from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, if you're familiar with it) or some character like him. Inside this old, abandoned shack we made a plan. You see, recently the town had been overrun with some kind of virus, or mutation. The world had moved on and we were getting ready to go with it. We had a plan now.

    West of this little dusty rundown shack was a car garage, and west of that was some kind of forge or factory. The gunslinger next to me would run to the car garage and get a car working while the rest of us would run to the factory. and so we did.

    The factory turned out to be a small industrial building, it sat in the center of a fairly large, empty plane of pavement surrounded by a brown wooden fence that was seeing it's final days. The four or five of us, two women, one white with short blonde hair, the other black also with short hair that was black. The two or three men I fail to remember. The building has large doors on each side favoring the far side of the building, big enough to let a bus enter. Inside it the floor is flat, and on the left it promptly slopes up onto another level the was 2-3 feet higher that ground level.

    As soon as we enter the little building (about the size of a small hangar if that helps you put it into perspective) the horde of zombie-vampire-mutants arrived. We sealed the doors, short haired blonde was yelling orders. The short but wide dust coated windows, were blocked out from the light by the spider-like creatures. Short haired blonde and the black women are now brandishing machine guns (I couldn't tell you the exact type). The door I was facing was immediately blown open despite the barricades placed. one or two people go down, and we book it back to the car garage where the gunslinger waits for us to get in.

    I hop in the car, short blonde hair does as well, but the other 2-3 don't make it. The car is dusty, the interior was home to brown leather seats and the rest was black. The windows were almost entirely darkened from the afternoon light as a result of the mutant-zombie-ninja-turtles hugging the crap out of the car. We take off, dream ends.

    As a side note, I had a dream that I was on Whose Line Is It Anyway, it was fun and a shame I can't remember it.

    Updated 07-31-2012 at 06:03 PM by Jenos

    dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable