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    May 4, 1992 (32)
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    Australia, Adelaide
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    1. Jibs
      Jibs liked post by Torriatte On thread : am i getting close?
      You didn't ask me...but I'll comment anyway. I think this is almost like that thing in Star Wars...where Luke tried to raise the ship out of the water. He couldn't do it....and said..."this is...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. Jibs
      Jibs liked post by dakotahnok On thread : token expired?
      Log out and then log back in.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. Jibs
      Jibs liked post by elucid On thread : token expired?
      Sometimes it could be just a temporary problem with the server.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. Jibs
      Jibs liked post by moongrass On thread : sup, nab here
      yup, iv experianced this to, just dont try to hard to remember your dream, it should naturaly unfold as parts pop into your head, practice will help with dream recall alot!
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View Jibs's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Just another DJ entry :D

    by Jibs on 10-01-2010 at 04:36 AM
    So i was boarded up in a safehouse with a bunch of other survivors, me and another were preparing to go out for a supply run, but when we got outside we realised we didnt bring any sort of weapon for protection against the zombie hordes, and the front porch light was left blaring. I started to panic, looking around there were zombies fairly close on the street and there was a light in the neighbours window with a silhouette, it turned and looked at me and looked as if it was trying to focus on us to make sure we were human.
    we turned around and tried knocking on the safehouse window softly to try get the door open, noone answered, we tried again a bit harder as we paniced more, someone came to the window, but we couldnt see them, they looked at us and left.
    the door opened and we rushed inside, as i closed the door, i tried locking it but it wouldnt seem to click, it finaly locked and as soon as i let go the handle rattled really violently and there was a bang on the door, then nothing. I actually felt terror here was great.
    i remember then asking around for someones spare handgun for protection next time, noone would give me one so i went into the storage and stole one from a box that had 20 or so in it.

    dont remember too much inbetween here but there was something about someone killing a boss and getting a minigun, and at the end we found some massive crop harvest and there were cars and stuff driving around.

    Just some notes for myself

    by Jibs on 09-25-2010 at 04:01 AM
    I cant be bothered writing out the whole dreams because i got lots of details and id be here forever
    so heres some notes for myself:

    there was that creepy black venom like mask and trench coat, and jake, marcus and myself went into that wierd cavern where i couldnt work out where i'd been carrying my guns

    and then there was the "Queens fence line" with the drifting and the other racers trying to assassinate me and the broken road at the end.(repeated dream i think)

    in a small shop buying junk

    by Jibs on 09-24-2010 at 04:05 AM
    So i walked into the shop with my old friend Jake, I had lots of money and i wanted to spend it all. We went up to the counter and i was going to buy 8 Snickers bars, Jake said he wanted 4 and picked them up, that reminded me of how Jake was the one that made me like Snickers in the first place, and that pissed me off. I looked in my wallet and there was like 20 Snickers in one of the compartments, so i bought 2. I wanted a drink to go with it so we walked over to the drinks fridge, where the cans were stacked oddly..

    only they were Sprite cans, and in a small deli drink fridge, i wasn't sure which drink to get and Jake said, "what about sprite?"
    so i said "i guess so" cause i didnt really care, so i picked it up and headed to the counter and Jake said something about me being obsessed with water and how it's gross (Jake never drinks water, only ever coke and coffee and beer, not an exageration), i assumed it was because Sprite is clearish in color.
    so i gave the guy at the counter my stuff and he asked if i'd tried these new Chocolate things, not sure what brand they were, but there were chocolate coated apricots, white chocolate raspberries and some strange orange chocolate coated things, i got lots of the plain chocolate ones and one white chocolate raspberry and Jake ate all the rest, that annoyed me cause i wanted to try the orange ones, and a couple more white chocolate ones, then the counter guy asked for photo id to prove i was 18..so i gave him my license, then he said something along the lines of "I hope your strong with your underarm" and he gave me a piece of paper, told me to squeeze it as hard as i could to register my strength, said the bars on it would move the harder i pressed.
    I pressed as hard as i could and the paper caved around my thumb..but the bars didnt even budge, so i gave it back to him and then i think the dream either ended or i just cant recall the rest :\

    Also there was a large, thick piece of plastic inbetween me and the counter guy, I had to reach right under it to give him anything, probably the reason behind the "underarm" comment

    These sort of dreams are frustrating because im trying to cut off all contact with Jake and everyone involved..but they keep showing up in my dreams <_<


    non-lucid btw

    Updated 09-24-2010 at 04:41 AM by Jibs


    first night recalling with my new DJ :D

    by Jibs on 09-22-2010 at 04:23 AM
    First one i didnt remember a lot, but what i did remember:
    i was in a deserty field/plains, with a huge stone pillar behind me.
    there were swarms of gargoyles flying around it above me, and i was crossbowing them from the ground
    when i targeted them, i remember a HUD style name appearing, the names were all related to dreams as a general

    Second, i was patrolling between a sort of half-room with 1 and 2 1/2 walls, with a single bed and a locker, and a grassy field, grinding like it was an MMORPG, i remember something about a red, fire element staff with a curly top that leveled up when you used it, there was an item that you placed on top to gain 5-10% more element (possibly a deviruchi or an imp from RO), someone was showing me a 100% element staff, but they already put the item on top so they couldnt get 110%.
    then all of a sudden there i was at a family BBQ in a garage/front lawn, there was a parked car in the drive-way and i got into it, in the driver seat was someone ive seen around my highschool, but never really talked to, Parkway Drive was playing from the stereo, we started talking about the mosh at parkways last concert, and wanting to be in a wall of death, he told me we were both big enough for it..even though i'm like 60-70Kg 190cmish tall.
    i looked out at the BBQ and there was a group of 5-7 snakes slithering towards the group, they swarmed around one of the neighbours from about 2 house moves ago, he just seemed to stand there and not really worry about them, someone started shooting at the snakes and tyson jumped up and down to scare the snakes away.

    third and last i recalled, i was spam talking to some rando NPC for quests, was in some sort of old Japanese building with the paper walls, one of the quests i completed enabled "slaying" as my friend called it, was just PK, friend was hounding me to "slay" something, then bragged that he already finished that quest ages ago.
    there was a reward for one of the quests, 11 or 50 gloves, i think the number changed because it was a dream :D they stacked even though they were equips, unlike any other game.
    for some reason it was against the rules to sell them to other players, but i did anyway, and then i was explining to someone that i was innocent and i didnt do anything illegal.

    them mum woke me up with the vacuum cleaner -_-

    there was a lot of MMORPG elements to my dreams..maybe i should cut down some more xD
    i thought my first night recalling was fairly successful :D