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    03:30 AM JustPhillip has earned 6 Points for threads points

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    by JustPhillip on 09-15-2023 at 05:18 PM
    Dream 1: Like a normal dream in September, I was on Vecterra (Starfield Moon). There was a story being passed around about how I helped a kid go from nothing to a badass soldier god with a minigun and stuff. It was all well, before I saw Koschei as a background character. She's from the PR and I know this so I get lucid immediately. I tell her "Koschei, I've missed you so much. You have no clue how much I've missed you.." before she says "I have no clue who you are". I think that it might be cause we're not really in a PR world yet, and this is Koschei just playing out another role. I tell her "You are Koschei the Immortal. An Explorer of the Voidway, you fight off Satan's Cult with me and Nairu. Ring any bells??" before she claims that she's "retired". I grab her by the shoulders, look her in the eyes and say "You are Koschei, from the Voidway PR." as a sort-of mantra. Then the light in her eyes change and she remembers. "Welcome back Frank." she says. I say "Thank you so much... I've got a plan! Nairu's still in Earth A, right?". "Definitely. Back at my place". So I close my eyes and open them back in Koschei's lodge. Nairu is there, I can hear her but she's invisible for some reason. I give her a hug and tell her I missed her as well, and that I found where the panacea is to cure her cancer. It gets a bit weak so I try grounding, but wake up anyways.

    Dream 2: I was recommending a number of old games to everyone and it generally lead to a complete revival of them. For example I raised awareness on DASE 2 for its modding capabilities and it got on an SCP Illustrated video. I actually managed to get my dad into undertale just because of mettaton. Even though he tried the game and hated it before. It was surreal. I discovered something groundbreaking that I can’t recall before waking up.
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    Day 13

    by JustPhillip on 09-15-2023 at 03:22 AM
    Funny, thought after I ordered high end noise cancelling earplugs I wouldn't be irritated in my late sleep anymore.

    1 dream: I was basically just going through the starfield campaign again. Joined UC Vanguard but didn't like it. Remember killing some people before waking up.

    Night 12

    by JustPhillip on 09-14-2023 at 06:29 AM
    I was really hoping to have "one of those" lucids this comp, kind of thing that would get me like 50-100 points, but I guess not this time.

    Dream 1: I was back at my old school, doing normal stuff when I was having an argument with a classmate over scrambled eggs or something like that. We started fighting about it and then I made fun of everyone before walking out.

    Dream 2: Todd Howard invented the same machine Michael Raduga did which was able to record dreams. Except this one was able to convert dreams to digital media and the other way around. Kinda like the Brain to Data Machine from ATNRPG. Anyways I was messing with it and it was fun. Actually talked to Raduga in this VRChat like world, but I never got lucid unfortunately.

    Night 11

    by JustPhillip on 09-13-2023 at 03:06 AM
    This one was cool kinda

    New walking dead season came out, but it was god awful. Michonne becomes really bad for some reason and I am in the movie so we shoot at eachother. I kill her, and then we find out that the whole apocalypse is a simulation run by Dale, with thousands of scenarios. Apparently finding him destroyed the whole universe so we time traveled and found him again but brought everyone with to just enjoy normal life. Then I wrote some notepad thing about how terrible the walking dead series was lol

    Days 7-10

    by JustPhillip on 09-11-2023 at 09:30 PM
    Went somewhere this weekend so I haven't posted in a bit

    Dream 1: I was packing to go to St. Louis, was pissed at my roommate for triggering my condition so I went to speedrun SCP Containment Breach to enjoy myself. I got to this weird town that looked nothing like St. Louis where people made fun of me for no reason, so I go to some house where I see this black and white cat that could talk and was really manipulative. Telling us to do stuff in his worship. I refused and he threatened to kill me. I negotiate, when my own cat comes in and they start fighting. I go out and plant some trees and everything's cool. I'm working out when the cat turns into this plant demon that strangled me with vines. I found a gun and tried shooting it but my aim's horrible. Found a wrench instead that I whacked it with and jumped off a balcony before waking up.

    Dream 2: The zombie apocalypse happened but it wasn’t that bad. We just killed zombies for fun. No threat. I killed like 200. Then I was programming and I decided to join gus fring’s gang. I did bad stuff, and it ended with me on a rooftop cornered by a swat team. I was dead no matter what, but I stole the grenade from a guy's pocket and ran out in front of everyone. Made it back to my house in 2014 where I lived in the basement. Going down, I saw some kid living there and woke up.

    Dream 3: I watched the Mario Movie 2. It was good, but I have no recall of the occurances. I remember being inspired by the ending so I met up with this drug dealer looking guy that was growing plants in these wooden boxes. Touching them made me experience another plane of existence or something, and I was messing with them until I woke up.

    Dream 4: I was in the femur breaker room from SCP Containment Breach, playing Starfield on the Steam Deck. Got to some cool point in the main story but woke up.