• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between KestrelKat and Miau

    11 Visitor Messages

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    1. Ahhh. Whoops! Be more careful next time lol XD
    2. Too much cursing. It all added up and here I am lol.
    3. Ooooh? What did you do to get banned for a month? XD
    4. Awe, I was banned from irc for 1 month anyways so... lel
    5. lol you and soup.
      Ello Ello~
      I haven't been on lately, been so busy ; u ;
    6. soup ?
    7. daw ty ur profile pic and avatar is cute too <3
    8. ermygerd. btw your avatar and profile pic. Kitties <3
      So cuuute
    9. MY SECRET IS OUT -hides in the shadows-
    10. soup?? I had soup for lunch. ARE YOU PSYCHIC.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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