• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Killing and The Sandman

    7 Visitor Messages

    1. Mang. Ever heard of time zones? I'm like..8-9 hours ahead of you. And I was at school. No way would I wake up at 11:30 to post a DJ, cmawn.
    2. I woke up at 3:48 I think to log a dream. Maybe it was 2:48 AM. Anyway, I went to log a dream and you had just logged a dream. That's all. It seems we both are willing to wake up to log a dream. Am I wrong?
    3. Lolwat
    4. Hey, I woke up early this morning to log a dream. You had just finished yours two minutes earlier. It was like 3:48 or something.
    5. Hey Cookieh. I've been working on stuff. I'll look up my cronies here soon. *Oh yeeeaaahh!*
    6. Why aren't you on chat anymore? :I
    7. Thanks for adding me Cookie.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7