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    09-03-2011 11:21 AM
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    1. kitty200049
      kitty200049 liked post by KingYoshi On thread : Feeling drained during WILDs
      Ah, I gotcha. This happens sometimes with WILDs and it is just an instability issue. Since you are entering the dream directly from the waking state, sometimes you still have a slight "connection" to...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:11 PM
    2. kitty200049
      kitty200049 liked post by LikesToTrip On thread : Improve my WILD technique?
      The way I learned how to WILD was a modified WBTB. After getting up and staying awake for a little bit I would then set an alarm for 30-1hr later(depending on how tired I was) and go back to sleep....
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. kitty200049
      kitty200049 liked post by ChildsPlay On thread : WILD with no sleep! :DD
      All of my WILD's have been without prior sleep, so it's definitely possible (like others have already noted). The downside is: you are lucky if they last longer than 5 minutes. I know you may think...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. kitty200049
      kitty200049 liked post by LiveInTheDream On thread : Lucid Dreaming for the Busy Man/Woman
      The Reason: Since you are reading this, I know something about you: you want to lucid dream. Lucid dreaming is great! Who wouldn't want to? But there's just one problem: most methods for...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. kitty200049
      kitty200049 liked post by Jeff777 On thread : Why am I not transitioning?
      If that's what happens "every time you try and WILD", then it's safe to say you're farther ahead than most who have been trying for an unfathomable amount of time. Your issue doesn't seem to be what...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. kitty200049
      kitty200049 liked post by Skydreamer707 On thread : Mzzkc's Comprehensive WILD Guide
      @Kitty (even though technically your not asking me, i wanted to throw in my 2cents if thats ok?) to me, your focusing too much on the thought of WILDing. You need to just think "im going to sleep,...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. kitty200049
      kitty200049 liked post by Mzzkc On thread : Why You Fail at WILDs
      In the following post I will be sharing insights I have gained over the past two years in regards to the fine art known as WILDing. Keep in mind, all of this comes from personal experience, and you...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View kitty200049's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    13th and 14th lucid dreams

    by kitty200049 on 03-26-2011 at 10:15 PM
    one was a WILD and the second was a WILD/DILD. WILD: I got off the couch and tried to stabilize the dream by feeling my face and the couch, and verbal commands. the commands did not work because i could not talk. the dream quickly faded. after that i guess i had another WILD because I remember vibrations and HI. it seemed more real than my usual dreams, too, but it was like a false awakening. i was trying to turn my mp3 player volume down, but it stayed at the same level. then i remembered the vibrations i had just felt and realized i was dreaming. then i woke up. i hope i have better luck in the future.
    lucid , false awakening

    My 7th WILD

    by kitty200049 on 03-06-2011 at 09:18 PM
    I WILDed during my afternoon nap again. I'd say it only lasted a mintue. I was trying to ground myself in the dream by feeling things when I woke up. I noticed that I felt tired and when I tried to shout "increase lucidity!" it came out weak.

    Three short LD's

    by kitty200049 on 02-07-2011 at 09:40 PM
    This morning 3 WILD's Apparently I need to work on lengthening my dreams.
    The first one, I got off the couch and noticed my socks had changed to black nylons. I was definitely dreaming. The dream faded to black after half a minute.
    The second immediately after the first, I got off the couch again, this time I was wearing shorts instead of pants. I shouted, "Increase Lucidity!" Nothing happened that I could tell. I went into the next room and looked in the mirror. I felt really tired, so I said to myself, " Be more awake!" I went over to the window and felt the side of the wood. It was splintery. I saw shadows move and red eyes, but just my cat appeared thankfully. Then I thought of how much expectation matters in dreams, and what if I thought that cat was dead? Then the cat fell on her back and died! Poor kitty! I had to look away even though it wasn't real. Then I thought of where I wanted to go and spun around. Nothing happened and the dream faded to black.
    The third dream I don't even remember because it was so short.

    My second WILD!

    by kitty200049 on 01-19-2011 at 06:17 PM
    I went to sleep with music playing on my MP3 to see if it would be a good anchor. I fell asleep but shortly awoke because of a loud song that had started playing. I did not move or open my eyes and shortly experienced vibrations. After they stopped I opened my eyes and got up from the couch. I did a RC to confirm I was dreaming. Then I spun around picturing the collesium in the dilapidated city in my dreamworld. I wanted to figure out what everything in my dreamworld meant. When I appeared there I was in the middle of the arena. There were people sitting in the stands watching a lion tamer or something. They shouted at me for getting in the way. I asked, "What does this place represent?" Some random guy from the audience answered, "It represents the death of theatre in modern times," or something like that. I left thinking that it didn't make sense, but thinking now it does. Then I lost lucidity and followed the dream.

    so now I know what the arena meant: the death of theatre in modern times
    lucid , memorable

    Lucid dream via wild!!!

    by kitty200049 on 01-16-2011 at 12:31 AM
    I just had a lucid dream while napping!!! My first WILD!!! After the SP vibrations had gone away, I decided to try and move my foot a bit. I could, so then I got off the couch I was sitting on. I did an RC and I realized I was dreaming! I told my mom and she said, "that's great!" the dream started to fade so I spun and it stayed. I went to my room which looked totally different. I tried to imagine I was in a different place and spun around with my eyes closed. It didn't work. I think I should not have closed my eyes. Then in the real world my sister bumped the couch I was sitting in and I woke up. I guess that's what I get for sleeping in my living room.
    lucid , memorable