• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between KristaNicole07 and The Sandman

    24 Visitor Messages

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    1. We have a small garden, I'll think about the seeds, for sure. Those moon flowers are some of the most beautiful flowers! I don't currently have any morning glories, but I'm thinking I should get some soon.
    2. Do you have a garden? Do you have any morning glory? I could send you seeds. They are either invasive or hearty depending on where you put them.

      You could take the seeds and throw them in the woods around your home if you can't put them along a fence at your place. Then at least you could see them.
    3. Hey! It is me, and it is a morning glory, one of my very favorite flowers...that moon flower is gorgeous, I've never heard of it before! Giving me more ideas for another tattoo . Thank you!
    4. Hi,

      is that you in the picture? Morning Glory or Petunia? Anyway, I think you would like Moon Flower. It is an annual in the Morning Glory family. The flower is white, it opens at night, it is huge, and it is fragrant.

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