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    1. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by lcdmado On thread : lcdmado's Workbook
      Thank you! I think because of what you said, my DCs didn't do that when I said I was asleep. One of them responded by saying something like "Hm, well do you think you're asleep?" That actually helped...
      Liked On: 03-25-2015, 11:42 PM
    2. Actor
      Actor liked blog post by lcdmado On : Wednesday 3/25/15
      I'm not sure when I went to sleep, maybe 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm. I didn't have much trouble going to sleep this time. I woke up around 7:00 am - 7:30 am. This was both a lucid dream and a non-lucid...
      Liked On: 03-25-2015, 06:03 PM
    3. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by lcdmado On thread : lcdmado's Workbook
      hi i really like dreams and my lucid dreaming is pretty rusty so i'm here to get better! Reality Checks: -Ask self if dreaming whenever I remember (every hour if possible) -Look at...
      Liked On: 03-25-2015, 12:15 AM
    View lcdmado's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Friday, 3/27/15

    by lcdmado on 03-27-2015 at 03:44 PM
    This one wasn't lucid, and it was a little weird. I fell asleep around maybe 9:30pm - 10:00pm. I woke up around 6:30am.

    I was in a building, I'm not sure what it was. I remember there were closet type things on the walls to put your stuff in. I opened up one and found a bunch of bags with things like 3ds', money, etc. I also found a "cheeseburger backpack" from Steven Universe, which I wanted. I put all of this into my own big bag. Some children behind me noticed their stuff was missing, and I didn't want to get in trouble, so I gave the stuff back to them and said sorry. They were okay with it and were nice, and took their stuff and left. I then noticed that I accidentally didn't give them back one thing, and I looked in it and there was four hundred dollars. I kept it, but I kept dropping it.

    This was a different dream, I think. I lived next-door to some people. I would always go over to their house and get on their roof. It was two people my age. One of them brought alcohol, but the other didn't want me to drink it and kept stopping me. I was about to when their parents came out. I had the bottle and glass behind me and they said a few things and then left.

    I'm not sure if this was the same dream, but I was in a room that looked like a room in my house. I tried to drink the alcohol again, but the same person kept stopping me. I did drink some though, and they looked very disappointed. Some people came in then, and I think I was in trouble. I ran into the bathroom and tried to lock the door but one of them managed to grab the handle first. I had to kick them back twice before I could lock the door (it was hard to move my hands, they were going slow).

    I heard them talking, and saying to just leave me in there for now, because I would either come out or they would get me. There was a small window above the toilet, so I opened it and climbed out. I ran from the backyard to the front yard, and ran down the street. It looked like my neighborhood, but a little different. I came across a house, and someone was out front watering their plants. I asked them if I could hide in their car for a bit. It was a big, white car. The person said sure, and I fumbled again trying to open the door before they came down the street, but I did manage to get it open and climb in and hide while they passed by. I then either drove the car myself, or someone else was suddenly in the car with me. We drove away and pulled up to this run-down-looking house. We got out and looked inside. All the rooms were empty. I thought that we could stay there.

    The person who let me hide in their car drove up in a different car. I think they either were moving into that house, or they owned it and were going to rent it. They didn't seem upset that we took their car. I asked them why they let me use their car, because I could have just taken it, and they had no way of knowing whether I would bring it back or not. I don't remember what they said, but they shrugged and smiled. They didn't seem to mind.

    That's all I remember.

    Wednesday 3/25/15

    by lcdmado on 03-25-2015 at 04:17 PM
    I'm not sure when I went to sleep, maybe 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm. I didn't have much trouble going to sleep this time. I woke up around 7:00 am - 7:30 am.

    This was both a lucid dream and a non-lucid one.

    I was at a school. All the people I used to know were there, and we all seemed to be on good terms. This is when I started feeling a little weird about it, I thought "I thought they all didn't like me?" But I didn't press it more until later. I was walking with one of them across the grass field in the PE area and then I ran up to other people. We went and sat down by a basketball court.

    Then we were walking across the school parking lot and we were going to go somewhere. We were then in a car. It was the driver (who I couldn't see), someone I used to know in the middle, and then me in the passenger seat. They were talking and then I realized, "These people don't like me irl, and I haven't seen them in a long time." So I said "I'm asleep." I think because I was aware of how my DCs always try to convince me I'm awake that they didn't say that. The one in the middle said "Hm, do you think you're asleep?" And then I became certain, and I was VERY lucid. I was thinking and talking like I would irl. I was very very aware of things.

    I asked the person next to me if they were my dream guide. Now, I am not sure if they actually were or if they were just a DC, but they either said yes or maybe, I don't remember.

    The dream started to fade and I think I was about to wake up, I even felt my body laying in bed. But I kept saying (or thinking, I'm not sure) "I will NOT wake up, I will stay asleep, the dream will continue and I will remain lucid." The dream started to come back, and in a few seconds I was fully lucid again. The "dream guide" next to me was still there, except they were now in the driver's seat, and the other person was gone. I was in the passenger seat still, but I don't think there was a middle seat anymore.

    They changed into a bird. I asked them to change into something else. They asked if I would prefer an owl. I said sure, go for it. So they turned into an owl.

    The dream started to fade again, and I did what I did before, and the dream came back. I was now in the backseat, and the "dream guide" was still in the front driving. I think we talked some more, I'm not sure. Shortly after that, the dream changed and I wasn't lucid anymore. But the rest of the dream was very long.

    I was walking to class and I had my schedule in my hand, I guess it was the first day. I couldn't understand it, and I didn't know where to go. I kept asking people I passed if they could help me. No one else could understand it, or maybe they just didn't know where the class was. I kept going through the school and came across a counselor in the middle of the hallway. It was like a part of the building was cut out, sort of. Like a help desk, almost. I asked the counselor if they could help me. They started saying something about how they were nice to even be talking to me, because they weren't my counselor, and so they weren't allowed to help me, or something. I noticed a large paper with a bunch of sketches of an artist I know irl on the wall behind the counselor. I was very surprised, and thought "They went to this school?!" They sketches were NSFW and some students who came up behind me were looking at them and said things like "Ew."

    I left and kept going into random classrooms, hoping that I would come across mine. Students kept looking at me walk in and out, and I was a bit embarrassed. Eventually in one classroom I sat down next to someone I used to know. I asked if they could help me, and I handed them my schedule. They were smart, so I figured they would know. I then leaned over and whispered "A gross NSFW artist I know of went to this high school." They didn't hear me at first so I had to say it again.

    I think the dream changed again. I was with my friend outside, at a playground, I think. There was a square of sand, and my friend thought there was something under it. She kept digging with her hands and something poked through. I pulled it, and it was a white plush of a cat or bear. I think I tossed it aside. The friend kept digging, and she found a dog. I think the dog was magic. We went into a big car of mine and the dog kept running out. The view was third-person here. We had to get out of the car and yell for the dog to come back, because it kept running into the street. I think it changed into a person, but changed back into a dog and came back into the car.

    The dream changed, I think. I was on some bleachers or something, with a bunch of other people. I think someone there had us captured. The person standing up told my friend and someone else that they were to fight. Not a physical fight, but they had to win games. The person took two round, bouncy candies and threw them into the group of people. They had to catch them in their mouths. I think my friend lost, and they were to be put in a cage. I asked if I could escort and watch her. The person said yes. The friend changed to someone I used to know. We walked through a place with a lot of hallways and open areas and restaurant-type areas. We weren't looking for a cage now, but the friend had to be chained to something with a yellow light above it.

    We were looking for it, and found it in a restaurant. It was crowded though, so I wanted to leave. The person was upset, but we left anyway. I don't remember much else, I might have woken up then.
    memorable , lucid , non-lucid

    Tuesday, 3/24/15

    by lcdmado on 03-24-2015 at 03:43 PM
    Sleep time: I've been having trouble sleeping lately. The last time I checked my phone before I eventually fell asleep, it was around midnight. I was woken up by someone else today at around 7:15 am.

    I'm not sure if this was one consecutive dream, or several small dreams, because I remember bits and pieces that don't really relate to each other much.

    I remember a person being given a baby on the sidewalk by someone walking by. Either that, or they found it in a puddle on the curb. I think I was the person's friend. We asked two people who passed by if there was a hospital nearby. They said there wasn't. My friend tried to wrap the baby in their coat. It was raining. It was evening, I think. Either that, or the rain made it darker than it was. I asked the people if they knew of someplace where we could at least find a bed for the baby to sleep in. They pointed and said the name of two streets I don't remember. I looked at my friend, but the friend looked like they knew the area, so I didn't say anything.

    That was one part. The next part was me and a lot of other children. I was younger than I am now. We were put into groups of two by one person who seemed to be a teacher, and someone else who seemed to be the teacher's assistant. The children were supposed to talk about things, and then high-five when one of them talked about something they both wanted/agreed with. We were all sitting underneath a bridge, I just remembered. On the ground, facing each other and sitting with our legs crossed. The teacher and assistant were higher up on some grass, watching us.

    The child I was with said something about being taken to a better place than this. I don't remember what they said exactly, but it sounded nice the way they said it, so I nervously gave them a high-five. I then started to get worried because I didn't actually know that much about it, and I had a feeling that saying I was all up for it would lead to something bad. I asked them if you could come back from that place if you didn't like it. I don't remember what they said back, but they high-fived me harder this time. I guess to make it look more confident to the teacher.

    Then I was on a ship. I think this was part of that dream. I was going with them to this "better place." I was nervous though. I think me being nervous made the teacher afraid of one of us backing out. I remember that at some point, someone who had been with the teacher from the very beginning had passed away. I was talking with the teacher outside the ship, looking at the stars. The view was third-person this time, and it looked like I was playing a video game that involved making choices. The teacher asked me if they should give the deceased person a traditional burial (which was sending them into space, I believe). One of the options was something like "He's been with us for a long time, don't you owe this to him?" I guess it was a big deal to be properly buried, at least with this group of people, especially since the person had been so loyal.

    I don't remember much of the rest, but I think I got too nervous about saying the wrong thing. My time to make choices ran out and I ended up picking whatever. I was then on the ship again. I think the teacher was upset, or they had an ulterior motive the whole time, or the "better place" actually wasn't real or that good of a place. I think the teacher had a feeling that I knew this, and that I was scared. They told me to go to the back of the ship, I believe. To get supplies, or something. I went, and the ship turned upside-down. The hallways were now tubes, and I had to crawl/slide through them. I found the person who we thought had passed away. They told me that they were going to go to the control room, because something bad was going to happen. I don't remember if they said this, but that was the feeling I got.

    They told me to go find everyone and get them into the safe room, which looked like a large closet. They ran down the hall to the control room, which was near the back of the ship. I just remembered, I was wearing a hooded robe. It was purple. When I went to get the supplies, my robe started changing to different patterns, or to pajamas. The view was third-person then, but quickly went back to first-person as I tried to go through the tubes. I couldn't go to most places on the ship, because there was nothing to grab onto, so it was hard to go through the tubes that were slanted upwards.

    That's all I remember, I think.
    non-lucid , memorable