• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Linkster17 and Baron Samedi

    5 Visitor Messages

    1. Hey WakingNomad, I was wondering if you have any tips on how to tell a dc from real people or people who live in dreams and on forming and training powers. Thanks
    2. Your tutorial rocked! i want 2 learn 2 share dreams as well as improving my dream skills. maybe i can have a shared dream(s) with you and Raven Knight. and it's cool that you live in Honolulu because i lived there several years ago
    3. k, i will.
    4. Read the shared dreaming tutorial.
    5. hey WakingNomad, I'm Linkster17 and I've mostly read RavenKnight's dj but you seem really cool. if u have any tips, that would be helpful.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5