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    About LiveInTheDream
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    My alias on DV is 'LiveInTheDream'; it is a play on the phrase "living the dream" and the idea that lucid dreams make you 'come to life' inside the dreamworld.

    I've always been very fascinated in dreams, but until a few years ago, never really knew how to study them further. I didn't have the money for equipment to run scientific tests or the knowledge for what tests needed to be run, etc., so my ambition was cut off before it could even begin.

    But then as time went on I would hear bits about this thing called 'lucid dreaming', and one night when my curiosity got the better of me, I ran a google search and came across multiple good resources about dreams--the foremost of which was Dreamviews.

    Through lucid dreaming and resources pertaining to that subject, I've finally been able to make that fascination not just into a hobby, but one of the most exciting adventures of my life. No kidding. I still love living real life, but let's face it, canoeing off of Niagara Falls isn't something you'll get to do every day in the real world!

    So here I am today.
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    where you are not
    Lucid dreaming! Freerunning, filmmaking, video games, blah, blah, blah
    bookstore sales associate
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    Click on the sig to view my dream journal!
    Click here to check out the Facebook page for 'The Lucid Dream' (1 & 2) short films!
    "What is an RC-MILD?" Click here to find out!


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    Recent Entries

    (22/11/11) - Too many weird things to name...

    by LiveInTheDream on 11-22-2011 at 03:48 PM
    This is what I get for staying up too late...that always gives me weird dreams from a lack of clarity

    1) The dream began fairly normally. I was Skype chatting with a friend whom I hadn't heard from in a while and she was just telling me about how they had a chemical leak and had to evacuate the house when suddenly people started peering over my shoulder and refused to go away. Well that was awkward, so I moved to a different computer and tried to keep talking. Before long I was interrupted by another person (who just randomly was there all of a sudden) who told me that the guy that wrote "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" wrote a new song back in 2008 and it was a big hit that I should look up. He wouldn't stop pestering me about it so I gave in and interrupted the chat to look the thing up on YouTube. Couldn't find it anywhere, and the guy had left after a while, so I went back to Skype...only to be interrupted by someone telling me I had to come with them to some gathering at a farmhouse. I didn't want to go, but before I knew it I was right there at the party...and not happy with this DC at all for bringing me there. So then my captors tried to make me feel better by attempting to set me up with one of the girls there. They were nice but I wasn't interested...I just wanted to catch up with my friend on Skype! I ran away to some little office room that had WiFi and opened up Skype on my iPod...and my friend was gone. Frustrated, I went back outside and just hung around until the party was over.

    Dream Signs: unusual events, being pulled away from a task, frustration with something, being at a new place

    Big goes here.

    (21/11/11) - Back from Break with a Bang

    by LiveInTheDream on 11-21-2011 at 04:08 PM
    So last week I took off from the DJ because my sleep schedule was kinda brutal, making lucid dreaming more or less impossible. I got caught back up over the weekend though and this week shouldn't be as hard on me. Last night, at least, I was caught up on sleep enough to a) stay awake long enough to MILD, and b) have clear enough dreams to go lucid!

    I became aware that I was dreaming right as the previous dream was beginning to fade away. I began to rub my hands together, but the dream continued to fade into darkness. I started spinning too, not so quickly as to wake me up, but just enough to generate sensations that would pull me back into the dreamworld. It worked, and suddenly everything shot into crystal clarity...and I found myself as a girl (kinda weird sensation, that ) in a circular fantasy-style arena with a monolythic cylinder at the center. The whole dream then went into Final Fantasy mode and I had the get up and an oversized sword, and a giant beast on the cylinder to fight. I had fun running around and pulling off crazy moves to fight it, but the beast only lasted a few seconds against my attacks before it was destroyed and burst into oblivion. No other creatures came, so I jumped up to the top of the arena (a good 20 or 30 foot jump) and walked out into a hallway to explore the dream world more. Unfortunately I have only fragments of what happened later, even though I maintained lucidity for a decent length of time.

    (14/11/11) - Lucid Nightmare

    by LiveInTheDream on 11-14-2011 at 04:47 PM
    Not such great recall last night, not much time to write about it, either

    1) I was in a dystopia where the people weren't zombies, but pretty quickly became the living equivalent. I was lost and unable to make it to work or anything that I'd normally do in a day. At last I reality checked and became lucid, but I had so many false memories and such a bad environment that I didn't even attempt to simply recover the dream and turn it into something good. Instead I went inside a house, climbed up to the highest window, stepped out on the ledge, and then used my mind to shut the window on my heels, thus knocking me off to my death below, and effectively waking me up.

    At least I can mark another LD on my sig from that!
    lucid , nightmare

    (12/11/11) LD Explosion, Adam Jensen (Deus Ex), and Epic Paradoxes

    by LiveInTheDream on 11-12-2011 at 05:38 PM
    Well, due to life getting extremely busy I had to take off a week of keeping up with my DJ, and last night being the first night of the weekend, I got to try again to lucid dream...and boy did I!

    1) & 2) Just fragments of the first couple dreams of the night. Can't remember a lot of what I did, but I do recall quite clearly finding a mirror, looking at myself in it, and telling myself that I was dreaming until it sank in that I really was. I went lucid this way in both dreams and then went to do stuff, but sadly lost lucidity again fairly quickly.

    3) I was keeping a DJ (yes, in the dream) of the previous two dreams in the night. Suddenly I realized I was still dreaming though, and so I happily marked a third lucid dream for one night...just before waking up.

    4) By this point I'd finally gotten enough sleep for dreams to be fairly clear, and so I was wandering through some futuristic facility, unaware that I was asleep, when out of the corner of my eye I caught my reflection in a broken sheet of metal that was dangling from the wall. As I approached it, I began to marvel at how realistic the reflection was...which clued me in that I was dreaming and subconsciously knew it. I repeated the process of looking at myself in the mirror and telling myself quite firmly that I was dreaming until I really did gain lucidity...and this time held onto it! When I looked away from the mirror I was suddenly Adam Jensen, which I found cool and decided to stick with. I was on the basement level of the facility, and I decided there would be a villain at the top level, and I had to get there to stop him from some evil plot. And of course in Deus Ex style, that also meant I had to do a lot of sneaking around to get there. Well, I didn't do the best job at being subtle so security guards caught onto my presence very quickly, but a single punch to the face took each and every one of them out so easily it was almost disappointing. So I let two guys wake back up from the knockout punch and start chasing me, this time with the fun being in finding a way to hide from them. I began to half-fly-half-freerun all over the place until I rounded a corner, expecting to find a door to a crazy room on the other side. I did. Once inside, I was in a room that had its geometry duplicated on the ceiling, making it vertically symmetrical. I flew upside down and stood on the ceiling as the two guys ran inside on the floor, which was upside down to me, now. They couldn't figure out how the heck I was doing what I was, and it confused them enough for me to fly up some upside-down flights of stairs until I reached a pillar jutting sideways out of the wall. I stood by the pillar now, at yet another orientation different from the floor. The DC's were totally confused by this point, and so when they came after me, I simply kept myself on the opposite side of the pillar from them, and eventually they gave up looking for me. Just when they were about to leave though, one of them saw me, so I took them both out and kept going towards the top. Sadly I lost lucidity and woke up before I could get there, but it was still a pretty epic dream.

    Here's a basic illustration of the crazy geometry I built into that room on the fly. Just goes to show the creativity the sleeping mind can have! I'd never think of this while awake

    Updated 11-12-2011 at 09:21 PM by LiveInTheDream

    lucid , memorable

    (04/11/11) - Hovering desk chairs and...Windows Vista?

    by LiveInTheDream on 11-04-2011 at 03:12 PM
    I had to be at a work meeting rather late last night, so my sleep schedule was thrown off and not surprisingly, I didn't go lucid in spite of my MILD. When I slept, I just slept hard

    1) I was looking to get a new desk chair (which I did IRL recently--probably had something to do with this dream) and I found one that struck me as odd: it was advertised as 'the leg-less desk chair'. Basically, it was said to contain some kind of highly magnetic device that would consistently keep the chair hovering a few feet off the floor. Sounded interesting, so I got two of them, and immediately discovered that by tilting one of the chairs while sitting in it, I could cause it to move around at pretty good speeds. Suddenly I was on a trip to Israel and still in my hovering desk chair. I propelled all over the place at something like 45 mph, all the time having more and more false memories explaining the backstory of the dream that I hadn't seen...making it harder and harder to become lucid all the time. I was just about to have to leave Israel when one of my friends who was there with me turned evil and started some scheme I was going to have to stop...

    Dream Signs: Being somewhere without remembering getting there, dream-like environments, highly unusual events

    2) I was surprised to find that someone had stuck my old PC's hard drive in my new PC, but since it was there I decided to have fun with it. I booted up into Windows Vista and as expected, it ran poorly for an OS but much faster on the newer computer. I intended to upgrade it to Windows 8 (yes, 8) but just as I popped the disk in someone started Skype chatting with me and I never got around to it

    Dream Signs: highly unusual events