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    In the Woods
    Dale Cooper's hair and David Bowie's art. Mint hookah, John Zorn and coffee. Running. David Lynch.
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    1. HiLei
      HiLei liked blog post by Minotaure On : Boyfriend-induced LD
      This was one of the most amazingly vivid LDs I've ever had and all thanks to my awesome boyfriend. I went to bed at 10pm, he joined me at 3am. That woke me up, but I was too sleepy to actually get up...
      Liked On: 12-02-2016, 02:38 PM
    2. Patience108
      Patience108 liked blog comment by Minotaure On : First successful WILD
      Great, don't give up! I don't know about you but to me it's such a struggle. I tried again this morning and just couldn't do it. Well, next time :)
      Liked On: 11-26-2016, 10:28 AM
    3. Patience108
      Patience108 liked blog post by Minotaure On : First successful WILD
      Long time no lucid dreams, so I decided to try WILD again. I've always been really bad at it, but why not keep trying. Woke up at 2am and decided to read a few articles from Deep Lucid Dreaming -...
      Liked On: 11-26-2016, 10:27 AM
    View Minotaure's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Trolled by my own brain

    by Minotaure on 12-02-2016 at 08:15 AM
    Not a lucid dream in the slightest:

    There's a room with a large table. About eight people are sitting around that table, two seats are empty. One is mine.

    Everyone is discussing the lucidity of this dream. They're talking about how they are all successfully lucid.

    They also have LD apps on their phones and everyone ticks 'I am dreaming' to confirm.

    I'm looking for the last person and I find him in the kitchen. He's standing in front of the fridge with his back to me, pigging out on a large bucket of ice cream.

    "Dude, come on. Everyone's waiting for you only." I say. He looks at me with astonishing lack of interest, shrugs his shoulders and says "Whatever."

    I'm trying to explain that without everyone present at the table the dream can't go full lucid.

    He says "Yep, too bad," turns back to the fridge and continues munching on the ice cream.

    I start cursing and go back to the previous room. Everyone looks at me as I enter. "Sorry guys, he's not coming." I say.

    They are visibly disappointed. After a few seconds of silence someone says "Well f**k this. We might as well wake up then."

    And yep, I wake up.

    Boyfriend-induced LD

    by Minotaure on 11-29-2016 at 10:21 AM
    This was one of the most amazingly vivid LDs I've ever had and all thanks to my awesome boyfriend. I went to bed at 10pm, he joined me at 3am. That woke me up, but I was too sleepy to actually get up and do WBTB, so I just rolled over and immediately started dozing off. That's when he whispered to my ear: "Go lucid". And man did that work like a charm. The moment he said it I slid into the most vivid LD ever. I was walking down some hallway and everything got hyper realistic. I was so excited I could barely keep calm.

    I enter a room and there's a girl named Lucy who's apparently my dream world friend. I'm telling her that I'm lucid and trying to stay calm. I remember that I should stabilize the dream - stand still, breathe slowly. It works.

    I try to levitate a bit and that also works nicely, the room is not that large so I can only jump into the air and then softly float around or land on my feet again. I've never felt this AWAKE in my life.

    I want to try to create something in that dream world but for the love of me I can't come up with anything I should do. Still too excited. I ask Lucy and she says "Well why don't you float up to the ceiling and create a little landscape on this floor here." (By the way my bf pointed out her name to me this morning when I woke up - Lucy/Lucid. Coincidence? )

    I try to float up but my body seems to be too heavy and I'm still kind of sinking back to the floor. Out of the blue Lucy faints, it's like her consciousness gets knocked out. I come to her and try to wake her up, but there's just her lifeless body lying on the floor. At this point it feels like I'm losing the lucidity.

    I walk around the house and find what I consider to be her actual real life body sleeping in bed. I don't want to wake her up so I go to my room, find my bed and sit in it. Then I remember that the one thing I always wanted to do in a LD was to meditate.

    I sit in a lotus position and close my eyes. Immediately I'm sucked into this vast black void, it physically feels like I sunk hundreds of meters deep into my mind. There's nothing but blackness but also this amazing clarity. I have thoughts but they don't matter, everything is just so ... clear.

    There's a lot of energy, like everything resonates with it, it's the matter of my mind and it's myself and it feels so awesome. I don't know how long I linger there, but then I wake up into a non lucid dream. I feel like there's an intruder in the house.

    I get up and go check the hallway. Noone. At this point it's just a regular dream. I walk over to Lucy's bedroom and wake her up to tell her about my LD. She seems excited about it but her dad won't let me speak and keeps talking about his comic books.....?

    And then I wake up.

    This was the best LD ever since the first one I had 10 years ago

    First successful WILD

    by Minotaure on 11-25-2016 at 10:24 AM
    Long time no lucid dreams, so I decided to try WILD again. I've always been really bad at it, but why not keep trying. Woke up at 2am and decided to read a few articles from Deep Lucid Dreaming - Wake up in your dreams for a happier, more creative life. Learn how to lucid dream and transform your dreamlife After 20 minutes I put my phone away, lay on my back and started with meditation. Must say this time it felt like ages, I was waiting for my usual hypnagogia to kick in but for a long time, nothing. Then finally the usual stuff started to happen - voices, sentences, scenes.... I remember this fat guy's face showing me some medieval painting... I was excited because I knew that my body was falling asleep. Now at this point I usually fail to balance it and just doze off. But this time I tried really hard.

    First thing that materialized was a cute girl with long hair, wearing khaki shorts and a shirt. She was standing in front of me ... then I noticed I'm waiting in line for something, it looked like a typical american high school. My boyfriend is in the line behind me. No doubt this is a dream. I'm not overly excited, I'm juts pleased with the outcome.

    I'm thinking the girl is really hot and my boyfriend might like to look at her butt too. I grab her, lift her up and put her behind me, so she's standing in front of him now. She has the softest skin and gives me a confused look, but she's smiling.

    Now there are two muscular guys in front of me. They look like twins, only one has blond hair. Immediately as I see them I realize I don't like them one bit. They're all muscles, gel in their hair, I can actually smell their cheap cologne.

    I am normally a very peaceful person. I hate bullying and would never do it. But now, being lucid, I feel like I can experiment. Especially since I find them both so unlovable.

    They are both like two meters tall and they're minding their own business. I push one as hard as I can, he barely even stumbles. And I shout at him (which is SO unlike me) "What's your problem??"

    He turns around (at this point I am really curious as this is probably my first interaction with a dream character where I am fully focused on him) and gives me the same confused look and a soft smile. He doesn't say anything, just stares at me. I don't know why but that really irritates me. Maybe because it's so boring, he's like a dummy.

    And then I start. I pick on them, I say ugly things to them, I'm trying all I can to see how they react and to get even the slightest hint of emotion or intelligence from them. But they just stand there, let me do whatever I do to them, smiling like idiots.

    I remember at one point I pinch one and shout "You like that, bitch?!" No response.

    I proceed to take off their pants, hoping they'll get embarrassed. None of this feels sexual at all, it's just me messing with them.

    So now they stand there with their pants off and the stupid smiles on their faces. I grab the pants and decide to run away and hide them. My boyfriend runs with me. We get home and hide the clothes in our wardrobe. I feel disappointed that they didn't even try to chase us.

    My boyfriend starts folding his own clothes nicely, just arranging the wardrobe and stuff. "I'm so glad we are in my dream and not the guys' dream," I say. Then I get a bit worried, wondering if this is really my dream and not someone else's dream. What if I am a dream character and don't know?

    I look at my boyfriend who's still folding his t-shirts. "Are you dreaming?" I ask. He says he is not sure.

    "Well, what are you doing now?" I ask him again. He looks at the t-shirt in his hands and thinks for a bit and then says "I'm stacking coal. .... I guess that means I am not dreaming."

    I start giggling because I find it so adorable that my dream boyfriend can't tell that he's dreaming and considers stacking coal his usual daily activity. And then, of course, I wake up.

    Pagan gathering

    by Minotaure on 11-15-2016 at 01:35 PM
    Again, lots of people. It was a pagan/medieval gathering.

    We are all somewhere in the mountains/caves. I'm sitting in the grass, examining people's clothes.

    Everything is very detailed but I'm not lucid. I still remember closely examining a leather sleeve and thinking "this is so real!".

    A shy young man with longer dark hair is explaining something.

    Soft cloth, tiny fragile teacups everywhere, also - paper stairs.

    I walk around and find an abandoned main station. It's beautiful inside, but it's falling apart.

    There's a shop with a sign that says "URBAN GRAPHIC" .... It has hundreds of graphic novels, but everything is arranged on the floor in the dust.

    The shop is also falling apart. Bricks, dust, old wooden planks....

    I find a book - a graphic novel - and it looks amazing and mysterious. There's a meditating man on the cover and some large face behind him, I think.

    It has an absolutely awesome title which I can't remember anymore.

    Them I wake up. Zero lucidity

    Antler lizard

    by Minotaure on 11-12-2016 at 08:55 AM
    House with lots of young people. Some are sleeping, some are talking...

    I go to the bathroom. The shower is on, room full of water. I turn it off.

    Something is moving next to the sink. I look - it's a cute little hamster with a crippled front leg.

    A boy appears, he's brushing his teeth. I ask if it's his hamster. He nods.

    I want to pet it. The hamster comes closer, but it starts changing - now it's a hamster/insect with a sucker instead of a mouth and no eyes.

    I quickly change my mind about petting it. Then it morphs again.

    It morphs into two lizards connected with one tail. Their heads have the shapes of large coins, or tokens. One has a sort of animal like face, the other has a weird smiley face.

    They also have strange antlers that look a bit like ... fractal corals or something. Very organic.

    I look at the boy. He explains that it is in fact just one lizard with two heads and two bodies to confuse predators.

    Of course I fail to see that this entire situation makes no sense and I'm not lucid one bit

    Updated 11-12-2016 at 09:56 AM by Minotaure
