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    1. LucasPotter
      LucasPotter liked post by Monster99d On thread : Yes, I got two WILDS.
      I got two WILDS last night and they felt amazing. I found my sweet spot which is 6 - 6:30. They each lasted around a minute each and I was semi-lucid in both. Read my DJ if you want to hear about...
      Liked On: 01-28-2012, 05:48 AM
    2. superchaz
      superchaz liked blog post by Monster99d On : Police Chase
      I was overlooking the police office from a walkway above. I knew today I was going to be able to do my run. I jumped down and began my sprint. I ran through the metal detector as the police guard...
      Liked On: 01-20-2012, 02:44 PM
    3. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by Monster99d On thread : Getting ready to LD
      So, I am going to try for the fourth night to try and have my fourth lucid dream. I am not that excited but I am looking forward to it. I am going to awake at 3 AM and try to CANWILD. If that...
      Liked On: 01-20-2012, 03:26 AM
    View Monster99d's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    False Awakening

    by Monster99d on 01-08-2013 at 09:10 AM
    I tried the SSILD method and my body began to feel weightless. I got up after about ten minutes and looked around my room to see if anything was wrong. I then did some RC's. Surprisingly, no Reality Checks worked and my alarm looked as if it was working perfectly. I went to the bathroom and then appeared in my bed, waking up from my FA. I was actually surprised about how vivid it was. It looked just like my room.
    non-lucid , false awakening

    A couple non-vivid dreams

    by Monster99d on 01-07-2013 at 05:04 AM
    One dream was about me being hunted down by assasins that are constantly looking through windows in my house to find me. My task was to avoid being spot when they looked through the windows and only move when they are moving to a new window.

    The other one was I pretending to be a guard for a powerful man that I wanted to kill. I then saw him text CIC to someone, and immediatly knew that he had recognized me and he was telling his boss to come over. I ran out of my home and hid in this tower which I was eventually spotted in.

    I was almost able to WILD last night too, I started to get a grey image of where I wanted to be but then it faded away. It also gave me a headache.

    Two Part Dream

    by Monster99d on 01-06-2013 at 02:47 PM
    All I can remember from the first part is that four people had killed four of my friends, each person killing only one person. One of the people that died was Vaas from Far Cry 3 and one of the killers was my brother. I ended up killing all of the killers, then regretted the descion and brought them all back to life.

    The next part of my dream was much more vivid. I had the ability to turn into a strawberry, and that proved I was an alien. So the Men and Black recruited me to try to find alien serial killers. Morgan Freeman was my partner. Next, Morgan Freeman and I were examining a dead body, and my brother pushed me off this really high cliff. I was able to grab something on the side and climb back up. He then put fire ants all over my hands, and they hurt like a bitch. I fell for about 15 seconds until a pine tree broke my fall. I then appeared to be in a gymnastics gym and started talking to a gymnast. I said goodbye and woke up.

    Vague Dream

    by Monster99d on 04-02-2012 at 05:52 AM
    The dream started in some ruins left in a rainforest. The ruins were made of stone, mostly covered in moss. In the four corners of the square (the ruins) there were paths to smaller squares where four different animals lived. I was a dog and was sent to go to each animal for some unknown purpose.

    I had to collect one of the remains of each type of animal. I remember I collected a chicken head. Anyway, I burned all of them at the end and stepped in the fire. I had become a human-dragon who could walk on his legs and was pretty buff.

    At the same time, some apes attacked the ruins, specifically, me. I fought most of them off, until one mega huge ape pinned me down.

    He held me by the neck and counted down from ten to one. Each number he would get to would make me weaker. His voice was quite soft. I remember screaming and telling him not to do this. When he got to one I was a dog again, crying, and I said "I tried, and I tried hard." He said, "I know you did." He then politely broke my neck.

    Brother Dream

    by Monster99d on 01-25-2012 at 02:04 PM
    I remember standing on one side of a lake while my sister was on the opposite side. It seemed like a lake a few neighborhoods down, but in my dream it was infront of my house. My house was also a part of a hotel, and behind it there was a huge wall the touched the beach.

    Anyway, my sister was swimming in the water for some reason. I remember her saying to me, "It feels like gasoline, doesn't it?" When she reached the end, I saw something swim underneath her and told her to get out. I thought it might have been an alligator. She came out and I walked to my right and got on top of this seven foot high cylinder to look at the lake.

    All of the sudden I teleported. I came to an area that looked just like the lake; however, instead of the green water, there was a very light color of blue water. Instead of grass surrounding the lake, it was concrete. It seemed like a swimming pool that was part of the hotel, and I could still see the green lake and my house from an approximate one thousand feet. I jumped in and to my surprise I found around ten blue dolphins at the bottom.

    I forget this part.

    My brother and I end up on a roller coaster at some carnival. It looked pretty shitty and didn't seem safe at all. We went up the tracks and did a 180 degree turn. I noticed the cart in front of us stopped working. When we hit it, our wheels that were on the left track bounced over to the right track. The right track wheels came completely off. My brother and I had only one choice, to jump off.

    I jumped off and somehow bounced of the concrete over the little ditch where these tracks were that would lift up. My brother then jumped too and got stuck under the lifting tracks. They started coming down and he went on his stomach. He was squished and now had another disability (He already had two in this dream).

    Anyway, he now had a mushroom head and was retarded.

    The end.