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      In that PM, I didnt mean 3-5 a night, I meant a week. Sorry >.<
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    1. Calpul
      Calpul liked post by Recidul On thread : DREAM RECALL HELP!!!! (i cant recall 1 single dream)
      Set an alarm to 3.00-5.00 am. You should remember your dream pretty well if you wake up from it during a REM phase. Write the dream down immediately or the just write down some key words that help...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Recidul On thread : Serial Dream RPG Character List
      Name: I'll ask the first person i meet what my name is. Race: I'll have a look at the mirror in the forest and see. Class: Spellcaster Job: Showing magic tricks to farmers and such, until I get...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. Kusan
      Kusan liked post by Recidul On thread : 3rd person view ?
      I see lots of dreams in third person (actually I should train myself to do a reality check every time it happens). I think being lucid helps staying in 1st person. I've had at least one LD (I was...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. AngelZlayer
      AngelZlayer liked post by Recidul On thread : Mastering magic
      Hi everyone. As the title tells, this thread is about mastering magic, in dreams of course. I will post here my succes in mastering different schools of magic, and of course you can try it too and...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Recidul On thread : Shared Lucid Dreaming Tutorial
      I had a LD and decided to visit the Moon. I just shouldn't have tried to fly there. I only got to about 70 metres high. Gotta try teleporting next time.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    Recent Entries

    Trying flying in a DILD, 20-25 minutes

    by Recidul on 05-20-2013 at 04:59 PM
    This dream is from last week so I don't remember everything anymore. I've forgotten the beginning of the dream.

    I'm in front of my home. I don't remember what I was doing. The first thing I remember is becoming Lucid. First I try flying. Then I decide to try flying as high as possible. My first attempts are not very succesful: I can't get higher than about ten metres. The I try spinning, and suddenly flying up is very easy. I am soon at cloud level. I estimate that I'm in around two kilometres' height (in reality I would be ten km high). I rise above the clouds. The sky above me is clear and blue. I carry on rising. Soon I'm surrounded by clouds again. The clouds are red. A meteor shoots past me. I get scared and lose some lucidity (however not all); don't I become exposed to radiation this high? Won't I get out of air. I feel that the air is thin. I decide to descend below the clouds. When I'm below them I try to stop. It doesn't work and I continue falling down. Soon I'm plunging down, trying to slow down. In a few seconds I hit the ground. I have turned into a spaceship. However, my attempts at slowing down have been partially succesful and instead of causing an impact crater I only knock down some trees. Now I've lost all the lucidity and the dream's back to normal. There are some people playing football. I am now around three metres tall. I play football with the people for the rest of the dream.

    Task of the Year for 2012: 1900, 15 minutes

    by Recidul on 01-28-2012 at 11:19 AM
    I am outside our house. I go for a walk. While I'm walking I look at the stars. I see some big galaxies. I realise that you can't see galaxies with bare eye, so I must be lucid. This time I'll get the 1900s task done. As teleporting has ruined my earlier attempts at the task, I simply decide I am in the 1900s. The street lights and the houses turn to look like ones from the beginning of the 20th century. I go into one of the houses. The house is very narrow and has 2 or 3 floors. I go to the bedroom. There is a woman there. A box appears into my hand. It has a button on the top. I take a picture of the woman sitting in the bed. The image is black-and-white. If I remember right, the woman had a black shirt and a curly blond hair. There was also another woman in the room but I don't remember anything about her.

    Three failed attempts at a TotY

    by Recidul on 01-15-2012 at 03:07 PM
    I am outside our house. It is summer. I am writing some music. I listen what it sounds like and it sounds good. The tomatoes we were growing in the summer are there. I touch one of the tomatoes and notice they all have gone bad. I become lucid. I decide to do the 1900s TotY. I jump into the air and start to fly. The sky turns black and I'm in space. I see a spiral galaxy (Milky Way?) in front of me. In the spiral arms there are numbers for different decades. I go nearer towards the beginning of the 20th century. Now I have a tape measure in my hand. I look for 1900. I get there. I appear in a castle. There is an unfinished painting in front of me. I start painting, but then I realise that I've come to the 12th century. I even have a 12th century outfit on. I try to get to the year 1900. I close my eyes and try to teleport, but it wakes me up.

    In a second dream I am also in our front yard. In this dream I had travelled back in time to 2008 with my family and ended up in wild west. A friend of mine had also been there. When we got out of the house in which we were accommodating, it turned into our house. I had just realised that I shouldn't go near my friend because he might notice that I am 4 years older. So, we are in our front yard looking at several Moons when I become lucid. Again I jump into the sky and get the tape measure in my hand. Now I search for 1900. I find it and teleport. My eyes are shut. A voice tells me that I should get a confirmation that I have arrived at the right place. Someone takes my hand. I become aware of my body... and wake up.

    First LD this year, 20-25 minutes

    by Recidul on 01-07-2012 at 10:45 AM
    I am in the city centre. I'm crossing a drive when the street light turns red. I have to stop and wait. A former teacher of mine is also waiting there. He says to me that his lesson is about to begin. The light turns into green. We cross the drive. At some point I hop into a car. A friend of mine is driving. The car is very small. After some time I get on top of the car and start shouting instructions at him ("You don't drive like that!", "Don't stop here!"). I even push the car at some point. For some reason very familiar blocks seem scary. Finally my friend drives into a car park. There is a block of flats. My friend calls to a friend of his that lives in the building. They are having a party. My friend has been invited and he asks his friend if he could bring friends with him. He talks about something like three friends even though there's just me. His friend says that there would be too many people at the party then. I look at my watch. It's 19.10. I remember that I should have been at my piano lesson (which would mean that it's monday). Then I become lucid. I go to the apartment where the party is. There I decide to to one of the TotYs. I decide to do the one where you have to take a picture with that old camera. I decide to leap through the window into the 1900s, but when I'm about to jump I decide to do the one where you have to watch tv. My brother and his friend are playing Play Station on a modern television. I decide to turn that into an older one. "Look at what I'm doing!" I say to them. I point at the television very dramatically and say TADAM. A shock wave from the television throws me back and I wake up.

    Two dreams from last night, 30 minutes

    by Recidul on 09-25-2011 at 11:36 AM
    I am in a staircase. The stairs are wide, wide enough for ten people to walk side by side up them. It is dark. I go up the stairs. When I reach the top of the building, there is a single door with the number 182 in it. On the wall there is a map of the area. It has lots of numbers in it. I have to go really close to it to see. I find the building numbered 182. "Hey, what are you doing here?". I turn around. There is a short man with a bodyguard. "I own this building! Get out of here!" I leave the building. I see a friend of mine leaving with a scooter. I go towards the same direction on rollerblades. A moment later my friend reappears, now riding a bike. She is dragging there is a rope attached on the bike and at the other end is her friend on rollerblades. They head to the same direction as I. From somewhere several people on bikes appear. I try to speed up and get past them, but there is too much traffic. We arrive at a crossing. The traffic lights are green. When I am crossing the road, the light changes into red. The cars don't care about me and I have to dodge them for the last few metres. At the other side of the road there is a bus stop. There are some russian people there. There is also my brother. "What are you doing at the secret paths?" He asks me. I ask him what he is doing there. He says he is waiting for a bus. I ask him when is he going to be at home. "Four o' clock", he answers. It's three o' clock and a little over 20 kilometres to home. It's a nice sunny day and I wonder if I should skate to home. In that case I should give the keys to my brother so that he can get in. The bus arrives. I go in. My brother ask the bus driver if I can come. The bus driver says yes. The bus leaves. I notice the place has changed. There are no proper roads (I've had dreams where I supposedly am in the 1980s where the environment looks pretty much like this). The rest of the dream is pretty much the driver driving as fast as she can, apparently the bus drivers have a competition of who drives the track fastest.

    In another dream from last night I was in a tower. It had five floors and was slightly askew. At the top floor there was a bedroom. When I looked out of the window I saw a beach and some forest.