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    1. SearcherTMR
      SearcherTMR liked post by regulator On thread : Published in Nature Neuroscience: 77% induction rate with electrodes on the scalp at 40 Hertz
      A couple of more optimistic points: First, as to LdreamM, while it might be for profit, the blog posts where he reports some disappointing results at least suggest he's not a shyster. Second,...
      Liked On: 11-15-2015, 09:54 PM
    2. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by regulator On thread : Regulator's workbook
      OK, I'm back on track (hopefully) after an absence from LD practice. I've been keeping a journal the last week or so, and I'm going to start using the journal here again. Woo-hoo!
      Liked On: 11-04-2015, 09:48 PM
    3. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by regulator On thread : DreamViews Podcast Suggestions
      An idea for the podcasts if they return: take a few inutes, could be 3 or as much as 15 (it is a flexible option), to briefly recap some of the more interesting or active threads that have popped up...
      Liked On: 08-25-2014, 10:44 PM
    4. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by regulator On thread : DreamViews Podcast Suggestions
      An idea for the podcasts if they return: take a few inutes, could be 3 or as much as 15 (it is a flexible option), to briefly recap some of the more interesting or active threads that have popped up...
      Liked On: 08-25-2014, 02:37 AM
    5. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked blog post by regulator On : NLD, surreal
      There's a big futuristic area with these tram monorail things. I'm with someone and we go to a part of town that is difficult to get to. For some reason, the two of us are breaking into people's...
      Liked On: 08-24-2014, 11:22 PM
    6. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by regulator On thread : Regulator's workbook
      Hi everyone. Excellent forum. Just getting started at taking advantage of the terrific resource! Reality checks: Thinking about whether the current situation makes sense. My dreams tend to be...
      Liked On: 08-22-2014, 09:53 PM
    7. Verre
      Verre liked blog post by regulator On : Bikes in self-storage, and movies in a dream
      There were two dreams that I recall parts of. Both non-lucid. 1. There was a self storage place with a concrete ramp and I was keeping stuff in there. It was pretty full. There were some bicycles...
      Liked On: 08-21-2014, 08:17 PM
    View regulator's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    NLD: Truck door left open

    by regulator on 11-19-2015 at 03:40 AM
    (Nov. 18, 2015).

    A couple of snippets.

    I'm giving CNG a ride around to places. Not sure where. At one point we are trying to get back to my place, and we park in a sort of half-circle driveway at my house. But it's really run down, almost dirt, and on a hill type thing. The house is a shack.

    Her car is already there for some reason. It's a pickup truck, like one my dad had. A little older and smaller, but red and similar. As we walk up to the house, I notice that the driver door is open. And I remember (within the dream), that the door was open last time and I had forgotten to close it. I get worried that someone may have stolen something. But I look inside and nothing looks stolen. The stereo, everything. As I'm shutting the door, I notice that some sort of interior indicator light is on. Something like a "check engine" light, but not that one exactly. So I note that the battery must not be totally drained from the door that's been open for at least a day. I ask CNG something about her cat. I don't remember the question.

    It seems like I'm making progress on the WILDing, especially in stabilizing HI while maintaining awareness. There was an episode where I was in a dream-like state -- I think it was after WILDing to get HI, and in the scene I was sitting on a bed, on my knees. I wasn't yet in a dream, but wanted to keep the HI stable while entering a dream. I then thought I'd look in a mirror, and a handheld mirror appeared in my hand. When I went to look into it I woke up. The sleep paralysis was pretty heavy.

    Report for Nov. 16, 2015

    by regulator on 11-19-2015 at 03:31 AM
    A fragment: I'm outside, with a couple of other people. For some reason we're at the edge of a canyon. I'm trying to hit someone on the other side with some sort of cannon that shoots something. Something non-lethal, like a paint ball. At first I aim directly there and shoot, but gravity brings the projectile down and it's not even close. So I aim upward for the next shot. [end of scene].

    In another fragment, I'm on a beach with MM and SM, and we're sitting on the beach and it's getting really windy. I'm pointing out to MM that the waves look really big. The wind is coming from behind us, so it is blowing the waves out. Even the ones that look like they'll make it to us don't. Then I notice one really huge wave that is heading towards us. It's massive. We get scared and start to leave. We're not running, but walking quickly. But even that one gets blown out, and it doesn't make it all the way in.

    I leave anyway. I'm walking away form the beach. There's a paved road that leads away, and I'm walking on a sidewalk next to an under-construction building. The sidewalk is covered with a roof for safety. And on the side is a wooden beam, like a small log, round and about 6 inches in diameter, that is holding up the roof. Some pieces of paper, flyers, are nailed to it. I notice that they are flapping around in the wind, but that the wind is super strong. Enough so that it really should be blowing the paper off the post.

    In the next scene, there's a go kart track thing. It's outside, like a bike path. There are a couple of people, friends, who are driving really fast along the track. And then suddenly we see a woman trying to chase them in her own go kart, like she's mad at them or something.

    I consider putting something on the track so on their next lap around they'll have to slow down and she'll catch them. But I don't. But when they come around on the next lap, one of the guys is going slow, like something happened. Like his go kart broke own or something. I couldn't see the other two.

    ND Report for Nov. 14 2015

    by regulator on 11-19-2015 at 03:12 AM
    No dream recall last night. But I was trying to WILD, and managed again to get some solid HI. Though still as soon as the HI gets solid and dream like, I lose awareness. It's like the two are mutually exclusive.

    There was one event where I felt my watch tap my wrist right at the beginning of a dream or something, but I didn't RC. It was almost like I was still half awake in my bed, adn so just blew the RC off. Not sure if I was awake or not when that happened. But I need to resolve to take the RC's seriously after a watch tap.

    NLD: Breaking trees and elements incorporated into the dream

    by regulator on 11-11-2015 at 11:11 PM
    I'm with a couple of friends, not sure who (maybe Mark M and Mark B). I have a big pickup I'm driving in with them. I'm behind the wheel. In one fragment I'm trying to leave a parking lot but the exit is very narrow. It is almost like a cement hallway I need to drive down, but I'm convinced I am going to scratch up the sides of the truck. But I manage to get out without any scratch marks.

    In another scene we're in the backyard of my parent's house. The truck is parked there. My glock is in the truck, locked in it's gun box in the back of the truck. The ground is covered with lizards. And there are a bunch of trees, but they are covered with insects, and are eaten away by termites. I'm worried that I need to get to a class I need to teach on time. I need to be there by 10:30am, and it is getting close. There's a gate I need to drive through. Somehow I need to simultaneously hold the gate open and drive the truck through. It is like a spring-closing gate. As I get into the truck, one of my other friends (MM?) is trying to get in, and we hear a big cracking noise. A huge vertical branch breaks off one of the trees and crashes down. It's like the size of half the tree. It becomes clear that there are termites or something eating away at the trees. I get them both in the truck and another tree breaks and cracks. We've got to drive out, and I'm trying to drive the truck out and hold the gate open at the same time.

    Then we have to make a detour back to my house, and I'm trying to get my stuff together and get ready so I can get to where I need to be by 10:30.


    Interestingly, there are a couple of things in that sequence that are reflections of what happened before I went to bed.

    1. I had seen the movie Spectre and there was a scene with a lizard on the window, and at some point I remembered that scene before I went to bed. I think that might have been related to the lizards all over the ground.

    2. At one point when I was going to sleep I was thinking about trees and tree back. Not sure why -- it was like spontaneous hypnogogic imagery before I went to sleep. But it ended up playing a role in the dream, since the bark of the trees was very prominent since it was clearly being eaten away by insects.

    3. Also, I actually did have to be somewhere at 10:30 that morning, and was thinking of that before I went back to sleep, and that go incorporated into the dream.

    NDL: Dude needs help with a party

    by regulator on 11-10-2015 at 11:47 PM
    Two scenes from a dream. In one scene I’m looking at a list of teaching assistants and instructors for my university that goes back a number of decades. It's written on paper, pen and pencil. One entry per line, one year per line. My name shows up a number of times, both as a grad student and as faculty. There are other people who are there and around, and they are envious because I’m on the list so often, and there is (part of the background idea of the dream) only 1 departmental TA per year.

    Next scene, part of same dream. I’m in a house that is connected to my job somehow. I’m outside and PMC drives by. He’s upset about something, like I’m not working enough or I’m shirking my job. He says something like “Say goodbye to your house.” There’s a kid in the back seat, but that is irrelevant to anything that happens. I yell at him to stop. He needs help with something, like he’s overworked about something. Maybe it has something to do with cooking? Or a party he’s hosting? Anyway, I say that if he needs help with X, just ask for X. He drives off and I get him to stop again, and I say ‘If you need help with X and Y, just ask for help with X and Y”.

    That’s all.