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    "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime, doubly so."

    The masks, they do nothing!


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    1. Yungen
      Yungen liked post by Rickrold On thread : Why Christians are not just a load of backwards imbeciles.
      All around the interwebs I have noticed that most non-Christains are extremely hostile to all Christians, automatically vilifying them without really knowing what Christians believe, and before they...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. acatalephobic
      acatalephobic liked post by Rickrold On thread : Why Christians are not just a load of backwards imbeciles.
      All around the interwebs I have noticed that most non-Christains are extremely hostile to all Christians, automatically vilifying them without really knowing what Christians believe, and before they...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. acatalephobic
      acatalephobic liked post by Rickrold On thread : Why Christians are not just a load of backwards imbeciles.
      All of them. Now I know you're going to say that I'm contradicting myself. An allegory can still be defined as expressing a total and definite truth.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View Rickrold's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    First lucid more than few seconds long!

    by Rickrold on 01-16-2011 at 01:24 AM
    Dream Journal Jan 15 2011

    Dream 1 (Lucid)

    I was in Sewickley down by Edgeworth Elementary School. I saw someone in the street and it turned out to be the YouTube vlogger fiorentine. In his house there was an immense bookshelf. Some other people our age were there. I said something about people at our school having a conjoined twin fetish and looked at some books on the shelf on this subject. Then my memory skips and I found myself at home, apparently after school. I wanted to go down to Sewickley but my dad said something about it being too far to walk. I realized that I was wearing something like a tweed suit. I could swear that just a minute ago I has been wearing my Red White and Blue hoodie. I asked my dad about it but he didn't seem to answer. I could'nt remember putting the suit on and I realized I must be dreaming and became lucid The dream started to tip and blur, and I RCed with a finger check as I fought to maintain the dream. As usual, my left hand had an extra small finger at the end. I found myself suddenly in what seemed to be the streets of sewickley mixed with those of a big city. The dream was kind of fuzzy, so I went down the street shouting, "More Detail!" and "Increase Brightness!". I couldn't help but notice how real everything was. I did some more stabilization with my hands and suddenly two of my fingers turned green! After that I decided I would go down to Julian's house, but the dream quickly faded. After some struggles, I opened my real eyes.

    Note: This wasn't my first lucid, but it's the first one where I was able to stay in the dream for more than a few seconds!

    Haven't Journaled in a while, going to start again...in the meantime some dreams from the past week

    by Rickrold on 12-07-2010 at 03:51 PM
    Dream 1 (non lucid)

    My AP World History teacher was teaching a class in one of the downstairs rooms of my old elementary school, and I was in it. I remember making a pizza in a microwave on top of a black file cabinet. I asked her if the pizza was done and she said "Put it in for another minute"

    Dream 2 (non lucid)

    I was in a strange house that I've never seen before. It was kind of dark and it had a second floor. The Doctor from Doctor Who was there, dressed not in his usual tweed suit but the clothes he wears to Amy's wedding in The Big Bang 2. We were talking, but I don't remember what he said. Then we were in front of what looked like a video of the time vortex projected onto a circular surface. I tossed all of the things I normally bring to school through it (laptop case, coat, lunch, backpack). They sort of melted through it. Then I went through it. I fell through and landed on a black surface and sort of rolled to my left and into a sort of alcove or pocket. I seemed to still be in the same room.

    Dream 3 (Lucid)

    I was in my room, talking. I don't remember if anyone else was there. The walls were the yellow they were when I was younger, not the brown they are now. Then I said something like "Hey, I am sleeping right now" and kind of wondered what I was currently doing in real life. Then I think I woke up, but maybe I had a false awakening and didn't remember.

    No luck tonight

    by Rickrold on 10-14-2010 at 12:36 PM
    Didn't remember any lucids last night and my dreams are a bit foggy. Nothing worth writing down.

    First DILD!

    by Rickrold on 10-13-2010 at 03:36 PM
    The first part of dream or connected series of dreams if fuzzy. I remember one scene in a car with one of my recurring DC's. I also remember a vague sequence where someone played a bizarre prank on me while I was sleeping - he painted me green and red. Also distributed trough this time were weird cameos of Trinity and Morpheus from The Matrix.

    Then I found myself walking up the driveway of a local park. i think I was with some friends. Something didn't seem right. I was also wondering if I had really been painted green and red. I began to be suspicious of reality and I looked at my hands. First I looked at my left hand. It seemed basically normal but something was off. Then I looked at my right had. One of the fingers was a triangular stump and the others seemed jumbled up somehow. I realized I was dreaming! I tried not to be too excited and set about stabilizing the dream. I rubbed my hands together and started to spin around. Then I remembered that you are supposed to look at you hands and I tried to analyze all the detail of my fingerprints, but the dream was starting to fade. I started to panic. The dream faded and I tried to spin around in the blackness. I think it started to come back for a second but then it went away. I decided toggle up and I opened my eyes.

    3 short dreams or dream fragments

    by Rickrold on 09-30-2010 at 02:45 PM
    I was unsure if these were short dreams or dream fragments...nonlucid but decided to post anyways...

    Dream 1

    I was in a space with no distinct walls or ceiling. A bunch of people I knew were standing around pretending to be conjoined twins by wearing large shorts. One of my recurring DC's was looking around for someone to get with but nobody wanted to be with him. Dream memory ends...

    Dream 2

    All I remember is one of my friends walking down a dirt road. Also there is a vague memory of a car from a previous dream.

    Dream 3

    Longest and most clear. I swear I saw Matt Smith, the 11th doctor from Doctor Who. Then I was with a bunch of people, getting autographs from some guy who was apparently a stunt double or stand-in for David Tennant when he was the 10th doctor. I heard his name but I don't remember it. I was standing around and he asked me if i had gotten an autograph. I said no and he gave me a white piece of paper which probably had his signature on it - as well as my own. Strangely I remember the individual letters of my name being clear and readable. Then the memory seems of skip and I find myself talking to the guy; he seemed very upset. I said something along the lines of "Only in jest, how did it feel being a stunt double for David Tennant?" He responded in a hurt and sarcastic voice: "Oh yes, in jest..." and I remember him going into a trailer door. I also remember looking down at his shoes. They weren't David Tennant's shoes, they were some kind of indistinct brown smudgy shoes. His coat was a different color too.