• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between saltyseedog and juroara

    10 Visitor Messages

    1. That's super cool! Like a personal garden or uh like an actual farm?? I feel kind of lost in my life. Apparently I'm like a butterfly that can fly but has no legs so I can't land, whatever that means.
    2. lol....well im hoping my life only gets more awesome. Ive got plans to start my own urban farm, cant wait to grow my first fruits
    3. Always! Has your life become super awesome? I remember you said before you were poor or something....
    4. hi salty, been lucid lately?
    5. C:

    6. Stay lucid!
    7. Hello!!!!!!!!!
    8. hola como esta?
    9. hello =D
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10