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    The Netherlands
    Horseriding, writing, dancing, lucid dreaming obviously
    How you found us:
    I searched on the internet for lucid dreaming experiences to see if they were similar to mine, and then I found this forum.



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    1. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by FryingMan On thread : Breaking a long dry spell ?
      One thing I think extremely helpful to breaking dry spells is to shake up your routine. Travel, go to places you've never been before, even around town. Especially wacky little shops with wild...
      Liked On: 05-12-2015, 03:25 PM
    2. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Zhaylin On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      That's a tough one. Bottom line: go with your gut. If you felt ill at ease, creeped out or otherwise uncomfortable, then there's usually a reason. Yeah, guys ego's can be fairly delicate. ...
      Liked On: 04-29-2015, 07:32 PM
    3. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Sageous On thread : Accidental WILD?
      I'm sure accidental WILD's are possible, Saschavs, because with consciousness, in the end everything is possible. But you might want to ask yourself this question: was this WILD/DEILD really an...
      Liked On: 04-26-2015, 05:44 PM
    4. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Zoth On thread : Accidental WILD?
      Yes, and it's not that uncommon, as many people while practicing WILD can temporarily loose consciousness. The reason for your recent success is probably due the time of your awakening. At that...
      Liked On: 04-26-2015, 05:44 PM
    5. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by ToukieToucan On thread : Accidental WILD?
      I think youve achieved DEILD (dream exit induced lucid dream), mostly happens if you think about your last dream and dont move too much.
      Liked On: 04-26-2015, 05:44 PM
    6. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Kaan On thread : ANAMNESIS a short Film close to LD
      Sure! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51WEDxbqJdo
      Liked On: 04-23-2015, 01:46 PM
    7. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Zoth On thread : ANAMNESIS a short Film close to LD
      They are starting a web series about lucid dreaming, I've seen the trailer and it looks AMAZING. We'll have to wait 2 weeks to watch it. Hopefully we can get a thread going to discuss the episodes...
      Liked On: 04-23-2015, 01:45 PM
    8. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Tiny On thread : What is the most pointless thing you did while lucid?
      my sides :laughtillhurts:
      Liked On: 12-27-2014, 09:20 PM
    9. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by FryingMan On thread : What is the most pointless thing you did while lucid?
      Liked On: 12-23-2014, 10:50 PM
    10. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Memm On thread : How MILD Really Works
      Introduction Hello everyone! For the past couple of years I have been studying mnemotechnics which, on the surface, is about using memory techniques to enhance memorisation and recall. Going...
      Liked On: 12-20-2014, 08:13 PM
    11. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Brite On thread : Hopefully a helpful tip for beginners doing ADA
      For those practicing ADA/Lucid Living (and reality checks for that matter): When you first start trying to keep up awareness and you've suddenly realized that you had become absentminded -- after...
      Liked On: 12-20-2014, 07:58 PM
    12. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by Jaquan On thread : What techniques to have the least and most difficulty with.
      In this thread we post our two easiest dream techniques, our two weakest, and try to give the best explanation we can as to why this is the case. I'm hoping we can develop some better understanding...
      Liked On: 12-16-2014, 09:25 PM
    13. Saschavs
      Saschavs liked post by RavenOfShadow On thread : Very Successful Quick Trick to aid Reality Checks
      Hey guys; haven't been on the forums in a long time but I have continued lucid dreaming in my absence. A recent trick has been getting me great success, and I figured I'd hop on to share it. ...
      Liked On: 12-15-2014, 07:20 PM
    View Saschavs's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Fighting with a friend, perverted JB, small lucid

    by Saschavs on 04-24-2015 at 02:30 PM
    Non-lucid / Lucid / Awake

    I'm walking down some stairs, talking about a friend of mine. I say she's very bossy and annoying and when I look behind me, I see she has heard everything.
    A little while later, the same thing happens. I talk about the same friend, say she's annoying and then I find out she's walking in front of me and has heard everything.
    She takes me outside to look at an almost empty parking lot. At first I think she's gonna talk to me about what I said about her, but surprisingly enough, she doesn't. I'm mad at her but I don't know why.

    I'm in a big hall, crowded with people, when suddenly Justin Bieber approaches me. I stay cool (I'm not a fan but he is pretty famous and shit) when he talks to me. He says some perverted shit and I get angry. Then he tells me he wants to have sex with me and normally, in a dream, I would agree to have sex with him but I'm still angry and tell him to go fuck himself.

    I wake up in my bed and instantly know it's a dream. My bed, however, is very warm and comfy and I just don't want to get out. I look at a mirror on my desk to see if I can summon something scary because I'm in the mood for some scary stuff but it doesn't happen.
    I pull my blanket over my head and just enjoy being in my bed. Then I realize I'm wasting my time in a lucid dream so I jump through the window.
    The detail outside is incredible! The streets look just so real and so does the sky. I'm amazed and decide to find Castiel (from the tv show Supernatural). I approach two boys to ask them where Castiel is, but they run away. Before I can run after them I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid

    First lucid of the new year! Happy new year everyone!

    by Saschavs on 01-01-2015 at 01:45 PM
    I was in my bedroom at my dad's house. I don't know how exactly I became lucid, but I did, and tried to switch the light on. I closed my eyes, imagined the lights on and opened them and it worked. I then stood there thinking about what I wanted to do. I remembered that I shouldn't be thinking about it too long, because I would waste my dream. I decided I wanted to go to my mom's house. I tried changing the scenery several times, but it didn't work. I did the nose-pinch RC to be sure that I was dreaming. I was, indeed, dreaming so I decided to find another way to get to my mom's house. I went to the bathroom to find a mirror and I put my hand through it, for some reason though I didn't want to use the mirror and suddenly someone ran into the bathroom.
    "Hurry! They're trying to get everyone out of the house, you should hide if you want to stay here," the dream character said. I thanked my subconscious for helping me at the right moment and went outside. I saw a huge UFO and I got in. I told myself that we would be at my mom's house soon and the UFO landed.
    I lost lucidity because I didn't remind myself that I was dreaming. I recognized the place where we had landed as my mom's house, but it actually was a city. I walked around for a little bit and I didn't like it. It was too dark. Almost like a nightmare. I saw people running around like zombies, fighting each other and stealing stuff. Someone told me I had to run because it was Christmas. I said: "But Christmas is supposed to be fun!"
    "Not here. Here, all the people try to steal stuff for themselves because nobody gives them presents."

    Then I woke up.

    Also, I remember a dream fragment where I'm talking to a friend of mine and she suddenly shows me an essay she wrote. It was about lucid dreaming, and I was surprised that she wanted to write an essay about that.
    "I didn't know you were into that stuff?" I asked.
    "Yeah it's quite interesting. You do that too, right?" she said. "How do you become lucid?"
    "Usually by performing a RC when I see something strange," I answered. "In fact, you should do them very regularly so you'll be performing one in a dream too!"
    "What kind of RC do you use?" she then asked.
    "The nose-pinch RC usually works for me," I said.
    "Can you show me how that one works?" she asked.
    "Nooo, not now. We're in public, it probably looks very weird and I don't wanna be seen as a weirdo or something," I said.

    My subconscious was helping me so well oh my god, I'm so stupid.

    Updated 01-01-2015 at 01:54 PM by Saschavs


    Jumping over a fence

    by Saschavs on 12-15-2014 at 08:28 PM
    Not dreaming dreaming (non-lucid) Lucid

    Okay so before I start telling you about my dream, here's some information that you might want to know to understand the dream. In real life I have three horses, two small ones and one big, fat one (sorry, but she's quite fat). Normally they're all in the same meadow and that goes great.
    I was standing in front of the fence which keeps the horses from leaving the meadow. The weird thing was, the horses weren't in the meadow but they were standing right beside me. Apparently they couldn't enter the meadow because of that fence and they couldn't jump over it. I started looking for a place where they might be able to enter the meadow because I was afraid they'd run away or something.
    I found a small spot where there was a small gap in the fence. The two little horses got through it but my bigger one couldn't. She tried anyway and I said: "You can't get in there, you're too fat you idiot." She turned and looked me in the eye, as if she was trying to read my mind. "I know," she said. I was like woah, horses can't talk, right? So I immediately started thinking this was a dream. But then thought: nahh, maybe she can talk. It does make sense. .
    I told her I would jump over the fence to show her that she could to. I ran and when I approached the fence, I fell.

    Then I woke up

    Zombie game (non-lucid)

    by Saschavs on 12-07-2014 at 11:23 AM
    I was at school and there was a competition. A certain amount of people would be transformed into zombies and the last "normal" person who survived, would win a prize. Also, all zombies had to be killed before the winner would be announced.
    I decided to play and 51% of the people were transformed into zombies. I was surrounded by zombies and got kinda scared so instead of killing them, I thought: "Hmm, the other players will kill them so I'll just hide somewhere."
    Suddenly I was in a plane and I saw that there were three zombies killing the pilot. I pretended to be a zombie and when the real zombies walked away I tried to control the plane. I had no idea how I was supposed to be flying a plane so I had the genius idea that I would push it off a building and then I would probably fly -_-.
    Somehow it worked and soon I was flying over the landscape when I realised that there could only be 1 winner. All the other "winners" had to be killed too so I jumped out of the plane and ran back to the school. There were no zombies, but also no humans. I walked around when I heard voices coming out of a hallway. Since zombies can't speak (at least, not in my dreams) I supposed they were human and that it was safe.
    I walked in and there were two other people and zombies! I instantly knew it was a trap and tried to run away but the zombies caught me.
    I soon discovered that the zombies had killed all the other people and only us three were left, so they also wanted to kill us. With a sword.
    They killed a friend of mine, and when they wanted to kill another person, they started giving a speech. I saw my chance so I fought the zombies together with that other person and just before we won, I woke up .