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    Too many false awakenings

    by Sasso0o on 07-12-2016 at 10:12 PM
    I had an LD tonight. I went to bed around 8:30 pm for a nap but it took me some time to fall asleep, and I woke up at 10 pm. I rarely have LDs at night, but my sleeping times are messed up currently anyway.

    It started with some painful sensations like the last time but I was aware I was dreaming this time, and tried to get rid of them but couldn't but at least I knew they were not real, so I suffered less. Then I thought I woke up and realized it was false awakening and became conscious again, and false awakenings kept happening, probably 5 times. I tried to summon somethings each time, but it didn't always work. There was never a time enough to go with the flow and live a story or something but I had some fun in between them.

    I remember in one of the false awakenings, I thought that my body moved in real life while spinning in the dream. I thought that because when I woke up (not really, just a false awakening) I found myself in a weird position and floating! and that sounded realistic to me at the time until I realized later I was still dreaming.
    lucid , false awakening

    Lucid Dream turned to a painful nightmarish false awakening

    by Sasso0o on 06-29-2016 at 10:20 PM
    I was having trouble sleeping, and the last time I checked the clock it was past 8 am I and woke up around 9 am, so it wasn't a long sleep.

    I was having a normal dream and I realized I was dreaming, I was excited but somehow I was floating over my bed unable to change my position. I almost always have full control over my body when I LD, but this time I had only control over my mind. I ignored that and tried to conjure something behind the door while floating over my bed and failed.

    Then suddenly I was in my bed thinking I'm awake but I wasn't. I had very painful sensations.

    I felt like a couple of balls are moving inside my skull, they were moving and crawling under my skin, and I was shaking badly.

    I also felt hot air coming out of my ears. I can't remember every sensation now, but I was in so much pain and trying to fight it. I tried to move my body and it made things worse. It all felt so real but I think at some point I realized that it wasn't because I tried to snap out of it and I woke up.

    It didn't feel like sleep paralysis because that's not how it felt in previous experiences but probably the same person experiences it in many different ways.

    I failed to sleep after, and I am still awake with only 3 or 4 scattered hours of sleep in the last 34 hours .

    I opened a discussion about it here including a previous recurrent experience.

    Old LDs that I was lazy to record

    by Sasso0o on 06-29-2016 at 10:11 PM
    I haven't had many LDs lately.

    I didn't record the last 2 here because there were not much details, but I used my LD app on mobile to save the dates, April 30 and May 5.

    For the April LD, I remember trying to run too fast, I probably turned to a wolf at some point running on four, but my memory is fuzzy now. I also recall asking questions that went unanswered for the first time, maybe because I said something and waited a comment instead of asking directly.

    I don't remember anything about the May LD because I fell asleep after it, and my entry on the app says "Don't remember details" .

    In the next post, I will write about my today's LD.

    Vague LD

    by Sasso0o on 03-20-2016 at 10:08 PM
    I had an LD this morning with a false awakening after it, so the memory of the LD is very vague now, but I just wanted to record the day by posting here
    lucid , false awakening

    Not so lucid dream on a screen

    by Sasso0o on 02-17-2016 at 05:29 PM
    I dreamed about lucid dreaming using WILD technique (I usually do DILD in reality). I had an SP, and the whole Wow, I am dreaming, like it would happen in real LDs, but I wasn't really lucid because the dream was totally irrational.

    Instead of being in the dream, I watched my dream on a small transparent screen in a car, I saw some fantasy-like images on this screen, a very vivid blue fantasy-like bird. Close to this picture.

    Also an amazing vivid pink flower.

    Then somehow I managed to move my (not so) real hands and touch them inside the dream (which is happening on the screen ), I was amazed at the fact that I could move my real hands while in SP (I wasn't even lying down, I was siting sleep paralyzed ). I freaked out, and woke up (not really) and wrote about that in some LD group and probably in DreamViews too. I'm sure the touching inside dream thing was influenced by something I read a few weeks ago about someone who could move their hand in real life while lucid dreaming.

    According to my notes when I was half-awake (for real) I almost had another fake LD before I woke up for real. My memory is foggy right now as many hours have passed, but the picture of the bird stayed on my mind for a while after waking up and it was really amazing. I've never seen these vivid colors in my dreams before. I had a banana before bed and another before the dream when I woke up for the bathroom (because I was having some tummy issues ), could that be the reason for vividness ?