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    1. Quantiq
      Quantiq liked post by Solarflare On thread : Hey nobody like this post okay?
      kay done
      Liked On: 10-07-2011, 08:03 PM
    2. tommo
      tommo liked post by Solarflare On thread : What Age did you Toss the V-Card
      i still see a dick coming out of the ground in that emoticon :/ one might even say cuming out of the ground :chuckle:
      Liked On: 10-07-2011, 02:31 PM
    3. JasonC
      JasonC liked post by Solarflare On thread : Don't know if this has already been discovered or not...
      because its win win :shadewink:
      Liked On: 10-07-2011, 05:39 AM
    4. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by Solarflare On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      i didnt recieve a new like :crying: at the risk of not sounding like a troll allow me to say something relevent Maybe instead of posting that you could have studied? :wink: Its your brain...
      Liked On: 10-07-2011, 03:04 AM
    5. fOrceez
      fOrceez liked post by Solarflare On thread : The Alone Mantra Technique
      well, wouldnt you rather get a possible 1 lucid dream with this method if its a placebo instead of not trying because it could be a placebo?
      Liked On: 10-06-2011, 09:00 AM
    6. Supernova
      Supernova liked post by Solarflare On thread : Sitting here looking at my laptop,
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 08:07 PM
    7. Avalanche
      Avalanche liked post by Solarflare On thread : The Alone Mantra Technique
      you dont have to say its a placebo over and over again because a) you could be wrong b) it might hinder our progress so just keep it to yourself kay? :)
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 02:13 PM
    8. fOrceez
      fOrceez liked post by Solarflare On thread : What Type of Penis Do you Prefer?
      haha you didnt quote properly nananananananana
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 01:13 PM
    9. tommo
      tommo liked post by Solarflare On thread : Sitting here looking at my laptop,
      HOLY ZOMBIE JESUS it happens to be too!!!!! only sometimes!
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 12:24 PM
    10. kookyinc
      kookyinc liked post by Solarflare On thread : What Type of Penis Do you Prefer?
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 12:15 PM
    11. Seroquel
      Seroquel liked post by Solarflare On thread : DV Quotes
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 03:53 AM
    12. Seroquel
      Seroquel liked post by Solarflare On thread : DV Quotes
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 03:53 AM
    13. Seroquel
      Seroquel liked post by Solarflare On thread : Sitting here looking at my laptop,
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 02:10 AM
    14. shaquisha
      shaquisha liked post by Solarflare On thread : im new
      this post is so ignored T_T anyways, that guide is really helpful to get you started with lucid dreaming tryin to get some sense in here :P
      Liked On: 10-04-2011, 11:04 PM
    15. shaquisha
      shaquisha liked post by Solarflare On thread : im new
      or take it to senseless banter?
      Liked On: 10-04-2011, 11:03 PM
    Page 55 of 106 FirstFirst ... 5 45 53 54 55 56 57 65 105 ... LastLast
    View Solarflare's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    The Blackout and the futuristic city

    by Solarflare on 04-22-2012 at 12:14 AM
    This dream was very vivid. Much more vivid than my usual dreams. From the scenery (which was extremely detailed) to my emotions, to the way dream characters acted.

    The dream began at an intersection. It was nighttime, but it was still very bright. This was due to the cars and the streetlights illuminating the road. I was near my school. But the road leading to it was very dark compared to the bright main road. It didn't look menacing or anything though. I was with 3 friends and we were the only people there. 2 of them were female and 1 male. I believe we walked to the school and entered it. We watched some presentation or something then we left the school.

    We walked back to the intersection and began talking and stuff. I don't know why we were at the intersection at the first place. Soon everything became black. The streetlights turned off, and all the lights in the houses turned off. The only thing still on was the car lights, but they weren't bright enough to illuminate the road. It wasn't pitch black, but I couldn't see at all. One of the girls said we should go to the school. So they began walking. When she realized I wasn't following her because I couldn't see properly. She grabbed my hand and led me to the school.

    We began talking about something. I don't remember what, but I was really happy for some reason .

    We made it to the school and I entered it. I watched another presentation by principal Skinner (from the Simpsons). I couldn't find a place to sit, so I sat awkwardly in the corner of the room

    Then we left the school and walked back to the intersection. I saw another friend and asked him if his phone was working. He said it wasn't due to the 'Blackout'. I replyed, but how can't the phone work? He replyed about something about satellites or something >_>.

    All the lights were back on, but the group percieved the world as still in a black out. The traffic lights weren't working, so a gas station at the intersection (it just appeared there) built a McDonalds trafficlight. It was very bright and soon it told us we could go. WE began walking across the road and we continued walking until we saw a beautiful city in front of us. It was very futuristic (but small). There were 3 blue chrome like buildings in the front of the city. Behind it there were lights of all different colours and those lazers that appear during concerts (i dont know what they are called). In the dream I thought it was Hollywood for some reason.

    I walked to the city and I saw yet another friend with his father. But they were wearing sleek black robes and they were about 5x taller than an average human. I don't remember if I talked to them or not.

    After that I got invaded (this paragraph will contain Dark Souls terminology, so you may skip it). The person invading me was a Darkmoon Warrior wearing Robes. I used this magic attack on him (that isnt in the game) where a bunch of slashes appeared out of my hands (the dream is now in third person btw). It was dong approx 27 damage per hit. Soon he died and I continued.

    I suddenly realized I was late for a train ride and that invasion only left me 2 minutes to get on it. So I ran to the blue futuristic train and got on it.

    I dont remember the train ride except that it was a sidescrolling game from that point on >_>

    I don't know why, but this was one of my favourite dreams So thank you brain
    non-lucid , memorable

    Library and Car Chase >.> <.<

    by Solarflare on 09-03-2011 at 03:44 PM
    I started out at a large library at the second floor looking for books. I was with my friends looking for books. All i remember was like 20 minutes looking for books and i dont know how to write that anymore than i did.

    Then i went to the entrance to check them out and one of my friends was like 'how long is this book' and she was holding a book called Darkwing (its a real book) and i was like:

    ''iunno, 690 pages?''

    Then she looked shocked, with a face like ''i dont want to read a book that long!!'' Then she went to ask the librarian and she said that it was 690 pages and 126 chapters. Then my bro who suddenly appeared was like

    ''do you actually like Darkwing''

    ''DUH!'' i replied.

    We walked out the library into our cars (appearantly i can drive in the dream) i went into my car and my bro into his car and we started driving. I was driving WAY to fast and soon one of the trucks in front of me fliped in the air and crashed in front of me. I then crashed into it.

    Journeys across the fields

    by Solarflare on 09-01-2011 at 01:03 PM
    The dream was very vivid, but i only remember long fragments of it and i dont know the order they go in.

    I was running across a field and in the right there was a large ocean, on the left was more field.

    the grass looked like that and it was darker and the field looked much bigger than that. I remember running to do something but i dont remember what.


    I remember running back from that same field except there were littlebigplanet flower decorations everwhere. The flowers did not have stems

    This is a flower decoration. I was like WTF, because i wante to decorate the field. But my bro came and said he did it and i was like whatever. I ran through the field now plastered with flower decorations here and there.


    We were looking at a PS3 trophy list to see if there are any trophies that are easy to get in the field said before (this isnt a video game in my dream but..... yeah).


    My bro is playing Pokemon White and he is on a gym leader.


    The end ^ .^

    Some Boston Pizza Dream

    by Solarflare on 08-31-2011 at 02:53 PM
    I remember thi dream being long, but i have no idea what happened. My bro asked me where i wanted to eat and i said Boston Pizza, so we went there. I Dont remember what happened after i got out of that car :/

    Awesome Dream

    by Solarflare on 08-29-2011 at 05:30 PM
    It all began at an outdoor fast food restaurant in a forest. The restaurant was in a glass dome in the forest. I dont remember what i was doing there, so i will skipp to the worm massacre part of my dream

    Someone in the restaurant was telling me about a worm massacre that happened because of the hurricane. People (5 or 6 years old) were running away from worms, HUGE 20 feet worms that were digging in and out of the ground and jumping the the air. The sky was dark and cloudy. Many kids were being massacred by the worms. Soon it ended.

    I was then at another dome with escalators and i was going up and down the escalators in a line wth like 50 other people. Soon there was a piano and i tried playing a song but i couldnt.So people started getting mad at me.

    Soon something happened and i was in a fire world playing as Squall, Zell and Irvine from FFVIII (i'm going to use some FFVIII words here so if you dont understand BOO HOO). I was in a lava world and i was looking for a castle which i found shortly after. Something happened and then i was in the escalator area and i was fighting a boss. The FFVIII boss music was coming.

    So i paused during the boss fight and began Junctioning (FFVIII wording ALERT). I junctioned Holy to HP and began yelling that i only had 60 holys which is very little. Then i looked at Elem-Att-J and said fuck it. I then battled him. He kill me very quicly.

    THE END!